Sunday, June 2, 2013

PIGGY and MATTIE MAE :Unconditional

So ok, Axel is good at what he do. I give him that. But he starting to get on my last nerve. I mean he won't let up. Everything I do he scrutinizes and his reason for it is always that that is what the general public of Houston has already done. Yeah so he says. He don't know that Houston is mine. I don't think he's quite grasp that just yet. "Soo all in all how does this look for me, Axel?" I watch him scratch and rub his chin. Rolex watch. Opal cuff links. Tailored slacks. Power adorns this man. "Well Coyle, I'd say we have about a seventy five percent chance of acquittal. There's a twenty five percent chance that they'll convict based on the evidence that they have against you, Courtney. But now I want you to understand that you have me for an attorney so there won't be any room for that twenty five percent. My completion rate is up there with the Mannings." He was confident. Sure. Besides that I knew they didn't have much on me anyhow. Most of their evidence was circumstantial. They didn't have a murder weapon and no proof that I had even been in the apartment that night. I watched my attorney study me. "Question?" "Go ahead, Axel." He's hesitant. He has plenty he wants to ask me just don't know how to approach  me. "You wanna know if things could've been different, huh?" He nodded. "I loved him. If there had been any other way then yes I would have gone that route. But I'm a survivor Axel. That's what I know how to do. I thought that Drell and I had a future." Axel listened. "You know sometimes I'm nervous about being so candid with you about all of this." He didn't flinch. "I told you. Lawyer-Client confidentiality protect you and holds me to certain standards. I could either get disbarred or in this situation with you get killed. I don't prefer that either of those things happen." You would think that this upcoming trial would consume most of my attention these days but  I was more concerned about my business and running the city of Houston. It was something I thought about night and day. It had consumed me. It had been a few days though since I had checked on or heard from Mattie Mae. She was dying and I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do about it. I needed her now more than ever but the crazy thing was she needed me too. We needed each other. I touch my grandmother's cross around my neck. I can't explain the solace it brought me. "Axel, I need to see my grandmother. Check on her." "You talking about Ms. Hayes?" "Yeah. I haven't mentioned her to you before." He nodded. "That's my job. I've already talked to her. She loves you dearly, Coyle." "That's why I need to go and see about her." "Okay, cool. I'll drive." I wasn't asking him to chauffer me but I really wasn't in the mood to argue with him. We rode in silence. I saw the reason he then want me coming here by myself. We turned on my street and there was Channel ll, Channel 13, Channel 2 and Channel 26 news vans everywhere. "You trust me now, Courtney?" "Of course not, Axel. I've admitted to you several times that I'm guilty of murder and you don't react." He laughs. "Let me get out first." Its like the flood gates have opened. Axel opens my door and a swarm of reporters are in my face. "Sgt. Coyle, what are your feelings about what the state is saying about you?"  "Are you guilty Coyle?" "Sgt. Coyle, where is your son during all of this?" "What was the nature of your and Agent Spivey's relationship?" "What is your relationship to Madison Hayes?" "Is it true that you're in association with Reginald Blount?" Axel squeezes my hand and addresses the mob. "Excuse me but my client has no comment at this time and asks that you give her and her family some privacy during this time." They pushed further but we made it to my Mattie Mae's door. I walked in and she looked frail. She rushed to put on a wig but I forbade it. "No maam, Ms. Madison. This is your home." She smiled. "I look a mess Courtney. And you brought this handsome young man back to see me." Axel bowed. "Beautiful as a Texas sunset Ms. Hayes, a wig could do you no justice." He gently kissed her hand. My heart skipped a beat. "Courtney, I like him. Y'all hungry? I could whip something up real quick." "No Mattie. I wanted to see you. I miss you." She rubbed her hand down my face and kissed my cheek and I was a five year old little girl again. I didn't want to be anywhere but here. "Young man can you help me over to my chair? I'm feeling a little winded." Axel gently took her hand and she hung on to him. I was seeing a different side of Jeremy Axel. He wasn't the shark I normally saw in the courtroom. No this was a gentleman that had been obviously raised right. "Your hair is so pretty, Courtney. Let me see it." I went and got a comb and some Ultra Sheen grease with Tea Tree oil. I sat down on the floor between her knees and she ran her hands through my mane. "You been taking care of it I see. Jeremy this child here loves her locks you hear. This scalp a little dry but Mattie Mae will take care of that for my sweet girl." I closed my eyes while she parted my hair and rubbed grease on my scalp. She hummed No Ways Tired and I could smell Rare Gold and Sanka Coffee. "Mattie Mae, I'm so sorry about all this." She shushed me. "I did my last round of chemo last week. I'm not doing anymore." I opened my eyes and saw Axel seated across from us on the loveseat. "That means my days are numbered. I spoke with Jeremy here about my will and last arrangements Courtney." I feel tears stinging my eyes and now my cheeks. "You and Cobee are the only family I have. I want you and him to be taken care of." She rubbed more grease on my scalp. "I just need your signature to finalize everything." "Don't leave me, Mattie Mae." I hear myself saying this. Axel hangs his head. "Its okay, Courtney. I won't leave you. But I'm dying and we have to face this." I held onto her leg. Jeremy stood up. "Ms. Hayes I'll give you and Courtney a minute." He sniffled and left. I just wanted her to hold me. She held my face in her hands. "Courtney, I know this is hard for you. I know but I've lived a full life especially since you and that baby came into it. I like to think that I've raised you too and I know you'll make it out of this and do the right thing. Take care of my great grand baby." She kissed my forehead and I cried like a baby. I couldn't help it. All the money and power in the world couldn't stop this. I signed papers making me the last and only heir to her estate. Fact is I had been searching for love all of my life but Madison Hayes had taught me a different kind of love and it was unconditional.