Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Piggy AND her DOA: Studewoods Package

Its time I dress. Capt says there's a package in Studewoods we need to take care of. Black jeans. Black T-shirt. Black Nike Air Force 1s. Nude lipgloss. I slick my locks back into a ponytail. I'm feeling drained. Lately, it's like I have this looming feeling of exhaustion. Why? I never get enough sleep. I know that. And I know not enough sleep can have a drastic effect on  your health. Then there's Michael David. He turns me on. I can't explain it. He's been following me for months now. His office is across the way. I know what kind of car he drives. The type of cologne he wears. He has an impeccable taste in suits. That's what sets him apart from most G-men. Tailor made everything. Bulgari this. Micheal Kors that. When he's deep in thought, I know that he rubs that bald head of his. He's an insomniac like me. Spends many of his days in expensive hotel suites. Writes to relieve stress. I drive him crazy. He's in a relationship, and its dysfunctional at best. He fantasizes about me like I do him. I drive him crazy because he can't figure me out. Can't analyze me or compartmentalize who I am. Adjust my harness and think about sitting in front of him. I rub his bald head while he kisses my thighs. Easy Piggy. Pressing issues. I have got to get a handle on the climate here in Houston. You hear all kinds of things. The streets is talking. I'm cool with that. A lot of negative shit is being said and I embrace that. It's when they aren't talking about you, you should be concerned. How I miss my daddy. We talked about everything. Everything I know today almost I learned from ______. "Coyle, get your ass downstairs. We're ready to load up!!!" I swear Fairfield got on my last nerves most times. I looked at the case file on my desk. Gaines, Marcus. DOB June 16, 1978. Born and raised in Houston, Texas. From Cashmere Gardens. In and out of the system his whole life. Black male. Three children. Two girlfriends. Plenty Priors. He holding my dope warrant. Cop Killer huh. So this is personal. DOA capeus. First day back on the job in a while and this is what I gotta deal with? He got a 50k purse on  his head though. I'm with it. Pictures of his girlfriends in here. I see he likes redbones. I may have found an angle. "Team, we got a lead on Gaines?" First one to speak up is Harrison. Internally I suck my teeth and roll my eyes. Harrison is a real asshole. I suspect he want me too. "Yeah, Coyle. He's laid up with one of his old ladies right now. We were told that he has an AK. So we're probably gone have to put him down." I hoped not. I wanted this ordeal to go as peacefully as possible. "Let's hope not Harrison. Hopefully we can all go home." I checked the magazine and got in the van. Again like I had done so many times before, I looked at the men and one other woman who surrounded me. We all had shields to defend and had taken an oath to serve and protect the city of Houston. That’s what we all had in common. I believe it was Alan Pinkerton who first coined the term “police subculture”. It’s true. There’s a camaraderie surrounding us and it is hard to understand if you are not in the trenches with us. People hate you for different reasons. But hell let’s face it. Most people hate us because we’re cops. I put a piece of Big Red gum in my mouth. I never go out without gum. I pass it around. We chew methodically and quiet. Not much to say because we know this situation is probably gonna turn out bad. I touch the cross around my neck that my Mattie Mae gave me. Say a prayer and listen to Brad Jordan’s Southside on my Pandora. Gotta love Scarface the South Acres Fool! I look at Marcus Gaine’s picture once more and load a slug in the chamber. “I hope you play nice with Piggy.” My team erupts in a fit of laughter. I’ve lightened the mood. Off to defend my city.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Michael LEADS a Horse to Cognac! Piggy Drinks

Courtney Danielle Coyle. They call her Piggy. Beautiful woman. The alias Piggy sorta fits her. She puts on this show for me. Has been doing so for the last couple of months. I dig it. I'm fascinated by her. The bureau hired me to get all that I can on Ms. Coyle. Her ins and outs. What she did day to day. Her friends. Her family. Was there some dirty secrets about her? Things like that. Funny thing is I had enough to do a case study on her. I knew that she had a sick shoe fetish. I mean it was exactly the same way another person would be hooked on crack. She was the daughter of the legendary ____ and her mother is Belinda Elliott Coyle or should I say Hon. Elliott-Coyle. She had been a cop now for more than thirteen years. One son. One ex husband. One mortgage. Three brand new cars no car notes. How the hell does one do that on a cop's salary? When they first brought me the package on CC, I couldn't believe it. Some of the things they were accusing this woman of was crazy. I saw faraway pictures of her and she was the classic Southern beauty. Caramel complexion. Thick. She wore her hair in blonde tresses. Nice ass. Shapely legs. I saw a close up of her and her eyes told both stories and war tales. Still I was lost in them. I stayed on the road for more than 200 days out of the year. My relationship with Raquel was over with. I mean the sex was good, don't get me wrong but past that, it was nothing. I can't even go over how many nights I had replaced her in my fantasies with this horse I was now stalking. Crazy thing is I knew she knew I was following her. I've been with the bureau a long time. I fixed things. Whether that was field work, or what they called philantrophic. I handled my business. I have pictures of Spivey's body on my desk. They seem to think that Ms. Coyle is responsible for it. How in the hell did she do this? I never liked Drell Spivey but I was sorry to hear he had gotten knocked off. Especially like this. He was on his way out the door anyway. I imagine what she sounds like when she whispering nasty things. Wonder what her hands and lips would feel like up and down on my di-I adjust myself as I watch her. She has on some expensive pumps and nothing but a men's shirt and I swear I wanna jump through this window to get to her. Instead I think I'll pour myself another drink. I rub my head. Bald. Wouldn't dream of growing out my hair. I got a salt and pepper goatee but my mama says this baby face of mine gives it away. This gray hair comes from stress and not age. She sits down on her desk and spreads her legs. I see her Bermuda Triangle and imagine her sun tanning my face. Courtney was something else. That walk of hers. It screamed sexy. Feminine. Powerful. The bureau wants to destroy this beautiful creature. Hell for all I know she may need to be destroyed but what if.... I hear Groove with you playing on this Bose radio. I shake my glass. Love the way ice sound. This alcohol is smooth but burns going down. Michael, you need to get this together. Shake her off. She poison. But I think I'm the anectdote.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Passionate Forceful Pensive Piggy

Reckon I need to get myself up and do some work. I'm almost out of wet naps. I try to keep some on hand to clean myself up after well you know. At least my nose didn't bleed this time. I swear I was always trying to justify my habit. The truth really was that it was getting out of hand. I'm still tryna figure out how I'm going to be the shoe merchandising King when I can't get off shoes. That's my only problem. I still thought about David. I could've called him but everytime I tried something always stopped me. I don't know. Just seemed like it was too much. You can't love me like no square. Something was still gnawing at me about my Mattie Mae. The bloody tissues I had found and then lately she had just been looking so drained. Then she would disappear for hours during the day and I wouldn't know where the hell she was. She always says that I'm overly suspicious and that was the cop in me. Hmmn. I ain't no damn fool. Something's going on with that old woman. I was gone find out too. Shit it was damn near midnight now. My phone rung right on time. "What's up Texas Tea?" "Piggy, I got my pistol on this dirty uniform. Thompson, he say his name is. You know him?" I chuckled. My bitch bad! "Easy Tameika. Yeah I know him. I sent him there. Didn't know you was out there tonite." "I was just stopping through. I got a banquet tomorrow and wanted a silver pair of Miu Mius to go with my dress." "Oh yeah. What color is your dress?" "It's Midnight blue." I'm thinking that would go perfect with her skin complexion and silver is always pretty. "Don't kill him chick. He's a cop. That's capital murder." I heard her suck her teeth. "Bitch don't you know it. You know all about cop killing don't you?" I heard her cackle. I swear Batman never had to put up with all this slickness from Robin. "Just let him make it Meika. I gotta go. Call me later." "Bet." So Thompson could take instruction. Meika just text me. Video. I had camera surveillance amped up at all Albro's warehouses. He had an alright system mind you but I needed to amp it up. I had 24 hour access to it at all times. My employees that worked in them came in damn near naked. I didn't need no incidents or I wasn't taking no losses if I didn't have to. I love the view from my office. Not many people would still be here this time of night. The Amegy building was directly across the street. He and I would always be here at this time of night. I had nicknamed this cat Mr. Bald, salt and pepper gray goatee. He always had on a nice shirt. Silk tie untied around his neck. No wedding ring. Watch that costs more than a cop's yearly salary. He drinks. Always has a glass of amber colored liquid. He rubs his goatee when he's thinking. I know he watches me like I watch him. So I brought with me a men's shirt black Chinese Laundry Vamped pumps. I have on fushia La Perla bra and panty set. I undress right in front of my office window I button the men's shirt halfway and imagine that its his. He raises his glass to me. I stand on top of my desk in heels and I walk across my desk. Now I'm seated with on my desk tattooed thighs spread. I watch him. This man holds power. Its different from the power I hold. He nurses that drink with the other hand rubbing his neck. This has been our routine the better part of a year. I don't even know his name. I'm high as shit right now but I can clearly see that sexy smile of his. Sex Weed plays on the radio. I bite my bottom lip and think about what if...Then my radio goes off and I hear my name being called. I wave at him. He kisses two fingers and waves back. Um King Piggy