Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Piggy's Down on her Axel!!!

I was shook a little bit. No sense denying that. I knew I couldn't live my life on the run like this. Reggie B did his job though. He came through for me and help me put things in perspective. I owed him big. I took his whip and drove clean to Galveston. Paid cash for a room. I was careful calling my daddy. Reggie had given me a burner phone but I knew how a lotta niggas thought they were safe on these and the police would be listening in the whole time. I made sure the line was clear. "Daddy, I'm in Galveston." "Good Trouble. You safe?" "Yea. Nerves a lil bad though. I don't know how you did this and for so long." I hear him chuckle a bit. "I told you this wasn't what you wanted. This ain't no easy life. Look here I got you a good attorney. His name is Jeremy Axel. He's a helluva defense attorney. He don't like cops much at all but his win rate is awesome. I've already spoken with him. He's agreed to meet with you." Jeremy Axel huh? I knew who Jeremy Axel was. He was one of the best defense attorneys in the state of Texas. I give him that. We didn't like him because so many of his clients had been suspects of ours that he had gotten off on technicalities. We had a conversation once. "Axel, so you comfortable sleeping at night knowing you responsible for that asshole being released?" He smiled. My heart did something funny. Brown. Broad shoulders. Meticously trimmed beard and goatee. Italian Ferragamo shoes. And a suit tailor made that I am sure wore him to look good. He walked towards me and his cologne stirred senses in me. "Coyle, you really are an attractive woman. But that mouth of yours..." He stood over me and I all of a sudden felt naked. "You heard what I said." He rubbed his beard. Sat his briefcase down and crossed his arms. "You charged Hayes with possession and the intent to distribute. I'm almost certain he's guilty of all those things, Coyle. Thing is we live in America. It's up to the D.A. to prove those things." He grabbed one of my locks and gently wrapped it through his fingers. I exhaled. "The home team didn't do that. So the answer to your outburst is that I sleep just fine, Officer. As a matter of fact on Egyptian cotton. I smiled. "Next time, Axel." "You better know it, Coyle." My daddy says he paid him a two hundred thousand dollar retainer. Wanted to meet with me today. "Can he be trusted, Daddy?" "Trouble, he's an attorney. Hell naw, he can't be trusted. But there is something called client-attorney confidentiality and he's a professional. He won't cross those lines. You know that Blount boy? What's his name uh Reggie b? That lil nigga there a live wire but he thorough. He's represented him several times over." Interesting, I didn't know that. I loved hearing my daddy, a kingpin speak about my buddy Reggie. "Ok, send him out here then." "Alright, give me the address then." Nothing on T.V. except pictures of me and Drell plastered everywhere. I saw an interview that was done with Derrick Thompson. It really wasn't an interview because Thompson didn't have much to say. He looked directly into the camera and said, "Coyle is a good cop. I'm sure all of this will be cleared up. I hope she's safe and everything is back to business as usual." I nodded my head. You can't buy loyalty these days. It's earned. Reckon I had paid my dues. I'm hungry. What I wouldn't give for  Mattie Mae's pecan waffles. Hadn't called in a day. I needed to check in with her. Truth is I was still worried about our time together getting small. Her days were numbered. I swear I'd give up everything I had if it would buy us more time. I loved Mattie Mae because she was mine and I was hers. It's chilly here in Gtown. The curtains are drawn and this room is almost completely dark. Daddy said Axel would call once he got on the island. Looking at the cheetah print inked into my arms and hips. Thinking about my mother's reaction when she saw em. I was itching to get high. I knew I wouldn't be here long so I brought a pair of Steve Madden ballerina flats that were on sale at Dillards. I didn't hv a tourniquet. So I wrapped a hotel towel around my arm and laid the right shoe on my vein and all of a sudden I could see a splash of color. I knew I had to kick this habbit. Couldn't survive on the run like this. Clouds my mind and judgement. Cell rings. Private number. "Yea." I hear him talking to someone else. "Coyle, wouldn't have figured you would ever  need my services." Okay so maybe I deserved that. No mistaking it now but I needed Jeremy Axel, Esquire. "Where are you, Axel?" "I'm exiting the bridge." He hung up. I scrambled to clean myself up I pulled on sweat pants over my boyshorts. Sllicked my blonde locks into a ponytail. Lipgloss. Black air force one sneakers. White tee. I touched Mattie Mae's cross around my neck. Knock on the door. Who could that be? Axel ain't got here that quick. "Room Service." I grabbed my .40. I've been in this too long. You wouldn't catch me slipping. I hear death bells ringing in my ear. I knew they weren't mine. Funny thing is that Pandora Radio is playing Johnnie Taylor's Too Many Memories. I crept the door open and prepared to make some memories of my own. If I die in Galveston County....

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