Sunday, August 7, 2011

Somebody Rings Piggy's DRELL

My dreams go back to the Mississippi Delta and my adolescence. Those were the days of the Leflore County Tigers. Temple Specials. Faygo soda. NYSP. Milton Spivey and my fifth grade year in Ms. Magee’s class. Back to the days where I was innocent. I think I was in love with Milton Spivey the first time I laid eyes on him. Then he opened his mouth. The class clown. He poked fun of me and everyone else too. But still I looked forward to going to school every day just to get a glimpse of him. Here we are fifteen-twenty years later. On cue at about six thirty a.m. he calls. “Wanted to know what you sound like in the morning.” I sit up in the hotel bed and laugh. “So what I sound like?” He was quiet for a second. “Good, make me wonder what you sound like when you whispering nasty things.” We both giggled at that. I thanked him for waking me up. Told him where I was and that I would meet him down in the hotel lobby. I had bought a change of clothes with me but I wanted to keep it simple. He had seen me jazzy. Now he would see me comfortable. I put on a pair of tight Levi’s, a t-shirt and a pair of Nike Airmax. I put my blonde locks in a ponytail. Washed my face really good. Brushed my teeth and put on clear lip gloss. I touched my Mattie Mae’s cross and threw on the DSW pendant. Diamond stud earrings. I was ready. My cell rings. It's Drell letting me know that he was downstairs in the hotel lobby. I grabbed my Gucci dump with my .45 at the bottom. Nothing against Drell. He was a d boy so I'm sure he would be strapped too. It was just that I was now a marked woman. Couldn't be too careful. Drell was in the lobby dressed in some jeans and a black Tshirt. Black airmax. No jewelry but he smelled great. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. He seemed taken aback by that. "Damn, I guess that was some conversation last night." I licked my lips. "I guess it was." He grabbed me by the hand and escorted me outside. Drell was in a Cutlass. Black. I love it. I got in and thought about being his hood ornament. There was something between him and me. It was strong and I couldn't fully explain it. I gave him the directions to Frank's. Frank's was the best breakfast spot in Houston. It was small and to some raggedy but they made the best pork chops and eggs in town. I turned to face him while he drove and I studied him. There was this deep insatiable feeling that I was having to want to jump him. His skin, beard, hair, the way he steered his car with one hand and held a Black and Mild cigar in the other. He looked at me watching him. "Courtney Coyle, why you watching me like that?" Hmmn. "Maybe I like what I see." "There you go, gasing me up. I like to ride on empty ok?" I laughed. How country was that? I bat my eyelashes at him. "Yeah so that's how your fat ass got these Texas niggas wrapped around your finger huh? Batting them pretty eyes." I started laughing and couldn't stop. "Who does that? Did you just call me fat?" He smiled. "Haven't I always called you that? I mean since we kids. What make you so special now?" I just looked at him. He had just called me fat and I was feeling some kind of way about it. "You know what make me special now." He shook his head. "Who would've thought that I would run into Courtney Coyle." We got on 610 and took it to Telephone Road. Frank's was packed as usual but they always made space for Houston cops. Drell opened the door and I walked in. Harriet had been working at Frank's since it was first put there. "Piggy! How ya doin? Ain't seen you in a minute." I smiled. "It ain't been that long, Harriet. I bought my friend in here so he can have a real breakfast." "Well you know you brought him to the right place then girl." She seated us in the back. I mean we were literally sitting under the air conditioning unit. Drell looked around. "So you mean to tell me they got good food here?" "They really do. I know its tiny but don't let that fool you. And why you sittin across from me?" I was half teasing but his scent was intoxicating and I wanted to be up under him. He got up and scooted right next to me in the booth. "You wanted me to sit by you all you had to do was ask." God help me. He continued to stare into my eyes. Again that was rare. I carried a darkness in my eyes that made many shy away. Mike Walker didn't. Tameika Benford didn't and now Drell didn't either. "Courtney, you not about to turn me into no square, ok?" I giggled. "Now what do you mean by that?" I licked my lips. He took a sip of water. Laughed. "It's that shit right there." Waitress comes and takes my order. Pork chops, eggs over easy, cheese grits and wheat toast. He ordered the same except with scrambled eggs. We continued to talk and then TK Soul's Ring my Bell is played on the Jukebox. "Aww shit, what y'all know about TK Soul down here?" I rolled my eyes. "We listen to blues dine here too." He put his arm up on the back of the booth. "Sooo, you dine here and single. Why?" "I'm a cop and niggas dine here are not into that, bae." He shook his head. "You see I don't get that. You what a nigga really need. I'm still tryna figure out how you became a law. Smart as you was. Still is. Why a cop?" "Just something I've always wanted to do. I think people just expected me to be a teacher or an engineer but I've always wanted to go into law enforcement." He moved a strand of hair from my eye and his touch brought waves of tingles across my body. This was crazy. We sat there in the restaurant staring at each other like it was just me and him. The waitress brought our food back. "Sooo when you going back to Itta Bena?" "In a day or two. I don't want to but you know Mehki still there. Gotta get back to him." I understood that. I think a part of me was already sad that he was leaving. "Well, why don't we spend the day together. Show you around the H." He sprinkled salt and pepper on his grits and fed a forkful of them to me. Best thing I'd ever tasted. "We can do that, Courtney Coyle." I was grinning on the inside like a little girl. "I mean, you don't have to feel like you're obligated to because I ask... He dismissed the thought. "It's cool. I want to." We had breakfast and we continued to talk about everything. He was telling me about life on the road and his side business. He really wanted to leave Mississippi for good. No opportunities there. Standing by his car outside of Frank's, I asked him what he wanted to do now. He guided me by my hips and bent down and kissed me. Drell's kisses made the world stop. It was surreal. I could hear myself moan. "That's what I've been wanting to do." "Naw now Drell, don't be gassing me up. I like riding on empty too." Out of my peripheal I saw Shannon Monet and her entourage pull up. Guess everyone was having breakfast this morning. Drell spotted her as well. "Bae, I got somebody you need to meet." When Monet spotted me, she opened her jacket so that I could see her .9. I pulled that .45 out of my purse. Nine times five equaled 45. Drell stopped in his tracks. "Hey what the hell was that about?" So I'm here now weighing my options. It is a strong possibility that I have fallen in love overnight. Something about Drell made me want to change things. I wanted to be here for him. I knew no matter what, I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to be his Bottom. Bottom Bitch that is. I considered having his last name as my own. I was now at a crossroad. I could begin whatever type of relationship with Drell and leave out many pertinent details about my life or I could lay out all my cards on the table and risk him not wanting anything to do with me. Think Courtney. What are you going to do? I want this man. Did I want him more than the city of Houston? Think. Make a decision. I let my heart do the thinking. "Drell, let's go. We need to talk." His eyes told me he already knew as they were fixated on the pendant around my neck. "Do you trust me, Drell?" "Normally, Courtney, no. But something in my gut tell me I can. I need you to do the same for me." I shook his hand and we got in the car. Left the restaurant. We all love and lose but maybe things would be different. In just a day in a half, I knew that if nothing else I wanted to EXIST in Milton Spivey's world. So I opened up. Disrobed and put everything out in the open, Johnnie Taylor.

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