Monday, December 17, 2012

Piggy and her Daddy....

It's him! I'm trying to adjust. This could very well be a cruel trick that my cerebrum is playing on me. I hadn't seen my daddy in years. It had been months since I'd even talked to him. He looked the same just older. He walked towards me with his hands up. I lowered my pistol and looked around. There was noone here but us. I still continued to maintain this property. We owned close to twenty heads of cattle. There was a couple hogs. Eighteen horses and plenty chickens. I paid a staff well to keep it up and every now and then I would come out here to take a look at the place myself. Courtney Danielle was painted big and bold across the rust colored barn. My daddy was crazy about his Trouble. My heart was beating a mile a minute because as I get closer to him, I can't contain my excitement. The front door of the SUV he was in opens. It's Thompson. What the hell he doing here, and why was he with my daddy. I raised my pistol and kept my eyes on Thompson. He raised his hands in surrender. "Easy Trouble. Thompson with me. This your daddy baby." "Thompson work for me, Daddy. How you know him?" He gave me that easy smile that works on all the women in his life. Coal black my daddy is. His once jet black hair was now distinguishly sprinkled with gray but he was still handsome as the day is long. "Trouble, we need to talk." I looked at Thompson, he nodded and lowered his hands. "Lonzo, I'm good and I don't mean you no harm. You know that. I just bought your daddy out here. You know it ain't safe for him in these streets by himself." He had a point. I wonder when he got in town. Hell I would've sent for him. Then again I'm now wanted myself. I guess like father like daugheter. I put my pistol away and wrapped myself in the arms of a man who I knew loved me unconditionally. "Trouble, I missed you like you wouldn't believe. Look at you." I hugged him tight but gave Lt. Derrick Thompson the look of death. I didn't like being blindsided. He could've called me and gave me the heads up. "Thompson, you stay here. I'mma take a walk with my old man." "You got it Lonzo." He insisted on calling me that. I had to laugh about it. "Damn Trouble, you got respect like that. They call your name like you a boss." I don't say anything. "You don't wanna talk, kiddo?" I looked up at him. Tears in my eyes and shook my head. "Its okay then Trouble. I need  you to listen to me." I held his hand and squeezed it. "This ain't for you. You don't even look the same baby. I heard you doing your thang. Part of me proud of you and then another part of me is ashamed. Shamed of how you saw me do all the dirt I did." I rubbed his hand inside of mine. Here he was harbouring guilt from the mistakes I was making. I listened. "Trouble, you gotta think about my grandbaby. You don't want this for him. Eventually them white folks gone come after you and the state of Texas won't care nothing about you being a woman." He was right. I knew that I wouldn't have longevity in this. "Daddy, I effed up. Ain't no turning back now. I got a federal murder case now." I saw tears stream my daddy's face. I couldn't even force any to come from my own eyes. ______ crying? The only thing in this world could make him cry is his Trouble. Now I hear my son's laughter and I see him growing up. I need that. He don't deserve this either. What happened to me? I used to be a good girl. We walking now in silence still holding hands. "Daddy, I missed you." "I missed you too. I just want you to be ok. You my baby girl. My last daughter. How is it that you more like me than any other of my children?" "Daddy, they're looking for me now. I don't really know what to do." I could see the worry lines in his forehead. "I can put you up Trouble. You got an attorney?" I nodded my head. "Hell you good then. You a high ranking Houston police officer. A good lawyer could get you off from this no problem. Did you do it?" I turned around and looked him in the eyes. Didn't say anything. He looked away after a moment. "Okay Trouble. Daddy take care of it. This my mess. I'm gone clean this up." We stopped walking and I could feel my spidey senses tingling. I saw Thompson in the field waiting. "He work for me Daddy, but I feel like he a snake. I don't trust him." My daddy chuckled. "What should we do about Lieu Thompson?" I didn't think Thompson was a total snake. But something in me told me not to fully trust him just yet. "Daddy he cool for right now." "Girl you look just like your mama. I swear. How is she?" "Why don't you call and ask her. I'm sure she be glad to hear from you." "Naw I doubt it. Your mama always was too good for me." My mama loved my daddy like you wouldn't believe. "Call her daddy." My cell phone rings. Its Meika. "Hey chick." "Hey where you at?" She sounded funny. "I'm around the corner. What's up?" "I'm tired chick. Fiona shoes, wearing them will make you tired." They're listening. "Its cool lady. I'll see you another time then." The line went dead. "What's wrong, Trouble?" "My dawg. They got her. Her phone tapped and she letting me know." "Come on let's get off this road. Grab your stuff." Thompson wasn't anywhere around. I used my dad's cell phone to call him. "Hey this my daddy.He all I got." "Relax, Lonzo. I know that." I hung up on him. He got the message loud and clear. I LoVe you kid. I smiled. It was a text message from him. It was needed. My daddy got behind the wheel of my car. Turned on my radio and Cowgirls dont Cry come on. I love Brooks and Dunn. Turned it down low enough where he could hear me sob. "Daddy you're back. Now don't leave me. I need you." He kissed my forehead and shifted gears. We were both changed people. Daddy and daddy's little girl however daddy's little girl was now the wanted King of Houston. Imagine that.

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