Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Arnissha Lynn and the Piggy No One Knows

I've lost track of time since they've had me here. Hell I knew it wouldn't be long before they found out it was me who had set Piggy up. I almost had a heart attack when I saw her standing in front of me. I just knew that she had went up in flames with that car. I hoped Starsha Danielle burned in hell wherever she was. If they hadn't already killed her. I don't know why I'm not dead. She stood before me. All 5'2 of her. Tight black tee. Black skinny jeans. Black pumps. That Blonde mane of hers was beautiful. I can only imagine what my own hair is like. I haven't had time or the opportunity to take care of it since I've been held captive. They treat me pretty good though. I have three good meals. There's a television in this room. No telephone of course and the door is locked from the outside. No window. They keep me with cigarettes and wine. Courtney came in a couple of days ago and informed me that my business and territory was now hers. I could do one of two things. I could lay down voluntarily or she would lay me down voluntarily. Courtney is a beautiful woman. But there is something eerie about her. Scary. This girl don't own no fear. That's dangerous. She looked amazing. I mean you would never know that she had been in that bad of an accident. Wanted to know how and what Happy Hair Butter Industries was up to. "Arnissha Lynn, you ain't wondering why I ain't killed your ass yet?" I looked at her and had to look away. I picked up the pack of cigarettes she'd bought in. I lit one. Took a long drag and exhaled. That Meika B didn't take no shit either. She saw to me most times. Courtney walked over to me and stood where I couldn't look nowhere else. "Did you hear me?" "Yes, I wonder. Hell I wished you'd get it over with. Stead of prolonging this shit so." She laughed. "I got you by the nuts sister girl. I do what I want. That was real dirty what you did. I can't much blame you though. I'm King now and I'll do almost anything to keep my seat too. So you get that one. You work for me now." I must be losing my mind. I mean I been stuck in this room so long. This heffa was telling me that she was gone let me live? I deserved to die for what I did. I realize this. If I was in her position there'd be no questions asked. She was sparing my life and I didn't know why. "So when do I get to leave here?" She looked at me with those cold eyes of hers. "As soon as I feel that I can trust you long enough to get your people on board with me. It's on you. You got time to think about it." Just like that she walked out and locked the door behind her. This unnerved me. Courtney Coyle was cooler than I ever seen her. I've smoked three cigarettes damn near in ten minutes. Get it together. When she come in here she had a bag in her hands. Let's see. some jeans, a black tshirt, underwear and some Happy Hair Butter and Misting Spray. Thank you Lord. I could do something with this hair. I guess Courtney wasn't all bad. I didn't trust her and I know she sure didn't trust me. I wonder what has become of my organization. Wonder how long they looked for me or if they're even still looking for me. I knew it was something different about her the first time I laid eyes on her. She and Shannon Monet had the same eyes. They were just of different generations. I heard tell that they had captured Monet first thinking she was behind the bombing. Hell Piggy had enough enemies. Now she said I worked for her now. I'm thinking I might wanna be dead. Kingpins like Piggy do not show mercy for nothing. Its a reason behind it. Here I was now in this game now twenty plus years and I was now being strong armed by a runt! When I had heard that the bomb had been detonated, I remember I sat back over a glass of Merlot and rellished in my success. Here this bitch had survived all along. Aint that bout nothing? Karma is a bitch I guess and in fabolous shoes. Is that Patti and Ron Isley. Smoke me another cigarette and listen to the radio. "If you looove me, then how could you leave....

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