Monday, July 4, 2011

Pissed Pretty Piggy and her Mama: It's over Monet!

I knew Shannon Monet didn't particularly care for this new reversal in power. But she was gone deal with it, you understand me. She had had her time and it was now mine. I dug my fork into mashed potatoes that would make you slap your mama and anybody else's mama. Finally Monet spoke. "Who you think you are? Huh? Lest we forget, you bad because I made you that way." I thought about this. Yes, it was partially true. Shannon Monet was part of the reason I was the way I am now. But let's not forget. I had my own beautiful biological mother to thank also. Shannon Monet couldn't bear children of her own. So she went about life adopting children along the way. I would always owe Shannon Monet but I would never let that fact stifle me from getting to where I needed to be. I wiped my mouth with a napkin. Took a sip of water. "Funny thing is, you haven't taken a sip of this fine Beretta Street Sweet Tea you just tried to serve me." Her mouth turned up at the side. "Didn't want any." No you didn't want any of THAT tea. "Monet, try as you will to fight this. Help me understand why you are trying to end my life?" "Piggy, why don't we continue this discussion in my office?" She wanted me to continue what could possibly be a heated discussion in her office where at any time she'd have thousands of dollars in steel weapontry? Nope. I'm good that's gone be a negative. "I'm fine right where I am." I patted my gun underneath the table. You see I was badder than a cat. I had more than nine lives. If this was what she wanted.... "Okay Piggy, the thing is I had a slip of the tongue the other day during dinner. I told you about my relationship with Albro. I was drunk and medicated." I nodded my head. This was lame. Especially for Monet. I mean why did she really care about me knowing that? "All in all that was just me popping off at the mouth." I laughed. "Naw Shannon, I know you. You don't pop off at the mouth and every thing you say you gone do, you do it. You say you killed your niece, you killed her." "You have information with which you could destroy me." We stared back at each other. Fury. Passion. "Exactly, Monet. You know I'm not a snitch. I have never been. We've kept each other's secrets. Know this, I am King. We'll run Houston together but as a part of my blueprint. Alvin Ray? Where is he? I need to know so that his family can bury him." "I don't know where he is." This bitch was lying. She just stared at me. I shrugged my shoulders. I tried. I then dropped a hundred dollar bill. "What the hell are you doing? Your money has never been good here." I smirked. "Well it ain't my money, it's Albro's." I moved closer to Shannon and stood in front of her. She remained seated. I tipped the glass of sweet tea into her lap and watched it burn a hole through her pantsuit leg. She grabbed a steak knife and when she did I grabbed her chin and neck and squeezed her until she dropped it. "See that's what I'm talking about. Playing. You try to harm me one more time and I promise I'll be the one who gives the benediction at your funeral." She gasped for air. I kept squeezing her and I bent slightly to kiss her cheek. Traces of my lipstick was left on her face. For some reason that satified me. I looked around me and I saw two of her goons coming towards me. I squeezed harder. "Call them off." I let her go and rubbed her back. "Everything ok, Ms. Monet?" She took a sip of water and nodded. "She's ok guys. She said the pork chops were a little peppery and she choked a bit that's all." They didn't believe that shit but again they didn't want no problems. I let her go. But not before I took the clip out of the .380 she had with her. "You don't need this. I'm sure you have plenty more." I sashayed my fabolous ass out of her establishment. Normally a stunt like that would've been signing my own death certificate. But shit I was King Piggy. Who was gone stop me? So I was now full. I had eaten but there was something calling me to call my mother. On the radio the Spinners sang to Sadie Mae. I didn't call. Instead I just dropped by. I pulled my car behind her Cadillac. She answered the door before I could ring. "Hey Pooh, come on here. Where's my grandson?" I kissed my beautiful mother's cheek. Beautiful as the day is long and wiser than ten people fifty years older than she. "Mama, he with 50. How are you?" "I'm fine. Sitting in here looking at Wheel of Fortune. You hungry?" I shook my head. "No, I just had dinner with your sorror, Shannon Monet." This pleased her. Belinda Ann Elliott-Coyle and Shannon Monet had been friends all through college. My mother thought highly of her and she of my mother. Monet had a side that I didn't think my mother knew about. "How is Monet? I saw her on television the other night. She looks good." I looked at my mother. I was looking at myself twenty years down the road. We were the same complexion with me being a tad lighter. She had moles on her face that were in the same place on mine. A halo of soft healthy curls and hazel colored eyes that told a story. My mama looked at me. "Courtney, something wrong?" I shook my head no. "Yes it is. Trouble Pooh, what's wrong?" Tears streamed my face. I got on my knees and sat between my mothers legs as she tried to console me. She ran her warm hands across my face. "It's okay baby. Let it out." I cried. I cried because there was no turning back. I cried for Ivory Albro. I cried for Cobee. I cried because I knew that  I would never be able to live a normal life. I cried because even if when tonight I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I could not change anything. "Give it to God, Pooh." I knew that what she was telling me was right. I didn't contest that. My mother got up. She saw something on her security cameras. My mother was a retired judge and after being with my bricklayer father for twenty years she had more than her share of enemies. "Were you expecting somebody, Courtney?" I wiped my eyes and got up. "No ma'am." On the camera we saw a black navigator and two men in black with artillery coming up the front part of my mother's property. On cue my mama loaded her .40 seventeen shot. She slid me a twelve gauge and killed the lights. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" No answer. I cocked the gauge. I looked over and saw my mother's hazel eyes glowing in the dark. "You got about three seconds to leave my mother's house." I heard them speak. "That's her. That Piggy bitch is already here. We can't get her mama if she here!" What the hell? I opened the door. Both had their backs to me. One took off into the night. The other I had by his shirt with the barrell of the shotgun in his back. He begged me for his life. I walked him back in. Mama turned the lights back on. I pulled his mask off and I recognized him from one of the goons who was in Shannon's Plate. "Shannon sent you here didn't she?" He wouldn't say anything. I pulled him by his dreads. He nodded. "What were you going to do with my mother?" "Shannon said just get her but don't kill her." I looked at mama and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. I took the .40 from her. "Because my mama is standing here I won't end your life." I gave the gun back to my mama. I turned my back to him looking for my cell. Didn't know he had pulled a knife and would've stabbed me had my mama not fired. He lay there as life was draining for him. I faintly heard him ask for a doctor. I got down on my knees by him. "You had a doctor. Doctor Monet sent you over to kill my mama. Thank her for this on the way to hell." He took his last breath. My mama was surprisingly calm. "We need to clean this nigga up, Pooh." All that southern belle charm was gone. "Don't worry about that mommy. I'll call Mike Walker." A blast from the past. "How is he, Courtney?" Whenever I would bring up Mike Walker people would ask me that. "He's fine. Probably the best he has been in a long time." I made the call. Shannon had started on a path and it wasn't no turning back. I got Texas Tea on the phone. I needed a really good shooter and somebody I could trust. Piggy pissed Shannon Monet off. Well better to be pissed off than pissed ON!!! You see this heifer didn't believe fat meat was greasy. As I waited on Mike Walker, Arnissha Lynn called. "Little girl, I need to meet with you. Soon." "Lynn, I 'll call you when I'm available." I hung up. Lastly I dialed Monet. When she answered I said one thing. "I told you, didn't I?" The line went dead.

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