Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trouble Piggy's Sweetest Taboo: Courtney's Lynn-iage

I reclined my seat just enough to get comfortable but not too much. I didn't fully trust Yulonda. She was being nice helping me with my itch. She looked at me. "You know cousin, I'mma nurse and I can see that your habit is pretty bad. What you gone do about it?" I sucked my teeth. One more person commented on how bad my shoe habit was I was gone scream. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. "You said you wanted to talk Yodie." She was quiet for a moment. I heard Thought of Many Ways come on my radio. Hadn't heard it in a while. "Courtney, you know Casey Champagne and Ivory were at odds over territory." This had piqued my interest. Like Albro she had come up on the backs of others. She made money dabbling in shoes, dope and cars. Yeah Casey had chop shops on the four corners of Houston. There was one in South Park, one off Spice Lane, Acres Home and Fifth Ward. Yeah she was as cute as a button but as dirty as Big Lynn. She was also my sister. Her mother and my daddy were briefly married. You divorce spouses not siblings. Sometimes I couldn't stand her but I loved her to death. "What else is new? Casey has always overstepped her boundaries. I get on her about that all the time." Casey much like many of the womenn in my life was bad and she knew it. "You now have a problem. You see Albro took Fourth Ward from her. She was pissed. So that issue is now yours." I shrugged it off. I don't think so. Champagne wasn't a problem for me. Little did she know it her ass was mine. "Yodie, do you think I can't handle Casey? She family. She'll do what I say." Yodie didn't look convinced. I had to remind her that I had taken her better half off the map. "I suggest we set up a meeting with Casey. Meanwhile business is being handled as usual. Did you want to see expense reports?" I chuckled at the thought. See since the day I killed Albro, I had made sure that all financial records had been sent to me. I inserted a flash drive into Albro's computer and had it saved. I was on top of it. I knew what Albro brought in and I was already in the process of setting up new meeting with all of his contacts. "Yodie, I'm cool. I got it." I couldn't help but chuckle because I did see where Yulonda would fit into all of this. She would be my personal assistant. Trust was something that made me nervous when it came to her. We were family true enough but still. So goes the age old adage keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If she knew like I know than she would rather be Piggy's friend than foe. "Yodie, where you living at?" "I'm off Richmond." "Change of plans. You're moving. You are gonna be my assistant. It pays well and I need you ready. I'll look into Shadow Creek Ranch for an apartment." She didn't have any objections to that. I told her to call me tomorrow. I watched her get into her car and pull off. Somethng was still eating at me. You see how would Yodie have known I was at work? I had a rat somewhere. I would find it and when I did... Well you know. I restarted Thought of Many Ways. My life had been turned in several directions lately. I had this new found power but now what? Its like we struggle and work hard to get certain things but once we've obtained them, it's like now what? My cellular jarred my thoughts. It was my mother. "Courtney, you ok?" "Yeah mommy, I'm fine. How are you?" It sounded like she was eating. "I'm okay. Made brunch today. Have you eaten?" I glanced at the clock on my dash. It was 11:30. "No I haven't eaten. What did you cook?" "Oh I fried some chicken wings and made some pecan waffles. Eggs. Grits and some banana nut muffins. Oh how I loved my southern mama. "I'll be there in a lil bit mommy." "Ok, come on." I left the compound. Made sure I got on my radio and let my  team know I was off to lunch. Sitting in Traffic off 59, I passed one of Albro's carwashes. Yeah that was now mine too. I swooped into the carwash. There was cars lined up. Mercedes, Cadillacs, and Jaguars. There was a couple beamers there too. I sashayed to the back. A white chick was sitting in the office. I closed the door behind me. "Excuse me, can I help you?" I smiled. Moved a blonde lock out of my eye and introduced myself. "My name is Piggy. And all of this is now mine." Sharon is what was on her desk. She looked confused. She walked from around her desk and folded her arms across her chest. Hmmn. She was fiesty, I could see. "Piggy, you said your name was? Yeah well this car wash belongs to Ivory Albro and I am sure you are aware of that." I moved closer to the white girl. "No, as I stated earlier, this carwash has been taken over. Now you can either get with these new changes or you can get along." Sharon made direct eye contact with me and then almost instantly looked away. She walked back behind her desk. "I'm calling Albro but I'm calling the police first." As she dialed numbers on her phone she looked up and saw that I was holding a police's badge. The phone dropped from her hand. I wasn't an amateur ladies and gentlemen. By no means. "I see. Well Albro hadn't told me that he was going to sell." I nodded my head. "It was a spur of the moment deal. Sharon, I'm not here to put you out. I mean the only change with this company is that it now belongs to me. Operations are fine around here and I can see that you have done a fine job with running this place." She smiled. I could already see what type of person this bitch was. It really didn't take much to stroke her ego. "All I need Sharon, is a copy of expense reports from this year." "No problem. I can get that to you now. Let me print them for you." I stopped her. "I'd prefer them saved to my zip drive." I handed it to her. She did as I asked. I gave her my business card and told her that I would be back in a couple of days. "Piggy, where is Albro?" I turned around and looked at her. "I don't know. He told me that he needed a vacation. Indefinitely." I walked out the door. I headed to my mother's. One thing about it, I knew I had done it. Albro industries consisted of many businesses. I figured I had it under control. I pulled up at my mother's and I saw my twin brother's truck outside. I smiled. I rarely got to saw him except whenf we had stings at work. He answered the door. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "What's goin on Trouble Pooh?" I laughed. He and my mother would always call me that. It was cool. "I'm good Boy, how are you?" "I'm great bae." My stomach growled as I could smell my mama's cooking. I went into the kitchen and she had a spread fit for a king. There was salmon, porkchops, sausage, bacon. She had pancakes, waffles and biscuits. Muffins, pies, and cookies. There was grits, eggs, and scalloped potatoes. I kissed her cheek. We said grace and sat down around her marble table and ate like family. "I told your brother about what happened the other night, Courtney." I poured Louisiana on my grits and stirred. I didn't respond. "I couldn't believe that Shannon Monet had sent those men here. I haven't been able to sleep good since." I exhaled. "Mama, this is personal between Monet and me. She was sending me a message. She knew I was here and she knew that while I was here, no harm was gone come to you. Monet was trying to show me how bold she is." My brother nodded his head. My mother seemed satisfied with my explanation. Bottom line, Shannon Monet had effed up and royally. Even still I figured I needed to focus more on Arnissha Lynn. She had to be stopped. She knew that Albro was out of the picture and she was now showing her ass. Not on my watch. I had heard her goons was moving right on in on my territory. This was running through my mind as I sat and ate with my mother and my twin. I looked at my phone and saw that I had received a text from my favorite Baltimore lady. It was Symone. I loved this chick and what she stood for. Besides that she kept me accessorized with her label Pure Vengeance. Custom made jewelry, earrings, cell phone cases, shoes-you name it. I had been interested in getting her designs wholesale. I texted her and told her that I would fly her in down South for a meeting. I got up and pushed my chair back. "Mommy, brunch was great. I'm full but I gotta run." There was a sadness in her eyes but she got up and hugged me. Kissed my cheek. "Boy, I need to talk to you for a second." He walked me outside to my car. "Sis, I need you to be careful. I mean I'm with you on whatever. But be careful. The team still need you." "I know David, look I need some inside information on Arnissha Lynn. I mean I know she BEEN doin her thing but I need to know more. Give me the lowdown. Whatever you can find." "So you going after Big Lynn now?" He chuckled. "I got you Girl. Get outta here. I love you and I'll call you later." He kissed my forehead. Boy was one of the few men in my life that loved me unconditionally. My phone rang. It was Symone. "What you wanna do, Texas Lady?" I smiled. "Same thing I'm doing everynite, Queen of B-more, try to take over the world perfectly accessorized and in fabolous shoes." "Piggy, let's talk." You see I knew that Houston was probably waiting for me to fail or cower. It wasn't gone happen. I told myself that as I loaded a magazine into my pistol. Watching this MF follow me as I left my mother's. "Symone, bae, let me call you back." "Ok chick." I whispered a Hail Mary. I wasn't Catholic but occasionally I took on the doctrine. I saw him in my rearview. He didn't know who I was. I put Lip glass on my lips in Sweetest Taboo and worked the wheel of my car. Lord knows, I really do try and do what's right.....

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