Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Birthday King Piggy: Drell On

It's making him groggy I can tell. I straddle him and rub the side of his face. "Drell, get up." He still shaking his head like he wanna sleep. I don't usually do this but this called for drastic measures. I slapped him hard across his mouth. He grabbed my arms. I reckon he saw something in my eyes that made him reconsider his actions. "Now I have some questions. That serum is going through your body right as we speak. You won't be allowed to lie. First question. That first night at the DoubleTree, were you scoping me then?" He was hesitant at first. Can't fight this shit. We had to be injected with some of this stuff when I was in the academy. I knew its effectiveness. "No, Courtney. I wasn't. I was actually there to meet with your captain. Fairfield came about an hour later after we met." Hmmn. Funny. Fairfield hadn't mentioned this but then again I had been avoiding him like he was the plague. "Okay, so what about all the time we spent together? I mean when did you know that I was the target of investigation?" He rubbed his face and my thigh at the same time. He looked me dead in the eye. "Courtney, I didn't put two in two together until after the day we spent together. Before then we didn't have much surveillance on you. All we knew was that the only female officer on this team was doing her thing. I went into a briefing and my lead had a picture of you. I almost pissed myself." "Why are they investigating my team?" "You know why as well as I do. The last two or three years, many of the stings you niggas organize is unwarranted and not fully cleared before you do it. Yes you all are entitled to a finder's fee but the thing is your Captain has not reported the team's total findings. Whereas you all are making a hundred percent turnover." My blood boiling. That mafucker had been getting over this whole time. Here he is fucking with me over my involvement in the death of some non factors and he was doing this? "How much money you think he in for?" Drell shook his head a lil bit. "I don't know maybe two-three million?" I got up off of him. I couldn't believe this. "I take it you didn't know." I looked at Drell. He was being one hundred percent honest with me. "Do you love me? All the time we've spent together. You being by my side while I was in the hospital? What was that?" He bit his bottom lip. "Courtney, I knew I was in love with you when I saw you walk your ass into that bar. I knew then whether she have me or not I would love her and be there for her. After I found out that you was in the center of this, I've been against my superiors. Tryna figure out a way to turn this around and away from you." I put my head in my hands. I started to smell blood again. I was about to have a nose bleed. "Federal government know where I live huh?" He didn't say anything. Didn't have to. They knew everything. I knew he wasn't wearing a wire. And since I had drugged him he was telling me everything as it had happened. "Are y'all any closer to finding out who bombed my car?" "Well we know that the bomb itself was Starsha Danielle's work. But she had to been contracted by somebody. Everybody know she don't do shit like this on her own." I contemplated this for a minute. Seems it was time for me to refocus. See eventually whoever tried to off me then would know that I was still alive if they didn't already know. This game we live in I tell ya. They weren't gone stop until I was dead or the reverse. I looked over at Drell. "Why you didn't keep it straight with me?" "Courtney, we was kids last time we saw each other. I didn't know what kind of person you really are. Once I knew you was ok it was too late." Damn. Life was funny this way. Today was my birthday too. Here I was another year older. I was at mid point. On one side I had everything and then on the other side my life was in shambles. I didn't know who to trust. I turned to Drell with my pistol aimed at his head. "Drell, I love you. You must know this. The payment for all our sins is death. Definitely with me." I lowered it. "Why haven't you killed me C.C.?" I chuckled. "I'm stupid." The music had went off in his apartment. Suddenly I heard a click sound. A tape recorder had stopped recording. I looked at Drell. He had heard it too. Fear in his eyes. "What was that Mr. Spivey?" Sweat was popping off of him. He was tryna fight the serum. Adverse reactions to this was cardiac arrest. "Tell the truth mafucka!" "Its a tape recorder! Its under the coffee table." I ripped it from underneath." I didn't hesitate. I popped him. It was instantaneous. I wipe my lipgloss off him. Took the condom with me. I grabbed the security system's motherboard and all shell casings. I kissed his forehead. I left in the middle of the night in my bra and panties. He had to been tracking me some kind of way. I took the back off my cell phone. There it was. I smashed it in a million pieces and spread them throughout the parking lot as I drove home. I's a Playa came through my speakers. I see that love was for suckers. I only one man in my life who loved me unconditionally. It was my Piglet. Cobee loved me no matter what. Here it is on my birthday, I had just killed my lover. It was him or us, Houston. I chose us.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

NiccT sums it up!

Man! What a night! I ain't gone lie, that was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. Piggy know how to party. She ran up outta there pretty early though. She grabbed that heat from me and left. I knew she was on a mission. I can still taste her lipgloss on my lips. She something else. Women like Courtney are different though. It's like on the outside, they're bad. I mean she was beautiful. Any man would want her on his arm but Courtney is poison. She's the female version of me. You see it in her eyes. I mean don't get me wrong. You know she probably got a good heart but right now all you see when you look at King Piggy is AMBITION. That shit turned me on about her too. I'mma smart man though. Self aware. I wouldn't give her a chance to bite me. Where is my lighter? She handled herself like a champ too when that Russian come after me. Gotta love it. We made some major plans too. C.C. say she wanna take over Lynn industries and put Big Lynn out of business. I figure she can do it but she gone damn sure collect some enemies along the way. You better know that. Me, hell I just wanted to leave a legacy. I'm getting older. Making music is still my passion but these guns is what's affording my comfortable lifestyle. Like it or love it. My guys took care of that Russian. It was crazy how everybody was out to get everybody in this game. Even Piggy. Courtney was cool but I knew that if it came down to me or her, I'd be in a heap of damn trouble. I understood that. That Symona Lisa chick she introduced me to had me intrigued. She was young but she had an air about her. She was from Baltimore. Her accent, the way she walked and dressed, I was feeling it. We had a nice little conversation too. Who knows? I didn't really make much time for women in my life. I mean I did my thing, don't get me wrong. But it had been a while since I'd come across a good quality woman. That's what I was after. Symona Lisa being a part of C.C. 's Embassy didn't scare me away either. I just wanted to get to know her better. She gave me her contact information and I knew the room that she was staying in. Maybe I'd pick her up today and show her what all else Houston had to offer. Felt like hearing some old UGK. I scrolled down on my Bose system until I got to Fuck my Car. That used to be my jam back in the day! I had to meet this nigga in a few minutes. He needed a vest and twin AK's. I didn't ask questions of my clients. Most of them would be the last that you would ever think to be purchasing artillery. I shake my head. Didn't matter. All their money spent the same. I also kept discretion. Shannon Monet still pretty much had this market cornered too. But just like Piggy had dethroned Albro, Monet and I would have our day too. Shit! I hate going to the store and mafuckers sell you these old stale ass cigars. Look at this shit. It's just gone have to do. Don't really feel like going back out right now. Wonder where Big Lynn been hiding at too. Nobody's seen her in a month or so. Probably tryna come up with a master plan I imagine. Wonder if she knew what King Piggy had her sights on. Here go my phone ringing. 4-1-0 area code huh. I'm sitting up here smiling. "Symona Lisa, how are you bae?" This day may be ok after all.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sex, Passion, and Truth Serum!

I really didn't know what to think about Symona Lisa now. I mean I dug her. I thought that her product was phenomenal. It just didn't sit well with me knowing that she had killed Katy. Now Katy wasn't innocent by no means. We all knew this game was dirty. There was always possibility of this too. I was now parked outside Drell's apartment. My tears had dried as salt under my eyes. This couldn't be true. In the short time that me and Drell had been together, I felt like I could trust him. Felt like we had a connection. I mean I had told him stuff nobody else knew about. Here he was a federal agent? Hell naw. I pulled my silk tie completely from around my neck. Loosened my locks into a messy ponytail. Applied another layer of lip gloss and chewed Doublemint gum ferociously. My nerves were shot. I called him. He answered on the second ring. "Baby daddy, you love me?" He didn't hesitate. "Red, you know I love you. What's wrong?" Tears slowly fell. I rubbed my face against my phone as if Brian was rubbing his hand across my face. "Nothing. Just needed to hear your voice." "Red, I know you better than that. What is it?" I didn't say anything. I could hear him sit up in the bed. "Look Red, I love you and I always will. You're the mother of my child and possibly the only REAL friend I got in this world. Fuck him. You a good woman. I didn't know it then and if he don't know it now fuck him." I was taken aback. "What you talking about Blackie?" "Nigga, don't play with me. I know what's wrong. It's in your tone. You're King Piggy and its no sense in you questioning yourself now." Sometimes I needed that pick me up and I could always count on Brian Wright to do that. "I'm ok baby daddy. I'm better now. Thank you." "Anytime baby mama. Don't nobody else love you, me and Cobee do." I hung up. I got out of my car. Slipped my harness over my back and slipped my .40 into it. I changed into Steve Madden ballerina flats. Locked my car and walked the stairs to Drell's apartment. I knocked once. He asked who is it. I didn't respond. My tears were streaming my face but when I saw him something came over me. "Baby what's wrong?" I put my finger up to his lips to shush him. He closed the door. I started tugging at his T-shirt. I pulled it up over his head. Ran my hands down his hard chest and stomach. He moaned. I stood on tiptoe and kissed him. His large hands cupped my ass and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed his ear. We moved over to his couch. He bit me softly on my neck. Broke buttons on my shirt and yanked on the strap of my bra. I could feel his erection through the thin material of his sweat pants. The smell of his shampoo and deoderant was driving me crazy. I smeared lipgloss from his chin down to his dick. I got on my knees between his legs and with no hands I sucked him like it was gon save his life. He grabbed a ponytail of my blonde locks and moaned. "Damn girl, really." I licked a trail down his shaft to his balls and bit his thigh. I needed to control his orgasm so I squeezed the base of his penis when I knew he would be just over the edge. "Where's your birth control bae?" He pulled a Magnum out the pocket of some jeans he had thrown on the couch. I put it on but I made sure I let my manicure run up and down his girth before it went on. I lowered myself down on him with my ass facing him. Reverse. Tight my walls were going down on his hardness. I hear him moan and I do too. He grabs my ponytail and that makes me buck harder. I hold onto his thighs and make small scratches. He pulls me back while he bites my neck. I stroke my pierced clit while I bounce. In between the immense pleasure I see red. You see I'm thinking about this man that I love. How it was great getting back in touch with him. I feel my orgasm rising. We held hands. The night we met back up at the Double Tree. We went for breakfast at Franks. It's coming. He slaps my ass. I buck harder and squeeze tighter around him. I see us kissing. We contained the situation together that night at Denny's. When I come out my coma, he was there. I rare back and then plunge all of me onto him. He calls my name. I think about the night I showed him how bad my addiction really was. Red went to blazing red and orange. I see him in a Bernini suit. Badge. Standard issue. He's traded his Delta d boy attire and now he's a g-man. My moves on his dick become deliberate and intense. He's squeezing my ass so hard now. I see my empire slowly but surely crumbling down and I just started it. I feel it coming. Sweat is dripping off me. I grab his hands and cup my breasts with them. I suck his fingers but I think about all of the times I looked in his eyes and he looked in mine. I never once saw treachery or double cross in em towards me. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I feel him explode into the latex barrier that separates us. He kisses my shoulder. I melt. I lay back against his chest. He whispers, "C.C., I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you." "You could have though." I knew he had enough information to have me sent away forever. The fact is, he hadn't given me up. That was worth something to me. Was I turning into a square? Possibly. But would that be so bad? "Bae, I gotta tell you though. I'm in trouble." I wrapped his arms around my clammy sweaty body. "Ssh. I'm King Piggy. I got you." Tonight, I'm at a crossroads. My mind is saying kill him. But my heart is saying  he love you. He love you and he know everything. So what do I do? I crawled fully into his lap. Rubbed his shoulders and felt my gun underneath the couch's throw pillow. I cried. "I love you, Drell. Don't you forget that." "OW! WTF." I injected some good ole ethanol and scopolamine. This combination together produced Truth serum! I went to his stereo and pressed play. Starships and Rockets came on. "Drell baby, let's talk." I needed answers. I would never confuse my love for him and what I needed to do because I had just came. Piggy preys and will never be preyed upon!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Symona and Spice and ALL tht's Nice

C.C. was a real live wire. She had some really good talk about what she wanted to do for the city of Houston and the surrounding states. Pure Vengeance Accessories would fit nicely into that blueprint. Meanwhile, I was still feeling weird after I killed Katherine. Some cats out of Boston came down to Baltimore and contracted me to do it. Didn't figure the old bitch would fight like she did. They told me her family would be out of the house and they were. After that it would be a smooth hit. She caught me across the face. Good thing I had some Mocha number 5 to cover it. I could still see it but anybody else wouldn't notice it. Wonder what Wanda is up to? I love my mommy and I have really been missing Zaria. Just like I initially thought, I'm loving the Lone Star State. My cell phone just alerted me to a text. Funds Transferred. I'd just been paid for my contract on Katy. We had a wild time last night. Piggy called a meeting and I got to meet her Embassy. We ate good, drank plenty and discussed how we could eat as her apart of her plan to put Houston on the map in an all new way. I was with it. It's almost noon. I don't even wanna tear myself out of this king sized bed. The Doubletree hotel here in Houston is beautiful. I wonder what else I can get into while I'm in Htown. I disassembled my gun. It needed cleaning. The knife I used on Katy, I had thrown away. I'm new at this shit. I needed some antiseptic on these cuts on the side of my face and arms. My DNA would definitely be found under her fingernails. I really needed to talk to Piggy. She was a cop too so I knew she had connections. Maybe I'd pick her brain. I needed to visit Harwin down here. I wanted to get some materials. I've been motivated. Houston has given me some inspiration to create some fabulous pieces. I need to create. I'm tugging on some ripped jeans and a wife beater. Red chain earrings down to my waist. White air force ones low top. It is hot as hell down here. Welcome to Texas, Symone. My cell rings. It's Piggy. "How was your sleep?" "It was great in this big ol bed." "Good. Good. Look, there was something I was meaning to ask you last night but I had to get out of there." "What's up girl?" "That shiner you got. How you get it? And before you lie, know that I must already have some idea. Proverbial questioning always come with a motive, pretty girl." Damn. I felt gut punched. "You lost an earring. I pulled it out of Katy's hand when I found her. No one else in Houston would've had your earrings sides me. Here I was in the Hiram Clarke Zoo." "C.C. I had no idea you knew- "You know she had a family. She has a son and a little girl, Symona Lisa. I'm sure you knew that when you took that contract though. You young. You doing big thangs. I ain't knocking you for that. But you gone soon learn that all money ain't good money." I hear her. "Courtney, some people up north hit me. There was no way for me to know that you knew her." She was quiet. "It's cool chick. A part of this is my karma too. Watch yourself. I'll hit you later." She hung up. Wonder what she meant by that? So that's where I had left that earring. Damn! And now this sassy cop had evidence on me in a murder. I was two thousand miles away from home. Fuck! I needed to see her face to face. See where her head was on this. I wasn't going to jail. My life would not be ruined over something like this. Naw. My MP-3 popped on and Don't take it Personal came on. Just one of Dem days, huh Monica. I put my pistol back together. Grabbed my clothes and headed out to find Piggy. I had just killed Katy O'Boyle. Courtney Coyle should be easy right?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Piggy's Pickled Pump: Love v. Ambition

The door creeped open and before he knew what hit him I did! With the ass end of my gun. NiccT caught him. I didn't recognize the asshole at all. But I could see it in my buddy's eyes. He knew exactly who it was. "You know him." "Yeah, C.C. I do." His nose was broke pretty bad and if he woke up he was gone be mad as hell. "Reckon what we do with him." NiccT chuckled and shook his head. "C.C. that was a statement not a question." I took the heat off him and removed the clip. My cell rings. "Piggy." "Hey me and AB here. Where yall at?" "We in the Lone Star Conference Room. I'm having an issue right now so give me a minute. Go to the bar and have a drink. Have em put it on my tab." I hung the phone up. "Mr. Taylor, I don't like stalkers. When people follow me I get nervous. When I get nervous niggas die." "This mf was tryna to get at me abt some guns but really wanna rob me. I had no idea he followed me here." I kept looking at him. I moved closer to him. I took in his scent. He didn't budge. I grabbed his massive arms and rubbed. "Down Piggy," he growled. "Who did you shoot?" He seemed taken aback by my question. I said it again. "I got into a scuffle by my podnas house. We had to call in Mike Walker for his services. I'm not gone be robbed Courtney and niggas are always out to do that. I gotta eat too." I kept my eyes on him. He was telling the truth. Meanwhile I got the asshole on the floor stirring. He put his hand on his nose and when he looked up he saw my 5'2 stature standing over him with my pistol in his face. "Hurt didn't it? Why you here?" I pointed to NiccT. "You here after my old man?"  He didn't say anything. I pulled the hammer back. "NiccT and I got an issue." NiccT crossed over and hit him so hard he bat slob outta his mouth. "Bae, we gotta get this nigga out of here. I say you take care of him. He can't be here. We have important things to discuss." NiccT called in his reinforcement. Two of the biggest blackest men I'd ever seen in my life came in through a side door. They took our unwelcomed guest out and that was that. We straightened the chairs out. I stood on tiptoe and adjusted his tie. Removed a lash from his eye and wiped my lipgloss from his cheek. He adjusted the windsor knot in my tie but slick let his finger run across my cleavage. I smiled. "Something else, C.C." Tameika arrived in the conference first. My raven beauty was dressed in a purple Versace mini dress with matching pumps. That brown skin went in great contrast to the purple hue she was wearing. That's why I named her Texas Tea. Next came Melodious Michelle. Her natural hair secured with a plum colored flowered. She had on a cream pantsuit with matching plum stiletto sandals. I got excited looking at her shoes. I hugged my cousin. "Damn, C.C. who is this?" She eyed NiccT with appreciation. "Melodious, don't worry we'll get to him." Machete Mychelle and Asia came in together both visions in purple. I had to admit that my harem was gorgeous. "C.C, you know it's always good when we get together like this but why we had to ALL be in purple?" "Mychelle, purple is a royal color besides you know how I am when it comes to the aesthetics." NiccT towered over the five of us but I made introductions. We had dinner and then desert and cognac. I marveled at how quickly I had assembled my team and how fast we had come up. We were from all walks of life. Investment banker. A cop. A business owner. Entertainer. All the people assembled here had one thing in common. They believed in Piggy. So I thought. The doors open and in walks Symona Lisa. Purple and white clothed her body. I stood in the middle of the conference table. My tie untied around my neck. My locks hung down loosely. I introduced my Baltimore lady to everybody. "We've taken over Houston and now we gotta get Arnissha Lynn and her Happy Hair Butter industry too." I watched NiccT stroke his handsome face. I sat down in front of him on the table. "Talk to me baby, what you thinking?" "You going after Big Lynn? Really, how you gone do that?" My ladies giggled. "NiccT, I dethroned Ivory Albro. Lynn won't be shit." My cell goes off. Its Drell. I started feeling butterflies. "Hold on a minute y'all its Drell." I saw a little look on Tameika's face. Didn't know what that was about." "Bae, I missed you." It was quiet on the other end. "C.C. we need to talk." Here we go. What now! "What's wrong Drell?" "You talked to Tameika?" I looked over at her and my blood started warming. "No why?" He sounded relieved. "Courtney, I told her I would tell you myself." I hung up. "T, let me holla at you for a second." She got up and we went in a corner. "What's up?" "What the hell is Drell talking about? What does he need to tell me?" She looked around. "Piggy, I caught him scoping out your house in full GMen attire." Im adjusting my hearing. "You say what?" "Bitch, he's the feds. He's been sent dine here to investigate you and the rest of your team at work." I couldn't believe this. "Meika, you wrong. I know you be looking out for me but naw you wrong." Her eyes told me that she wasn't. "He said he won't give you up. He fell for you. I told the mf that he was gone tell you OR I would. I'm sorry C.C." I wanted to lay down and die. I had trusted this man. He knew some things about me precious. He betrayed me. Thing is, why hadn't he rolled over on me yet? I wiped the tears that were stinging the back of my eyes. My phone alerted me to a text. I LOVE YOU. DRELL. I had to see him. We needed this cleared up. "Embassy, NiccT, I gotta go. Y'all enjoy the rest of this evening, its on me. Try not to wear Mr. Fresh out for me. Nobody drives home tonight. I got rooms for all of yall. NiccT let me see you for a min." "What's up?" "I need a clean glock and some ammo but I need it now." "That ain't no problem. I can get it now." He made a call and I had what I needed. On tiptoe again I kissed Mr. Taylor's lips. I heard his breathing deepen. "Have fun and thank you." I winked at him. "Be good Piggy." I jumped in my car and headed to the southwest in search of the truth or lack thereof while K-CI sang If You Think You're Lonely Now. I did. Drell could've told me this. Now here's the decision. If  what he said didn't add up I was gonna kill him. No square feelings would stop me from what I was tryna do. Love is one thing but dumb is another Bernard Freeman.

Piggy Finds her NiccT

I don't know why I'm so antsy today. I can't wait to introduce Symona Lisa to the Embassy. This chick is awesome. She Baltimore born and raised but I believe I can make the Lone Star State attractive to her. It's something else about her. Just can't figure out what it is though. I'm really thinking about him though. Hadn't talked to him all day. What am I going to wear to this meeting of the minds tonight? Oh I know! I pulled a pair of fitted pinstripe trousers cuff at the bottom, white button down shirt and purple silk tie. Went in my underwear drawer and found a silk violet purple lace bra and panty set. I took a quick shower. The hot water from the shower head was orgasmic. It's what I needed. I lotioned my body head to toe with Happy. Pulled my blonde locks into a tight bun. Sprayed Mixed Chicks. I knew I had some purple flats. Dolce and Gabanna to be exact. I tied a fat windsor in my tie and left the button down open enough to expose my cleavage. Sprayed Happy there too. I painted my lips with clear lipgloss until they were sticky and lined my lower lash with liner. I needed something else though. I took the flat from its box. Sat up on the tank of my toilet and I stepped into the silk covered shoe and I got a hit. I was in Nirvana. I could smell blood but my nose didn't bleed. Colors of greens and oranges were all around me. I knew that one day I would have to get a handle on this. I stood up off the toilet and then blew my nose. Blood was in the tissue. I cleaned myself up and reapplied my gloss. My phone was ringing. I heard my son and nephews downstairs with Mattie Mae. I knew that they were going to have a ball. I checked the magazine in .40 I was good. I kissed every cheek in my house and I was off. After the insurance paid off my car I decided to go with another Camaro. Nothing like a Chevrolet. Time I got in the car I heard Fresh on the radio. Reminded me about the whole reason for this meeting tonight. Nicct was a real good friend of mine from high school. Nick Taylor was what I called Hiphop. Real hiphop. He still made music. I was real particular about my hiphop. Nick was also giving Shannon Monet a run for her money with weapons. I needed him to keep me and my Embassy well outfitted. I could trust him and I knew that he could get what I needed for THE best price. I called him up. "Nick, baby where you at?" "I'm close. Doubletree right?" "Yeah, see you in a minute." I pulled out front and valet took my car. I had requested a conference room. I told my entire Embassy including NiccT to be in purple. I went to the bar and ordered Hennessy with a splash a coke. I felt eyes on me but that was typical. Truth is it had been more than thirty days since I gotten laid and I wasn't climbing the walls. Go Piggy. I knew I had to rule my city. I was now King of Houston. I felt the DSW pendant touch the swell of my breasts. I thought about Ivory Albro. Man life had been crazy. I never stopped thinking about him. "Pretty girl." I turned around and there he was. He cleaned up nice. Pinstripe suit purple Sean John tie. Suit Taylored fitted. Purple Stacy Adams. Square Toes. Beard and goatee trimmed meticulously. We damn near matched. Perry Ellis and the scent of a recently fired pistol permeated him. I took note of that. Ask questions later. We embraced. I tiptoed and kissed his cheek. Handsome as the day is long but I knew a killer when I was amongst one. "C.C. how are you?" "I'm okay. Question is how are you? Come on over here let me buy you a drink. What you having?" He chuckled. "Patron. Double shot. Straight." Bartender took his order. We sat at the bar and talked. "C.C. you hear things." I finished my drink. "Man, one minute I heard somebody had took you out and then the next I'm sitting next to you drinking. What's up?" I looked him square in the eye. He didn't turn away. "Albro is gone NiccT. Houston is now mine." "Nothing more sexier than a woman driven towards success." I smiled and we clinked glasses. I suggested we move into the conference room. He grabbed my hand and helped me down off the bar stool. A gangsta and a gentleman. I dig it. But something didn't feel right to me. The doors of the conference room closed. I looked around. Tameika called me. "NiccT was followed. I'm on my way." I looked at my friend. "Seems you had company. Somebody followed you here." He shook his head. "Can't be." I knew Nick was in some stuff. This business was ruthless. It was here and now I had to decide if he would fit into my blueprint. Tameika sent me a text. "IN PROGRESS". I turned to NiccT and asked him how good he was with that smoking Beretta underneath that designer coat of his. He seemed shocked that I knew it was there. I loosened the tie around my neck and cocked my .40. I crept on the other side of the door while NiccT got on the opposite side. I put my finger to my sticky lips and waited on the unlucky bastard to come through the door. Another day in my life but it was survival. "So is it true, Piggy,". "NiccT, umma sweethart most of the time." I licked my lips and waited on the door to open. Mr. Fresh is gone have to show me something.