Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Birthday King Piggy: Drell On

It's making him groggy I can tell. I straddle him and rub the side of his face. "Drell, get up." He still shaking his head like he wanna sleep. I don't usually do this but this called for drastic measures. I slapped him hard across his mouth. He grabbed my arms. I reckon he saw something in my eyes that made him reconsider his actions. "Now I have some questions. That serum is going through your body right as we speak. You won't be allowed to lie. First question. That first night at the DoubleTree, were you scoping me then?" He was hesitant at first. Can't fight this shit. We had to be injected with some of this stuff when I was in the academy. I knew its effectiveness. "No, Courtney. I wasn't. I was actually there to meet with your captain. Fairfield came about an hour later after we met." Hmmn. Funny. Fairfield hadn't mentioned this but then again I had been avoiding him like he was the plague. "Okay, so what about all the time we spent together? I mean when did you know that I was the target of investigation?" He rubbed his face and my thigh at the same time. He looked me dead in the eye. "Courtney, I didn't put two in two together until after the day we spent together. Before then we didn't have much surveillance on you. All we knew was that the only female officer on this team was doing her thing. I went into a briefing and my lead had a picture of you. I almost pissed myself." "Why are they investigating my team?" "You know why as well as I do. The last two or three years, many of the stings you niggas organize is unwarranted and not fully cleared before you do it. Yes you all are entitled to a finder's fee but the thing is your Captain has not reported the team's total findings. Whereas you all are making a hundred percent turnover." My blood boiling. That mafucker had been getting over this whole time. Here he is fucking with me over my involvement in the death of some non factors and he was doing this? "How much money you think he in for?" Drell shook his head a lil bit. "I don't know maybe two-three million?" I got up off of him. I couldn't believe this. "I take it you didn't know." I looked at Drell. He was being one hundred percent honest with me. "Do you love me? All the time we've spent together. You being by my side while I was in the hospital? What was that?" He bit his bottom lip. "Courtney, I knew I was in love with you when I saw you walk your ass into that bar. I knew then whether she have me or not I would love her and be there for her. After I found out that you was in the center of this, I've been against my superiors. Tryna figure out a way to turn this around and away from you." I put my head in my hands. I started to smell blood again. I was about to have a nose bleed. "Federal government know where I live huh?" He didn't say anything. Didn't have to. They knew everything. I knew he wasn't wearing a wire. And since I had drugged him he was telling me everything as it had happened. "Are y'all any closer to finding out who bombed my car?" "Well we know that the bomb itself was Starsha Danielle's work. But she had to been contracted by somebody. Everybody know she don't do shit like this on her own." I contemplated this for a minute. Seems it was time for me to refocus. See eventually whoever tried to off me then would know that I was still alive if they didn't already know. This game we live in I tell ya. They weren't gone stop until I was dead or the reverse. I looked over at Drell. "Why you didn't keep it straight with me?" "Courtney, we was kids last time we saw each other. I didn't know what kind of person you really are. Once I knew you was ok it was too late." Damn. Life was funny this way. Today was my birthday too. Here I was another year older. I was at mid point. On one side I had everything and then on the other side my life was in shambles. I didn't know who to trust. I turned to Drell with my pistol aimed at his head. "Drell, I love you. You must know this. The payment for all our sins is death. Definitely with me." I lowered it. "Why haven't you killed me C.C.?" I chuckled. "I'm stupid." The music had went off in his apartment. Suddenly I heard a click sound. A tape recorder had stopped recording. I looked at Drell. He had heard it too. Fear in his eyes. "What was that Mr. Spivey?" Sweat was popping off of him. He was tryna fight the serum. Adverse reactions to this was cardiac arrest. "Tell the truth mafucka!" "Its a tape recorder! Its under the coffee table." I ripped it from underneath." I didn't hesitate. I popped him. It was instantaneous. I wipe my lipgloss off him. Took the condom with me. I grabbed the security system's motherboard and all shell casings. I kissed his forehead. I left in the middle of the night in my bra and panties. He had to been tracking me some kind of way. I took the back off my cell phone. There it was. I smashed it in a million pieces and spread them throughout the parking lot as I drove home. I's a Playa came through my speakers. I see that love was for suckers. I only one man in my life who loved me unconditionally. It was my Piglet. Cobee loved me no matter what. Here it is on my birthday, I had just killed my lover. It was him or us, Houston. I chose us.

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