Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We Hear from Mattie Mae

She finally sleep. Lord, I sho worry about this chile. I give her a sedative. She need to sleep. I didn't feel like fighting with her either. I think back to when she first moved here. I was lonely as hell. It had only been two years since my Sylvester had passed. I sho miss him yeah. I saw her and that baby get out that car and something just pushed me next door. It was like a force of nature. Sylvester used to call it nosiness. Cobee was all of six months. Oh he was a beautiful baby. It was October. Houston Octobers are still warm but it was a little chilly that day. Courtney didn't have that baby wrapped up enough for my taste. Young mothers, I tell ya. Went right on over and introduced myself. "Hey pretty girl, My name is Madison Marie Hayes. Most folks call me Mattie Mae. Take these tea cakes here and hand me that baby." She smiled. Cobee was just as fussy as can be. I kissed his neck and spoke in french to him. He cooed back at me. I didn't wait for her to invite me in. I went on in myself. "My name is Courtney Ms. Mattie Mae. That's my son Cobee there you holding. You know you the first person to come introduce themselves. We been here a week now." "Well chile, it would've been sooner but I was on a cruise going to Cozumel." We sat and had tea cakes and iced tea. Talked like old friends. She told me she was newly divorced. She and her old man had parted on good terms. She was a police officer. I cringed when she told me that. She is such a pretty girl. I'm old fashioned I guess. Just felt like that's a rough profession. Told me about her family. I knew of her daddy but then so did the entire city of Houston. I didn't judge. It was on that day I decided Courtney or Piggy rather, I would make her my baby. Me and Sylvester never had children. Oh but we had a slew of nieces and nephews. My heart had always longed for them. The good thing was that Sly and I were able to see the world. Oh how we traveled. Needless to say I took more than a liking to my blonde haired grandbaby. I swell with pride when I hear her refer to me as her "Mattie Mae". I watched her career soar. She moved departments within HPD and moved up in rank. Hell I was proud as if I had birthed her myself. Loving and warm. Stubborn as hell and can be mean as a moccasin. And the chile love shoes. Like I'm talking about its a problem. Hmmn, I talk to her all of the time about it constantly. They say she get that from her daddy's mama. Ooh shit. Time for me to sit these old bones down. Cobee is at my place next door right now. Reckon I better get back over there fore he up. His mama don't know but when I keep him he always get up at three am. He and I have two Oreos a piece, and milk with peppermint in it. That peppermint lure him right on back to sleep. I don't know. Reasons why God send certain people in your life. The first time I saw her kill a man it was surreal. True enough the bastard was in her home probably to do worst to me and her. It was the stillness in her eyes I'll never forget. She popped him and calmness over her was eerie. I pray day and night for my child but I weep for her soul constantly. Let me get over to this house and check on my great grand. Sometimes walking in my house there is a ache. Sly I miss you so much. The little clock radio in my kitchen is playing Peggy Scott Adams. Part time Lover. Full time fool. I love blues. Yeah he still sleep. I kiss his forehead. So the doctors only give me about six more months. Cancer. Still can't believe it. By time they caught it, it was untreatable. Still don't know how Imma tell Courtney. I spent years nagging Sylvester about smoking and now here it is I got lung cancer. Can't stop coughing up blood. I've lived a full life. I'm not as down about as you would think though. I got all my affairs lined up. I got a policy and had Courtney sign it about a year ago. Oh she fussed about doing it. I wanted her to be taken care of. I was so glad she survived that accident. I prayed over her the whole time. In between treatment I would go up to ICU and rub her face and arms. I fed her and comforted her mama. Yeah so I had to make sure my sweet girl was taken care of. She don't think I know about her Embassy and the things she doing. I do. I want her to be careful. She's gonna bury me. I will not bury her. Sleep come easy, Lord.

Monday, May 21, 2012

What happens when Piggy Cries....

Yeah, I was a cold hearted bitch. Wasn't no love. Did I feel bad about killing her little brother? Not even a lil bit. He had violated my home. She was responsible for his death. I had gathered all of the others cell phones. I knew she would call. No way her little brother would be offed and she not wanna know who and how'd it happen. I knew more than that about her. I smashed all four of the cellular devices. I'm sitting now across from my transplanted grandmother. Mattie Mae Hayes is one of the most beautiful women I knew. She had long silvery hair and butterscotch skin. She still kept her eyebrows meticulously arched and I couldn't help but wonder about the wrinkles on her face. She was every bit of seventy five. She could pass for sixty. I know that I was responsible for at least two of those wrinkles. I watched her. She sipped Community coffee and worried about me. "Chile, what have you gotten yourself into, yeah." I didn't answer. I got down on the floor on my knees and I laid my head into her lap. She rubbed my face and chanted a prayer to me in French. Mon Dieu, j'adore cette fille ouais. Vielle sur elle. Continuer a montrer sa misericorde! Dear God, I love this girl. Watch over her! Continue to show her mercy. She continued to stroke my face. Warm tears streamed my face. I watched as Mike Walker and his crew strolled through my kitchen with large garbage bags. They were there to clean up the mess I had made. Mike Walker ordered his men with a professionalism you couldn't ignore. He was bonded. "Hey, y'all be careful. Lil one got a lotta nice shit in here. Anything get broke you'll be frying fish tomorrow." I don't know when David left. I just looked up and I didn't see him. I know this was a lot to bring somebody into. I could smell Fabuloso now. I watched them drag all five of the dead men out one by one. Mike Walker stood by my back door coffee cup in hand. With his back to me, he asked, "Are you happy, Courtney?" I didn't answer. I thought. Mattie Mae continued to rub my face and my hair. "You see you doing your thing now I see. You on top. But ARE you HAPPY? I did all this. Niggas like me and your daddy we ran Houston until she had no choice but to love and hate us. I was there that day they pulled Smitty outta that limosine. Nigga had two million dollars in there with him. Cory Blount got the game from us and went left. But you lady. You different. I want you to really think about what make you happy. You got a baby who need you more than these streets." He then walked over and kissed my forehead. Mattie Mae dropped him three stacks. Mike Walker was gone just like that. Moments had passed and I heard Mattie Mae call me. She had made up my bed and pulled the sheets back. "Come on chile, you need sleep." I didn't have the energy to fight her. She handed me a pill. I took it. Washed it down with orange juice. I fell asleep to the radio on my nightstand playing Anthony Hamilton. I slept and I didn't dream....

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tosha Talks it Out

I threw my cell phone against the wall and watched the case and battery fly in every direction. She had killed them and it was my fault. I sent my little brother into her home and she did what I would've done. She killed him. Piggy had taken over Albro's market and she was now cutting into mine. Something had to be done about her. I was Tosha Wilson. I had worked too long and for too long to have this dirty ass cop ruin my business. I love a good sweet wine. Moscato has become my favorite. I got some work coming in. Teddy was supposed to handle that for me now he's- I can't really bring myself to say it. Needless to say that Courtney Coyle was now on my shit list. I wonder what Madisyn is doing. Her deadbeat ass daddy came and got her for the weekend. I agreed to it. I mean he is her daddy. But I was hustling and working hard to make sure she had everything she ever wanted and needed. I would do just that. I need to call the rest of the crew. Find out why no one was able to protect my lil brother. Let me call Marcus first. Damn, is he gone pick up? "This is Piggy." I heard her giggle. I hang up. Let me try Calvin. "This is me again Bitch!" I hang up. I know she couldn't have popped Cliff too. I dial him up. Piggy answers his phone too. "Yeah its still me. So you know first hand what I'm capable of." Click. She hung up this time. Fuck! She had capped all of them. No way she could've done this on her own. Or did she? They talk about her like she some kind of legend round here. I knew her daddy was. I got two kilos ready for pick up and now it looks like I would have to get it myself. Who would make the phone call to my mother? She has never approved of my lifestyle and certainly didn't like the fact that I had brought Teddy along. I had spent my entire life caring for and watching over him. I watched as my tears fell into my lap. Twenty three years old. I would kill her myself. Before I take her life though, I'm gonna cut each and every individual blonde lock of hairs. She would be tortured. I heard that she needs to be taken down a notch. I would be the one to do it. Who the hell is this calling me on my house phone? Nobody got this number. "Hello?" I hear laughing on the other end. "Who is this?" "2819 Commons Square Fresno, Texas. Mama name Diana and father named Robert. Your neighbors are the Sweeneys. You're sitting in your office with a glass of Moscato. Red shirt. Black shorts." I swallowed hard. "I can find you anytime I need you. I'm the police. Now we need to talk. I mean face to face. Bring a couple of your men and I'll do the same. Whatever it takes. I wanna do this peacefully. Hash out what we need to hash out. But if you send anymore people after me I will kill you. I'll be in touch." She hung up. This bitch had gotten my home number. I mean she knew my home address. Something had to be done! Thing is she had offed my A-squad. Its too quiet in here. One of these buttons controlled my Bose system. Tyrone Davis came on over the system. I remembered my granddaddy loved him! I couldn't stop the tears. This blood bath had been my fault. All of my soldiers had always known the risk but it was still my fault. I keep my snub nose in the top desk drawer. Three live rounds in it and one of em had Piggy's name on it. It was about to get ugly around Houston. Houston couldn't function with Courtney Coyle and Tosha Wilson both. I'm tipsy. But something is off....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Piggy is KING!!!

If I DIE tonite...Lord you know my heart. Yes, I've turned in the wrong direction but it is important I leave a legacy for my piglet. Damn, the jarhead has said all the right things tonight. I mean how did we go from dinner to dancing to the Gap Band, cake and then cognac to now about to light my subdivision up. He spotted them first. I'm panicking because this is not a good look. I realized that since I took the crown from Albro, this would be my life. There was no telling who sent these motherfuckers after me but one thing for sure, David Brewer didn't ask any questions. He grabbed his heat and my hand and we crossed the street. I kept a pair of Nike's in their box behind a potted plant. Never knew when I had to get down. I slipped them on. David shook his head. "I knew it was something about you." My door had been kicked in and I could hear em talking. "Fuck, she ain't here. Nobody is. She got this motherfucker laid, I see." "What the hell we gone tell Tosha? She gone be hotter than fish grease." "Shit, I know. She say she want a lock of her hair. Man Tosha on some sick fly shit." Tosha? Tosha? Wasn't ringing a bell. Why the hell she want a lock of my hair? Obviously she didn't know who I was. She get a lock of my hair best believe her ass was going with it. They were standing in my foyer. The other dudes had to be walking around upstairs. "Come on y'all lets go." I hear shuffling around. I decided it was now or never. I ease my door open with David literally on my ass. I have a Mahogany wood Hall tree I got when Brian and I married. Inside the drawer of it, I kept another .40. I laid my .25 down and grabbed it. I made sure they heard me when the hammer went back. Goon number one faced me and I fired one in him center mass. David hit another one standing on the landing of my stairs. The two in my living room had expected me but I pop one between the eyes and the other in his chest. It would be hell to get this blood outta my wood floors. There was another goon still hooded on the floor behind my sofa. He was still alive but barely. He was hit in the shoulder and chest. I pulled his mask off. Wasn't familiar. "Who sent you?" He was ragged. "To-Tosha Wilson." "Why?" "You into her territory. She was feuding with Albro before you took over. We sposed to get a lock of your hair." He was telling the truth. He dying and he know it. I search and I find a cell phone. "Get her on the phone." He tried to struggle but I stuck the hot ass barrel of that .40 right into the open wound of his chest. I watched him howl in agony. "Call her." He pressed one number. "Is it done?" I grabbed the phone. "Hey Tosha. It's Piggy." Stone Silence. "I know you still here so I'll say this. You signed your death warrant when you sent these motherfuckers to my house. Who is this nigga to you?" "Piggy, that's my lil brother. We can talk about this?" I laughed. I turned to him. "What kind of person you think I am?" He sighed a big sigh of relief. "Thank you. That's whats up." "No motherfucker, you thank your big sister, Tosha." I blew his brains out. I heard her screaming on the other end. "Shut the fuck up bitch. You did this. Now you tell your camp and everybody else crazy enough to try me. I AM KING!!!" I hung the phone up. David Brewer stood in my home in disbelief. Mattie Mae arrived with coffee and teacakes. "Baby, should I call Mike Walker?" I nodded. I looked around at the death and mayhem in my home. Was all this worth it? For right now, yes. But what if my piglet hadda been home? I waited on David Brewer to speak. He didn't. Apart of me needed him to say something. He walked up to me and embraced me. That was answer enough. Mike Walker called me. "Lil one, I'm on my way. How many does?" "Five." "Is it a vehicle too?" "Yeah." "I'm on my way." I rubbed my neck and felt the cross that Mattie Mae had put around my neck. Once again I felt like it had given me strength. For some odd reason, I wanted to hear Sam Cooke. I went to my stereo and pressed play. I turned it up because I didn't wanna talk to anybody. I fixed myself some brandy. Put my feet up in Nike hightops onto my coffee table while a dead man cerebrum leaked on the floor next to me. I smelled gunpowder and Polo cologne. Community coffee and carnage. Jasmine Vanilla and Black and Mild smoke. I was numb. I didn't feel anything. I watched David Brewer watch me. Helluva first date, I know. After all this the one thing that brought tears to me that night was the feeling of Mattie Mae's warm hands alongside my face. "I love you, kiddo. Nothing you can do about it either.'

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cognac, Cake, and an AMBUSH?!!

She looked amazing. The red dress she chose was gorgeous against her skin tone and that blonde mane of hers was something else. From the first time I laid eyes on her, I wanted to run my hands through it  The minute she stepped through the door, her perfume started driving me crazy. I took her by the hand and surprisingly she didn't flinch. I had pegged as one of those chicks who was attractive and didn't just want an average nigga touching on her. Her hand felt good in mine. I wanted to show her around. She put her other hand on my arm and she followed. She had on expensive red open toed sandals. Pretty feet. She appeared taller. Her ass was amazing. I remained a gentleman "This is a beautiful home you have here, David." Her voice was sexy. It was a warmth, a sultruiness to it. But oh was it obvious she had been down south all her life. "Thank you. I'm sure its not nearly as nice as yours." I went to the stereo and put on some Avant I love this cat. Mellow. She brought over cake and champagne. I put the champagne on ice. There was so many things I wanted to ask her. I wanted to rub those pretty feet of hers and just listen to her. She could pour warm oil into my hands and tell me where it hurts. I'd want to make it better. "David. David? Hello?" Damn am I really here daydreaming? "Where's your restroom. I wanna wash my hands." I even dug the shape of her mouth. It was heart-shaped. "Down the corner on your left. I'll go ahead and set the table." I was proud of myself. It had been a while since I had cooked. I made Tilapia. Grilled with mango salsa. Fresh green salad with baked sweet potatoes. I had brought her a chocolate covered strawberry bouquet. Something told me that it had been a while since Ms. Courtney had been wined and dined. Shit I was all too happy to do it. I don't know guess it's been a while since I'd taken this much time and effort out for a woman. My career hadn't left me much time to do so. Maybe I hadn't forced the issue myself. "I love a man that cooks." I turned around and she was standing there barefoot with her locks loose around her face. "I hope you didn't mind. I had to get out of those heels for a second." "No not at all. What else can I get you to make you comfortable?" She pushed a lock behind her ear and smiled one of the sexiest smiles I'd ever seen. "Here you go...No I'm good. Hungry as hell though." She attempted to help me serve the plates but I shooed her back. "This is your birthday and you're a guest in my home." She bit her bottom lip and my heart did something funny. It sorta skipped a beat. My dick was hard now though. I fixed her plate with a hefty serving. She didn't look like she ate like a bird. I escorted her out to the patio. I have a nice table overlooking my pool. It was just right out. "This is awesome! I love Tilapia. How'd you learn to cook so well?" I wiped my mouth and looked at her. "My mother taught me how to cook. She's the best cook I know. I just learned from her. She didn't want me growing into a man that needed to depend on a woman for household stuff." She took a sip of champagne. "Yeah I wanna raise my son the same way. It's nothing wrong with a woman who takes care of her man though." Damn. The little things. I wanted to take her right then. I nodded and then I heard the Gap Band come on. She was yearning for somebody's love. She sat her fork down and threw her arms up. "Hey! This my song!!!" I smiled. This was a woman full of life. I turned it up for her. She smiled and I could feel my heart strings being tugged. She extended her hand to me. "Come on dance with me." I took her hand and she got up swaying those gorgeous hips of hers. She was so short standing next to me. Her skin was so soft. I don't know if its the champagne--we've gone through two bottles. "So how is that a man who can cook as well as you do. Has a career, nice home, no kids and you're single?" Here we go. "I know this sounds cliche but I just haven't found the right one yet." We both laughed. "Yeah David, that did sound cliche." I'm looking into this woman's eyes and I see two things. I see her. Truth. Light. And a slight darkness. They're piercing. I gotta look away. "Tell me why is it that a beautiful, young woman full of life, a career driven, bad shoe wearing, Gap Band lovin lady is still single?" A sad look came over her briefly. "I don't know. You put your trust in someone. Open yourself up completely, then you find out they're nothing like you thought." I watched her. She was going through something. I didn't wanna push. She cleared her throat. "Let's have some of this cake. My Mattie Mae makes the best German Chocolate cake ever!" I smiled. I had called and asked Mattie Mae what kind of cake Courtney liked. German chocolate cake is what she told me. Said I need to have some Hennessy with it. I went into the kitchen and came back with a bottle. "Cool points! I love German Chocolate cake with Cognac. It's a guilty indulgence." She pointed to her hips. "Courtney, those are fine." She blushed. I couldn't lie. This was some of the best German chocolate cake I'd ever tasted. "Mattie Mae is crazy about you." "I know it. I'm so lucky to have her. I know she worries about me alot." Let me go ahead and put these dishes in the dishwasher. I guess I am sort of a neat freak when it comes to my house. Things had to be put in its place. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. I could see her house from my kitchen window. There was about four or five dudes in black creeping up her driveway. She was a bit tipsy as was I. "Courtney, you expecting company?" She came into the kitchen. "Why would you say that?" She followed my eyes across the street to her house. "Fuck! It never ends." She then reached up under her dress. Attached to that beautiful thigh of hers was a holster. .25 automatic. That was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. "David, I gotta go." She stood up on tiptoes to kiss me. I kissed her while I ran my fingers through her locks. She pulled back and bit and licked her lips. "Courtney, you not going over there without me." She looked at me. I knew she could probably handle herself. But I was a man. ALL man. There was no way she would be ambushed alone. "Babe, how many entry points into your home?" I just knew she would fight me on this one. She kissed me again. "Bae, we going through the front door. That's my shit." She cocked her gun and I fell in love. Who knew this would be what dating Piggy would entail. I had just wanted dinner and a lil conversation. I grabbed my .45 and my lady and I crept back across the street. "Hey David in case I forget, I had a really nice time." Her eyes twinkled underneath the Texas moon. I moved a lock of hair from her eye. "You got it lady. You know you got some serious explaining to do later." I heard her whisper, "If I die tonite... 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Piggy and the Jarhead

Here we go. I tell you, the FBI needs to step their game up. I mean I knew these mf's was tailing me the minute I walked out the store. Now here we are in the Galleria, but not here. I know that Texas Tea is close by. Wonder do she know these Gmen? No more of them need to die but....Let me call her. "They're behind you Piggy." "Yeah I know. Where you at?" "I'm up top behind you. I'm tailing them. What you wanna do?" My nigga. She stay ready. "Hey these are federal agents, Meika B. We cool. We ain't did nothing wrong. I'm headed to my car. I'll call you back in fifteen minutes. I don't call in that time. You know what to do." She hung up. I stopped to take a drink from the water fountain. The Gmen tried to pretend that they were looking at something in a shop window. Yep. They were definitely after me. Instinct put me in survival mode. I wanna put on a pair of fabulous shoes and run or even worse KILL. The reality of the situation was that I was in a very public place and there would be no explaining this. You see I had to stop being selfish. I had other people depending on me. I think about my piglet. Mattie Mae. My mother. My twin brother. My Embassy. I stop and set my bags down on a table. Pull a compact out my back pocket. Apply one coat of Pink Meringue Mac Lipglass. When I stop, so do they. I blot my lips and fluff my blonde locks. I nod at them both. Pick my bags back up and for some reason they don't continue chase. I dialed Meika B back and say one word. Good. Throw my purchases in the back seat and all I could think of was the handsome Lieutenant from the Mississippi Delta and the Jarhead who made me blush. Lt. Thompson had a way about himself. I didn't trust him far as I could throw him but I'm sure he felt the same way about me. I wanted his hands to be just as dirty as mine in this. Still I thought he'd be an asset to me and the Embassy. David Brewer was something different. I can't just jump back into something. Hell, I'd thought Drell was the one. See how great that turned out. Still there was something that felt right about the jarhead. Damn, where has the day gone? Its damn near six. I head home. Time to prepare for my date. I run a tub of water. Fill it with jasmine and lavender oil. I tie my locks up with a scrunchie. I set my pistol on top of a towel. Its crazy because I'm trying to remember the times where I didn't need that. I can't. Oh God, this water feels great. I hear Pandora click on and then Lattimore's Let's Straighten it Out comes on. What the fuck was that? I hear something. Wet and naked as the day I was born, I grab my pistol and I creep back out the bathroom.  Stand at the landing. "Who the fuck is that?" No answer. I flip on every light in the house. "Who the fuck is here?!" "I know this your house but you better respect me and cut out all that damn cussing!" I exhaled a sigh of relief. It was Mattie Mae. "Sorry Mattie Mae." "And where are your clothes? I came to bring you this German Chocolate cake. I made one for you and Boy. Y'all got y'all own cake." I walk back into my bathroom. Ease back into the water. I had almost shot my grandmother. I hear her hollering up at me saying she had brought me a jar of pig lips. I love me some Mattie Mae. I decided I would wear a form fitting red Maxi dress. Six inch red open toed pumps. Matching clutch. He said dinner at his place. A little fancy but why not. Its my birthday. Gold eyeshadow. Black liner. Gold lips. I sprayed Halo all over my body. For some reason I felt like I needed to wear my garter holster. I put it on and slipped a .25 automatic into it. I fantasize about days when I wouldn't need guns. I grabbed my clutch. Mattie Mae had already went back home. Decided I would take my cake over to David's. I grabbed a bottle of champagne. I locked my queendom and sashayed my way across the street. Just as clear as day I saw them in an unmarked Crown Vic. I shake my head. Ring the doorbell. When he opened the door I smell Ralph Lauren Polo and Rosemary. He had been cooking up a storm. "Hey lady, you look great." That simple compliment made me jump on him. I planted kisses all over his face. I could feel his hands on my ass and thighs as he held me with my legs wrapped around his waist. "Courtney. Courtney!" That brought me outta my daze. "You alright?" I smiled. "Yeah I'm cool. It's just been a long day that's all." "Well I hope you're hungry. Come on in." Here we go. Happy Birthday Courtney. Remember you are celibate. No sex. You'll sit down and enjoy his company. Have some cake and champagne and then carry your ass home! Yeah we'll see how this works out!