Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We Hear from Mattie Mae

She finally sleep. Lord, I sho worry about this chile. I give her a sedative. She need to sleep. I didn't feel like fighting with her either. I think back to when she first moved here. I was lonely as hell. It had only been two years since my Sylvester had passed. I sho miss him yeah. I saw her and that baby get out that car and something just pushed me next door. It was like a force of nature. Sylvester used to call it nosiness. Cobee was all of six months. Oh he was a beautiful baby. It was October. Houston Octobers are still warm but it was a little chilly that day. Courtney didn't have that baby wrapped up enough for my taste. Young mothers, I tell ya. Went right on over and introduced myself. "Hey pretty girl, My name is Madison Marie Hayes. Most folks call me Mattie Mae. Take these tea cakes here and hand me that baby." She smiled. Cobee was just as fussy as can be. I kissed his neck and spoke in french to him. He cooed back at me. I didn't wait for her to invite me in. I went on in myself. "My name is Courtney Ms. Mattie Mae. That's my son Cobee there you holding. You know you the first person to come introduce themselves. We been here a week now." "Well chile, it would've been sooner but I was on a cruise going to Cozumel." We sat and had tea cakes and iced tea. Talked like old friends. She told me she was newly divorced. She and her old man had parted on good terms. She was a police officer. I cringed when she told me that. She is such a pretty girl. I'm old fashioned I guess. Just felt like that's a rough profession. Told me about her family. I knew of her daddy but then so did the entire city of Houston. I didn't judge. It was on that day I decided Courtney or Piggy rather, I would make her my baby. Me and Sylvester never had children. Oh but we had a slew of nieces and nephews. My heart had always longed for them. The good thing was that Sly and I were able to see the world. Oh how we traveled. Needless to say I took more than a liking to my blonde haired grandbaby. I swell with pride when I hear her refer to me as her "Mattie Mae". I watched her career soar. She moved departments within HPD and moved up in rank. Hell I was proud as if I had birthed her myself. Loving and warm. Stubborn as hell and can be mean as a moccasin. And the chile love shoes. Like I'm talking about its a problem. Hmmn, I talk to her all of the time about it constantly. They say she get that from her daddy's mama. Ooh shit. Time for me to sit these old bones down. Cobee is at my place next door right now. Reckon I better get back over there fore he up. His mama don't know but when I keep him he always get up at three am. He and I have two Oreos a piece, and milk with peppermint in it. That peppermint lure him right on back to sleep. I don't know. Reasons why God send certain people in your life. The first time I saw her kill a man it was surreal. True enough the bastard was in her home probably to do worst to me and her. It was the stillness in her eyes I'll never forget. She popped him and calmness over her was eerie. I pray day and night for my child but I weep for her soul constantly. Let me get over to this house and check on my great grand. Sometimes walking in my house there is a ache. Sly I miss you so much. The little clock radio in my kitchen is playing Peggy Scott Adams. Part time Lover. Full time fool. I love blues. Yeah he still sleep. I kiss his forehead. So the doctors only give me about six more months. Cancer. Still can't believe it. By time they caught it, it was untreatable. Still don't know how Imma tell Courtney. I spent years nagging Sylvester about smoking and now here it is I got lung cancer. Can't stop coughing up blood. I've lived a full life. I'm not as down about as you would think though. I got all my affairs lined up. I got a policy and had Courtney sign it about a year ago. Oh she fussed about doing it. I wanted her to be taken care of. I was so glad she survived that accident. I prayed over her the whole time. In between treatment I would go up to ICU and rub her face and arms. I fed her and comforted her mama. Yeah so I had to make sure my sweet girl was taken care of. She don't think I know about her Embassy and the things she doing. I do. I want her to be careful. She's gonna bury me. I will not bury her. Sleep come easy, Lord.

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