Monday, November 19, 2012

Consequences Wait: Piggy and her DADDY

I'm beside myself now. My daddy is home. Couldn't really talk to him because of Gatlin breathing down my throat. He initially act like he got my back but as soon as _____ name comes up, he back into the federal agent mode. "Piggy, you know your father has embarrassed the agency. He's a wanted fugitive." I fold my arms across my chest. "Presumably so am I. You turned your back to that." I walked past him back into the kitchen. He followed. You couldn't play mind games with me. I invented them. Gatlin was different though. Didn't really know what his motives were. I mean what would he gain by letting me go. I knew eventually those charges and that indictment I would have to answer to. It happens. But Gatlin had bought me more time. He kissed his card and placed it in my hand. "Piggy, do what you gotta do." On tiptoes I kissed his handsome cheek. I let my lips linger there long enough for him to smell Rare Gold. Long enough for him to imagine what the inside of my Bermuda Triangle felt like. I knew he could imagine me whispering dirty things. I grabbed his forearm and I heard him groan. I bit him gently on the cheek. "Piggy, you something else." I smiled. "You have no idea." He left. I knew I didn't have much time tho. I went upstairs and kissed my piglet. "Mommy loves you know that right?" He nodded. "Well mommy gotta go in you hear? I need you to take care of Mattie until I get back. I want you two to chill. Don't answer the door for nobody. If you go somewhere call me and let me know." My little man had tears in his eyes but there was no fear. I knew this was hard on him. I kissed him and held him. He went right back to watching cartoons. Its funny how resilent kids are. I went in to talk with Mattie. She was sitting at her window. She had taken her wig off and I could see the smooth contour of her bald head. I walked up behind her and kissed it. "He's back isn't he?" I sat beside her. "He is Mattie. I talked to him." "All those policemen that were here. They were here for you?" I nodded my head. She got up and went into her closet. Came out with a shoebox. "I keep this here for a rainy day. Rest I keep down at JP Morgan Chase." She laid into my hand almost ten thousand dollars. "Take that and you get away long as you need to. I'll call Brian and let him know I got Cobee. You got yourself a good lawyer?" I nodded my head again. Put my head down. This woman loved me no matter what. "Courtney, I can't tell you what to do. I just want you to be careful. You know I want a better life for you. You are not him Courtney Coyle." She kissed my forehead. I gave her the same instructions I gave to my son. "Mattie Mae, I'm serious. You go anywhere you call me coming or going." She politely cussed me in French. I gotta get outta here. I call Meika B. "Hey lady, I gotta get outta here. Where you at?" "Im at home. You need me?" "Like Batman need Robin." I hung up. I threw a few things in a bag. My .40 was loaded. I slipped on a pair of Coach Tennis shoes. Lipgloss. My phone started playing Pandora and I didn't turn it off. I heard Mary J. wailing away about how she was going down. I sprayed misting spray into my blonde locks and put on a headband. Dark sunglasses. I pulled my Camaro out of the garage. I saw two federal cars across the street. I saw one door open. I got in my car and I started it. One foot on the clutch the other on the gas. Reverse. I was gone. In my rearview was my home and the closest thing to family I knew. We wasn't even blood related. In my windshield for the first time I was looking at uncertainty. She sang Sleep don't come easy. I'm going chick you have no idea. All the effed up things I've done is flashing through my mind. Then I think about LV. I wanna run to him. My trusted friend but he got a family and I would never jeopardize that. At this moment though I wanted him to move a lock from my face and tell me this too would pass. But I knew I would hear another dose of realness from my raven beauty. More than a sidekick Meika kept me grounded. I had been tailed. No worries I was used to this. I shifted gears and took a back street down towards Kirby. The asshole kept two cars behind me. I ducked down a raggedy road going back towards my mama and daddy's farm. I couldn't see who it was. Reckon whoever this was didn't know that I was now in survival mode more than ever. I kept driving but then I took my pistol off safety. I was a helluva shot standing still but I was cold moving too. I pulled my car onto the south entrance of my daddy's stables. The suburban pulled in about a thousand yards away. Dear God, I'm repenting now for what you know I have to do. The door of the suburban opens. I aim my pistol. He come out with his hands up. My heart has butterflies in it. "Trouble, its me!!!" Black has never been more beautiful to me so no MJB ain't nothing going down. My daddy is alive! Houston and its taking will have to wait.

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