Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ms. Shannon Monet Gets her Due or UNDUE?

The bartender poured me a stiff drink. I tossed a quarter into the shot glass and downed it. Pressed play on the jukebox and Gladys came on singing If I was Your Woman.  I loved Courtney. I did. I had watched her grow up. All bullshit to the side, she had grown into a powerhouse right before my eyes. Her mother and I were sorrority sisters but I only saw her mother in her physical appearance. I mean Courtney and Belinda were bookends. She was her daddy's child, even though she had decided to go into law enforcement. Her going through the academy was a mere formality. I had already arranged for her to be hired on the police force. I downed my second drink in one swallow. I hear about this, this Embassy she's started. If it wasn't for me she never would've had the driving force to do so. I sit back now like a proud mama. Gangsta bitch is what she was now. You see Officer Piggy what have you, Courtney Coyle had a fire and a darkness in her eyes that mirrored my own. Didn't fully believe that she could pull of killing my ex and taking over his business. She did and brought me evidence. There was a sad cloud over me though. You see eventually I would have to kill her. She knew too much about me. I mean she had information that could destroy me. I slipped up one day while we out to dinner and let loose that I had killed my niece. Initially I thought that she would maybe charge it up to me being drunk. Not Piggy. She started investigating it. Pulled the case file. Minute she did that, I got on Chad Blair's ass. It was something about Piggy that had men drawn to her. I mean she had even had Alvin Ray turn against me. When I found him it would be all over with. But Courtney would be more than a pain in my side. Still, I wasn't expecting to hear this. I got the call a couple of hours ago. One of my men had called and told me. I got to the hospital soon as I could. Her goons were all there including Meika B. I mean damn if it wasn't for me they would've never collaborated together. She looked me down with this icy stare and I believe that the only reason she didn't kill me was because police were everywhere. I got information on her condition and now here I am across the street at the Yellowstone Lounge. I needed to get away for a second. It dawned on me that Tameika thought I had something to do with this. She was wrong. I made idle threats towards Piggy but I couldn't really hurt her. Yeah I had sent goons after her and even directly threatened her but the truth is I respected her. I downed another drink. I'm tipsy now. Everything is a blur right now. Reggie the bartender is staring at me. Or least I think he is. I think I need to let my men know that I'm ready to go. Where's my purse? Ain't this some bullshit. Shit. My head spinning like crazy. "Monet, you need some help?" What the hell she doing here? I look around and I don't see Dexter. By the time I turned around to answer Alicia Brown, I could smell the chloroform. I was too drunk to struggle hard but I knew that it was Machete Mychelle who had grabbed me. Damn where the hell is my purse-- "Here Reggie, appreciate it. Now we need to get this bitch to Mychelle car without her goons seeing us." "No prob baby. We go out the back." Mychelle looked at me and she had a look of pure hatred. "Asia, we gone kill her but kill her slow." Monet had fucked up. I helped Mychelle put her in the trunk but I kept thinking about those neckbones I left cooking at the house.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Machete Mychelle Makes it Clear: What Lies Ahead?

So I'm laying Jay clothes out for school, and forcing Deedee to take her lil ass to bed when Meika B called me. "Chelle, Piggy's been hurt chick. They bombed her car!" I dropped the phone. Slowly it felt like air was being siphoned from my lungs. Courtney and I had been friends twenty or more years. We went through almost everything together. Our childrens' births, relationships that lasted and didn't last, career changes and so on. We had done dirt together too. We would fight and then make up and then fight again. No matter what though I knew she would love me forever and I would do the same for her. All I'm thinking is who the fuck would do something like this? Shit like this didn't happen in Houston. I knew that her and Shannon Monet had been going at it heavy but this was crazy even for her. The tone in Meika B's voice told me that whoever had did it would be in for it and I cosigned that. I needed to get to the hospital ASAP. My fifteen year old nephew was at my house. I knew he could watch Jay and Deedee for me no problem. So I got dressed in black jeans, black air max and a black tee. I ran my fingers through my short tresses and grabbed my purse. My machete still in its sleeve, I slung it over my shoulder. I never left home without it. I laugh as I think about how Courtney would refer to me as Machete Mychelle. Yeah Piggy you had to make it through this time. I just felt that she was doing great things with the start of the Embassy. She was always good like that. Here I am talking about was. No maam, my sister from another mister was going to be just fine. I hopped in my GTO. Turned on the radio and what was on? Major singing Love Won't Let me Wait. My mama and daddy's music no doubt. But I remember how me and Courtney would sit in that garage on 16406 Quailyn and play that wax like it was ours and only ours. Those were the days. See we hadn't always been heathens. Both our daddies were legends in their own right. Bricklayers. But hey we went in separate directions. Sort of anyway. Thing is, I would do what I had to to support my family and that's for damn sure. Courtney called me and told me that she had graduated the police academy, I nearly peed my pants. C.C. a cop? Couldn't picture it. Until the day I saw my friend in that turquoise blue shirt and black pants. I couldn't have been prouder. Yeah some may call her crooked now but shit ain't nobody perfect. We all got skeletons. One day I would teach mine to dance. I floated down 288. Realizing that I was doing eighty five. I said a prayer to myself. It just wasn't her time. My blood boiled as I thought about the steel gray eyes of Shannon Monet. You see this shit here was right up her alley. Piggy had told me all about her and what she had done to her niece. Her own flesh and blood. Didn't matter though, whoever was responsible for this would pay. Not only would the Embassy be after them, but I knew that Piggy would stop at nothing to get em. When I got to the floor she was on there were cops everywhere. I saw Tameika's red eyes and knew that it had to be bad. I swallowed hard and went in. I almost fell. One of the officers had to catch me. My beautiful friend. Her skin was black and blue. Eyes and face swollen beyond recognition. I knew it was her because I recognized her locks. The machine next to her bed barely read brain pattern and activity. As tears rolled down my face, I looked up to God and said a prayer. Help her. Make this all go away, God. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. It was Mike Walker. He was the calm in all this mess. I felt better. I walked over to my buddy and I grabbed her hand. Warm. The heifer squeezed my hand. "Courtney, you get up bae! We got stuff to do!" I hadn't realized how loudly I had gotten. Blinded by tears, Mike Walker held me to console me. Truth is I couldn't deny what was ringing in my ears. Death bells. I was fighting against the fact that maybe those death bells were for Courtney Danielle Coyle, my very best friend. No God, I won't accept that! I-no we need her here. As she lay peacefully in the bed, I smiled because I saw my nephew's face. Most importantly Cobee, her piglet needed her.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mike Walker Speaks a Mouthful

I had just put my daughter to bed when my nigga called me. Damn. I had told lil one several times to be careful. I didn't worry much about her. You see she was just like her daddy. The spitting image of her mama but pure mustang like her old man. I miss my nigga. Didn't know if I would ever see him again. We ran the streets together for years and now his baby girl had been crowned King of Houston.  I have to chuckle at that. They say somebody put a bomb in her car. I gotta get up to that hospital. Wonder if her mama knows. What about her baby? Wait a minute. Can't find my keys. I went into our bedroom to kiss my beautiful wife. Lisa had fallen asleep studying. I moved her textbook and notebook to the floor. Kissed her forehead. My family was the most important thing to me. Taking care of this woman and our children meant more to me than taking my next breath. I had made millions in the street. You know they still talk about Mike Walker. I had Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria and Galveston county on lock. Then one day I grew tired. I walked clean away. I let the youngstas have it. Now don't get me wrong. I still do my dirt but not to that capacity. I know that God has a higher purpose for me. My life and family to me is valued more than any kind of car, house, money or any of that other bullshit out there. I didn't knock nobody else's hustle though. I respected it. Found my keys. I saw I had a missed call from Tameika Benford. She was another lil one that I saw had so much potential. I don't think she out there as bad as C.C. but I knew they ran together. You see word around town was that Courtney AKA Piggy had put together some of Houston's baddest women gangstas. I thought the shit was brilliant myself. Quiet as its kept, I've always believed that women made the better gangstas anyway. They're able to keep it together a little better than we are. I jumped in my '72 Continental. I love this car. Its black on black everything. When I got in and turned on the radio I heard Marco Spoon on the radio. Then the Isley Brothers Hello, It's Me. Yeah, good music. I lit my Djarum and back out of my driveway. I jumped on 288 and headed to Ben Taub. She had to be ok. Not just because she was my friend's kid but I knew that Houston's law enforcement and its underworld alike depended on her survival. I can't forget the darkness she carries in her eyes. To squares its scary but to those like us its a light at the end of a lonely tunnel. That darkness comes from years of doing what you have to do or not truly knowing the meaning of Regret. I figured it was a combination of both for Courtney Coyle. I bowed my head to pray once I pulled into the parking garage of the hospital. When I was done I looked up and saw Shannon Monet's car being parked. I waited. I saw her and two of her workers get out. This couldn't be good. I knew that C.C. probably had plenty of security. Wasn't concerned with that but dang what if Shannon Monet was responsible for this? I stepped off the hospital elevator and was blinded by six beautiful women. This was C.C.'s embassy. I recognized the raven beauty C.C. called Texas Tea. Tameika Benford was at the center of the group. Strong like black coffee and I'm sure she was as sweet as the sugar and creme you could add to it. I walked up to her. Took her hand and kissed it. I could see tear streaks on her beautiful face. "Mike, it's pretty bad." I turned to face Piggy's support system and I called for us to pray. Houston needed Piggy. It needed her father and me in our day. I knew this. In the end, she would leave a legacy. That legacy still had some building left to it. I bowed my head and said a prayer because I knew that in this hospital room laid one of the strongest women I knew. Her daddy, _______ has to be proud of that. "Texas Tea, don't you worry none about Piggy. It's up to you all to find who did this and punish. If you do not a message will be sent around Houston that Piggy can't handle herself. Rule with an Iron fist!"

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Tameika: TexasTea Spills

I can't believe this shit! Piggy in critical condition! Drell answered the phone and told me but I could barely understand him. His voice was shaking real bad. Good thing Jay was already at my mama's. I got in my car and raced to Ben Taub. Drell said that that was where they was taking her. Piggy was a psychopath. She was reckless. Mean tempered. Stubborn. Honest. Loyal. Genuine. I was also proud to call her my friend. I, Tameika Benford had no qualms about her faults but it was something about C.C. that made you want to love her. She had to pull through this. Besides that she was now King of Houston. My cell rung. It was Drell. "Hey, they rushing her in to make sure there ain't no severe brain damage. I listed you as immediate family so you'll be able to update her people." I could hear it in his voice. He really liked Piggy. I knew she had feelings for him also. I keep going back to the time we spent together the last couple of weeks. I had been warning that girl about her shoe habit. I mean its baad! She goes through withdrawals and her habit is expensive. I talking Madden, Choo, Louboutin, and Gucci. I switched Satellite radio stations. I heard an announcement for Courtney Got Something to Say. I had to admit that I had gotten hooked on it. It was pretty good. This Piggy character reminded me of someone I knew in real life. I laughed because C.C. thought it was bullshit. Trash writing she called it. She swore she had never read it. Anyway, I needed to let the rest of the Embassy know what was up. But not before I had some concrete information on what was up with her condition. Who would put a bomb in her car? I don't know. Courtney has had her fair share of enemies. Shannon Monet and Arnissha Lynn being at the top of the list. I knew that Starsha Danielle was out of jail and gunning for her. But planting a bomb was messy and drastic. I pulled into the parking garage. Even with all this going on I was soothed by Anthony Hamilton's Point of it All. It was playing on 102.1 I said a quick prayer for my friend. God, if You're listening, let her be ok. I know that neither of us is doing what we should be, but Courtney has a higher purpose here. We all know that none of us deserve Your mercy and grace. In these I ask, Amen. I loaded my .50 and stuck it in my Miu Miu bag and headed in to see Officer Piggy. Outside her room there were about fifteen cops. You know they always take care of their own. I knew that I wasn't getting in that room without hassle and my purse had a cannon in it that I never left home without. I called Drell. He stepped outside her room and nodded at one of the officers. I was let in with no problems. I walked in and my heart stopped. I barely recognized her. She was literally black and blue in her face. It was swollen and there was a bandage over her beautiful blonde locks. A single tear fell from my eye. There were tubes coming from everywhere. Drell said he would leave us alone. She was unconscious. I walked up beside her bed and held her hand. It was warm and I got a sense that she knew I was there. "Hey kiddo, you better wake your ass up." She squeezed my hand but she didn't wake up. I sat in the chair next to her. I decided that we would go about business as normal. At her bedside I laid out our plans for the takeover of Lynn Industries starting with her Happy Hair Butter. I had a conversation with my friend as if we were sitting somewhere having drinks. Lord knows I needed one too. I laid out all our cards. I mean what we had going for us as an organization and what was working against us. She squeezed my hand again. "Bae, I got you. We gone get whoever did this too. They'll get our justice." I kissed her forehead. I unwrapped the bandages from her head. Reached in my purse and pulled out some Mixed Chicks hair balm and rubbed it in her beautiful mane that she is so proud of. You see I know what loyalty is. What is it you ask? If Piggy died today, I'd talk to her and think of her as if she was still here. As I rubbed her locks, I thought of her vision and the demons she fights everyday. Well I tell you one thing: She would die. But no time soon. This time I squeezed her hand and a single tear fell from her eye. "Damn, Piggy, as if you don't get enough attention. We gone pull through this."

Friday, September 16, 2011

Piggy's Plight and Peril? WTF!!!!

With my gun still pointed at him, he continued to rant. "You killed my brother out there on 35 and left. Didn't stop to see if he was aite." I scoffed. Mind you now, there were about thirty other civillians in the restaurant who now knew I was a cop. I figured it best I not admit to anything. But this dude needed to be brought back to reality. "Nigga, your brother was tryna to kill me." By this time the other suspects had made their way to our table. There was about six guns raised. I looked at one of them and spoke to Drell. "How you doing, bae?" "I'm good. I'm here. I got you." I don't know why but at that time it was really important that I hear that. The ring leader cleared his throat. "This ain't just a shake down. Arnissha Lynn sends her regards." I knew it. This was her right here. Why would she be so tacky with it though? But then this was right up her alley. She felt like could be careless. I knew the cops would be on their way in a minute. The TSU student had done what I asked and called 9-1-1. She didn't have to speak to anyone because I knew the operator would hear the commotion and a frequency from her I-pad would send a GPS signal to let emergency response know where we were. Once this was over, I would talk to her. She had done good. "Now you got two options. You can die or you can put these guns down, surrender and let these innocent people finish enjoying their meals. Which one?" The leader laughed and looked to his squad. "Piggy, you a little overly confident, don't you think?" "I am. I know how this is going to end. Just thought I'd let you believe that you could have some kind of control over it." I stood in the booth chair and my normal 5'2 stature seemed larger than life. In the distance I could see the flashing red, blue and white lights. My brethren, no doubt on the way. "So what's it gone be? I know you hear 'em and you ain't going nowhere." He looked around as if weighing his options. I kept my weapon aimed and I looked around me. Besides the fear of the unknown, most of the patrons appeared fine. All at once there was another commotion and about six officers stormed the restaurant. The goon fired his rifle. It hit a man in the left corner of the restaurant. I immediately popped one into his shoulder forcing him to drop the gun and fall to the floor. Drell helped me down and I stood over him. He was wringing in pain. I hit a major artery in his shoulder. I could tell because there was a lot of blood all at once. One the officers yelled for me to drop my weapon. I did as I was told. "It's okay officers, I'm a cop." I slowly flashed my badge and the situation eased a little bit. The other suspects were apprehended. No foul or harm. An ambulance was called for the patron and the guilty. I quickly instructed Drell to put his gun up. I gave him my purse and he dumped it in there. I answered fifty questions a hundred different ways. Left my card and told any of the officers that they could call me with anything else. Me and Drell walked outside into the humid night air. "The adventures of Drell and Piggy, huh?" His question brought me out of my trance. I smiled. "How about you come back with me to my place. I'll fix us breakfast and we can wake up and watch cartoons together." He scratched his chin. "Yeah we can do that. You know I have to leave in two days." My heart sunk. I had completely fallen for this man. I had an idea. I called Tameika to see if we could have a get together. A dinner party at my house. She didn't answer. I texted her to call me back. "You coming or what?" He kissed my forehead. "I'm following you." I went back to my car and I noticed that the door was ajar. I love Chevrolet. This Camaro was so souped up that I knew if someone was in it or if it had been tampered with. I put my hand on the handle and the loudest explosion I had ever heard erupted. The force threw me back and I now I see everything is white. I see my daddy and I am now five years old. I'm taken back to simpler times. There is an ice cream truck coming down the street and my mother is on the front porch with my daddy while he drinks a beer. I don't feel my body. Fingers, toes, legs, my shoulders, or head. I literally hear Bobbly Blue Bland's Members only. I'm sleepy. I gotta go. I'm tired. I need-.....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Piggy's Passion, Plans, and Pancakes: Grand Slams and Drell

I kissed Mattie Mae and Cobee both and I was off. I repeatedly called Drell back but got no answer. I knew about what apartment complex he was staying in but I didn't have the exact number. I put the complex into my GPS system and I was on my way. There was so many things going through my mind. I called again. His phone went straight to his voice mail. I wanted to throw my blackberry out of the window, I was so frustrated. Then my phone rang back. It was him. In a panic I answered the phone. "Bae, are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm good. I was just about to call you when I saw I had all these missed calls from you." I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Boy I was on my way over there to light it up!" I heard him chuckle. "Drell, I called you and I heard gunfire. The phone hung up and then I didn't get no answer." He then started laughing harder. "Courtney, I'm watching Belly and the surround sound is up loud. My neighbor just came over to ask me to turn it down." I slowed down and pulled into a gas station parking lot. I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Ok, so I had to really admit that I had feelings for this man. "Drell I thought you was in some serious trouble." "No, Courtney. I'm fine. Where you at?" I pushed my blonde locks from out of my face. I twisted them into a bun at the nape of my neck. "I'm off 288." "Meet me at Denny's. There's one off   Southmore and 288." His voice sends shivers down my spine. When I was around him I felt sixteen again. "Ok bae, I'll be there in fifteen minutes." We hung up. I realized that I wasn't exactly dressed to go out but then I remembered that Drell was the guy that I felt like I could truly call him my lover and friend. It was at that moment I thought about Ivory Albro. The debauchery aside, there was something about Albro that intrigued me until the day I killed him. I took his crown and then his appeal dwindled a bit. My phone rings. The caller ID says unknown. Imma chill. I put lip gloss on my lips. I had on sweats and house shoes. No make up. Phone rings again. Its Monet. "Piggy, I hope you know what you're doing." I could hear the ice clinking in her glass. "How are you Shannon Monet?" Silence. I could hear Calvin Richardson crooning Falling Out on my Pandora Radio. "You still there?" "I'm here, Courtney." "Good, listen up. This thing between you and me has come to a head. Know that you will pay for all of your sins and I will be the judge, trial and sentencing. You go to my son's school and pull that?" I heard her chuckle and that fueled the fire that was in me. "Courtney, I do not have time for your tantrum. Drell. How do you know him?" Oh ok. This was what she really wanted. "Drell and I go way back to grade school, Monet. Why do you ask?" She didn't say anything. I knew that could mean many things with her. "You oughta watch the company you keep, Courtney. Haven't I taught you that?" I smirked. I saw Drell's Cutlass pull into the parking lot. He didn't see me. He parked on the opposite end of the lot. I then saw Arnissha Lynn's Bentley. Just my luck. I needed to meet with her indefinitely. I cut Shannon off. Told her I would call her back. I reached for my door handle to get out but I noticed that Big Lynn's Bentley was parked next to Drell's car. He got out and so did Big Lynn and two of her goons. Drell lit a black and mild. They were talking. I dialecd Drell. He looked at his phone and then sent me to voicemail. I called him right back. He answered after three rings. "What's up bae?" "Nothing, I'm on my way. Where you at?" I saw him look around. "I'm just pulling into Denny's. Where you at?" "I'm coming dine 288. Be there in a second." I hung up. Arnissha Lynn and Drell continued their conversation. It looked heated. One of Lynn's goons pointed a pistol at Drell. They got back in her car and left. They drove right past me and she and I locked eyes. She of course quickly looked away. Yeah bitch we gone have our day. Soon. I watched Drell walk into the restaurant. I checked my .40 and it was loaded. I went into Denny's. Drell spotted me the moment I walked in. The smile on his face made my heart skip a beat. He looked like he was genuinely happy to see me. He walked up to me, bent down a little and kissed me squarely on the lips. "Come on baby, let's eat." I took his hand and at that moment I knew that I would probably follow him anywhere. We were seated. Waitress comes and takes our drink order. He sat across from me. I pouted. "Dang, why you sittin over there? You don't want to sit next to me?" He smiled and then moved next to me in the booth. His scent was intoxicating to me. I pulled his chin down and kissed him again, my tongue tickling the inside of his mouth. He moaned. "Damn." I giggled. It had been a long time since I had felt like I had a man who had no ulterior motives. I knew that I didn't know everything about Drell but I knew that I was comfortable with him. I needed him to see the best and worst in me. I ordered a grand slam with eggs over easy. Drell ordered the same but with scrambled eggs. I held his hand. I watched him. He was so handsome. I love his facial structure. I could kiss him all day. I wanted to wrap myself up in him. "Bae, I got something I need to tell you." I saw his jaw tense up. Uh oh. Here we go. I had already saw him talking to Big Lynn. I figured I'd investigate that later on. "Right before you got here, Arnissha Lynn came up to me. She started asking me all kinds of questions about you and Shannon Monet." My ears perked up. So that's what that was about. He was being honest about it. He didn't have to say anything about it. "What did she want to know?" The waitress brought a tall carafe of orange juice to the table. I poured a glass. Drell took it from me and took a long sip. I was in a daze watching him. "She just wanted to know what you and Shannon had against her. Said she had heard you was plotting something." I didn't know how to digest this. How had she known? Then again, Big Lynn was the natural choice. With Albro out of the way and me being King, there was no one to go after except Lynn or Monet. I was going to destroy them both. I knew that Big Lynn would be the easier fish to fry first. I needed more than corn meal and grease to fry her nonetheless. We sat and talked while waiting for our food. Suddenly there was a commotion at the door. "Everybody get the fuck down!" Four men in black and ski masks were holding the Denny's up. I looked at my other half and he made me proud. He stared into my eyes and I knew we were on the same page. I slide my .40 outta my bag. These four unlucky bastards had stumbled into an eatery with a kingpin cop who wasn't having it. Later I would revel in the irony. Behind me was a girl with Texas Southern gear on. She had her I-pad out reading Courtney Got Something to Say. What is is with this blog that garnered so much attention around here. I hadn't really read it myself but I hear it was good. Anyway, the girl also had her laptop. I knew they were headed straight this way. One of the guys started ordering the patrons to empty their belongings into a hefty trash bag. The other three were ordering the manager to empty the registers. One of the guys stood out to me. It was not because I could see or recognize his face but it was his stance. He was holding a .22 rifle. I took that out of his hand and replaced it with an AK. This was one of the motherfuckers who had followed me and shot at me after I left my mother's that day. I'm sure I had killed the other one. He had his gun on me and Drell and as he passed by me I got a whiff of it. It was Happy Hair Butter. His hair wasn't completely covered and he had some of the most beautiful dreads I had ever seen. Arnissha Lynn was behind this. I squeezed Drell's hand under the table. I slapped my badge onto the table and cocked my gun. "Houston Police! Drop the fuckin' gun! Now!" Drell stood up beside me with his .45. The goon looked up at me. "She said you was in here. You killed my brother bitch." I smiled. "Well looks like gettin killed is about to run in your family." If I die tonite was all I was thinking.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

High Strung Piggy from Htown Heralds Respect: Don't ever forget that!

Drell wrapped his hands around my waist and I could feel his warm breath and moist tongue on my breasts. Even his hair smelled good. Sitting in his lap with the Manolo Blahniks of every chick's dream on my feet, you couldn't tell me nothing. My body convulsed. I had just orgasm and he had barely touched me. I think to myself that I have may have found my Methadone. Drell in healthy doses may finally break my shoe habit. Maybe. I ran my hands through his braids and I heard him whisper, “Courtney, I think you’re addictive.” I smiled at him. I was thinking the same thing about him. I felt him harden underneath me. Mavis Staples serenaded us with Let's do it again. It was playing on the small radio. As if on cue my cell rang. Normally I probably would’ve ignored it but something told me I needed to answer it. “Courtney.” “Ms. Coyle, this is Ms. Stephenson. Courtney’s teacher. I was calling because it’s important that you come down here. Something has happened today and I think that you need to be aware of it.” My heart started beating a mile a minute. “What’s wrong? Is Cobee ok?” “Yes, Ms. Coyle. He’s fine. We had a little incident and we don’t want to discuss it over the phone. When can we see you?” I glanced at the clock on the nightstand and it read 11:15. Drell walked up and rubbed my neck and shoulders. I moaned as I could feel tension melt away from me. Obviously this was really important. I told the lady I'd be there in a hour. I wondered had she called Brian first. "What's wrong bae?" His hands were still rubbing my skin and it was warm and relaxing to the touch. "I gotta go to Cobee's school. She won't talk to me over the phone so its probably some bull." He kissed my shoulder. "Courtney, don't think like that. Go ahead and see about him. Call me when you finished. I got some business I need to handle." Still fresh on my mind was the hit on him that I intercepted. "Drell, be careful. It was Monet who had Mike Walker after you. Until I can get this straightened out, be careful because she will not stop." He smiled and kissed my forehead and then down to my lips. When we kissed it was like something electric passed through me. He left. I quickly got dressed in a clean white Tshirt, black jeans and a pair of clear jelly flip flops. I put on more lip gloss and headed to my child's school. When I got there, Cobee was sitting in the office having cookies and juice. He ran up to me and right into my arms. I knew then he wasn't in trouble. I kissed his face. "What's wrong, Cobee? Why your teacher called me?" His eyes got big and he said, "Mommy, Aunt Shannon tried to take me from school today. I knew that she wasn't supposed to and my teacher say she not on the list to get me." The minute he said that all the nerves I had left, I could literally hear snapping. Shannon Monet was taking shit too far now. "Courtney, you mean Shannon Monet came to your school?" His teacher chimed in. "Ms. Coyle, Councilwoman Monet was adamant about picking him up. I calmly tried to explain that you or his father had not listed her on his emergency contact card, therefore we could not release Courtney to her." She only blinked once. I exhaled. Took short breaths in and out of my nose. This cunt was unbelievable. She would stoop so low as to try and kidnap my child? Well now I heard her loud and clear dammit. She had REALLY crossed the line this time. I mean to think that she would have the audacity-hmmn cute shoes. This parent that just walked in has on violet satin pumps with a bow at the toe. I'm thinking they're probably Steve Madden. Dammit, Courtney Danielle Coyle. Focus! See how quickly my mind can turn when it comes to shoes? Shannon Monet was going to pay. Since she didn't have any children really to speak of, I knew where to hit her. Yeah the only baby she really had was Shannon's Plate. That expensive soul food fusion restaurant of hers. Yeah it was like an epiphany. I would hit Shannon Monet where it really hurt. She was a beautiful creature to look at on the outside but her character and the person she truly was made it hard for me to look at her. Not to say that I am any better than she. I pulled my cell out and sent Drell a text that read I'm thinking about you....Maybe about five seconds later he responded, I'm thinking about you. Are you ok? I told him I would call him in a few. The parent with the violet pumps kept strutting her stuff back and forth through the office. I had to know where she got them. "Girl those are some bad pumps." She smiled and looked down at them. "Thank you. I've been getting compliments on them all day." "I know you have. Where you get them if you don't mind me asking?" "Girl, I got a shoe guy. His name is Brock. Girl, he can get you anything you want." "Can I get a number for him?" She dug around in a Dior bag that I would've killed for. "Nice bag too, chick." "Oh this came from Brock too." She handed me a business card. Brock's picture was on it. Very attractive black man. I loved his slogan. It read, "If I ain't got it, you don't need it!" I would definitely give him a call. Cobee and I left and while in the car headed to McDonald's, we had a much needed mother son talk. I pulled through the drive thru and ordered his usual meal of chicken nuggets, fries and orange Hi-C. "Cobee, we need to talk." With a mouth full of food he mumbled ok. "Mommy and Aunt Shannon have been going through some things. We have been fighting back and forth. But I need you to know that mommy loves you and this has nothing to do with you." I checked on him in the rearview. He nodded his head as he listened. "Mommy do things that may not be the best but I want you to know that I love you and will ALWAYS do what's right by you." "I know that mommy." I felt better now that I had got that off my chest to him. We ran around town doing stuff I knew he would enjoy. The Children's Museum. Chuck E. Cheese. Toysrus. It was after nine when we headed home. Pulled up in my driveway. By the time we got home, Cobee was sound asleep in the backseat. I picked him up and took him into the house. Peeled his clothes off. Wiped him down and got him in bed. Before I walked out of his room, I looked back at him. I would do anything for this child who I knew would one day be a man. Now on to bigger issues. You see Shannon Monet was a thorn in my side but even still Arnissha Lynn had to be dealt with first. I poured myself a glass of wine and I called Texas Tea. She was still up frosting cupcakes for her son's class. The things we do for our children right? "Piggy, we got to put in some work with Big Lynn. You know that bitch ain't going easy." "I know that but neither are we. We gone have to corner her. I know for a fact what she been up to so her business will be ours and like Ivory Albro we won't give her a choice." Tameika chuckled. "Damn, Courtney you a cold ass bitch on em. I'm with it. Just let me know. Jay!!! Your ass better get in that bed! Hey girl, let me call you back. This lil boy done lost his mind." I laughed and let her go. I sat there with my wine and thought about things. Life was definitely a conundrum. I then realized that it had been hours since I talked to him. He made me giggle. I sat in my living room staring down at my pink painted toes with a lock of my blonde hair around my fingers. He answered on the first ring. I bit my bottom lip and then heard automatic gunfire! "Drell! Drell!" No answer. I jumped up and redialed his cell. No answer. I said a quick prayer. God, I know I have been wrong. I know this. But I need Drell like the crops need rain. Let him be okay. I sat back down with the phone in my lap praying for a miracle. I was always high strung Piggy. I could do this. Wait on him to call me back. But then who the hell was I fooling. I pushed a clip into my .45 as I spoke with Mattie Mae about watching my piglet for me. I was always a hard headed child.