Saturday, September 17, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Tameika: TexasTea Spills

I can't believe this shit! Piggy in critical condition! Drell answered the phone and told me but I could barely understand him. His voice was shaking real bad. Good thing Jay was already at my mama's. I got in my car and raced to Ben Taub. Drell said that that was where they was taking her. Piggy was a psychopath. She was reckless. Mean tempered. Stubborn. Honest. Loyal. Genuine. I was also proud to call her my friend. I, Tameika Benford had no qualms about her faults but it was something about C.C. that made you want to love her. She had to pull through this. Besides that she was now King of Houston. My cell rung. It was Drell. "Hey, they rushing her in to make sure there ain't no severe brain damage. I listed you as immediate family so you'll be able to update her people." I could hear it in his voice. He really liked Piggy. I knew she had feelings for him also. I keep going back to the time we spent together the last couple of weeks. I had been warning that girl about her shoe habit. I mean its baad! She goes through withdrawals and her habit is expensive. I talking Madden, Choo, Louboutin, and Gucci. I switched Satellite radio stations. I heard an announcement for Courtney Got Something to Say. I had to admit that I had gotten hooked on it. It was pretty good. This Piggy character reminded me of someone I knew in real life. I laughed because C.C. thought it was bullshit. Trash writing she called it. She swore she had never read it. Anyway, I needed to let the rest of the Embassy know what was up. But not before I had some concrete information on what was up with her condition. Who would put a bomb in her car? I don't know. Courtney has had her fair share of enemies. Shannon Monet and Arnissha Lynn being at the top of the list. I knew that Starsha Danielle was out of jail and gunning for her. But planting a bomb was messy and drastic. I pulled into the parking garage. Even with all this going on I was soothed by Anthony Hamilton's Point of it All. It was playing on 102.1 I said a quick prayer for my friend. God, if You're listening, let her be ok. I know that neither of us is doing what we should be, but Courtney has a higher purpose here. We all know that none of us deserve Your mercy and grace. In these I ask, Amen. I loaded my .50 and stuck it in my Miu Miu bag and headed in to see Officer Piggy. Outside her room there were about fifteen cops. You know they always take care of their own. I knew that I wasn't getting in that room without hassle and my purse had a cannon in it that I never left home without. I called Drell. He stepped outside her room and nodded at one of the officers. I was let in with no problems. I walked in and my heart stopped. I barely recognized her. She was literally black and blue in her face. It was swollen and there was a bandage over her beautiful blonde locks. A single tear fell from my eye. There were tubes coming from everywhere. Drell said he would leave us alone. She was unconscious. I walked up beside her bed and held her hand. It was warm and I got a sense that she knew I was there. "Hey kiddo, you better wake your ass up." She squeezed my hand but she didn't wake up. I sat in the chair next to her. I decided that we would go about business as normal. At her bedside I laid out our plans for the takeover of Lynn Industries starting with her Happy Hair Butter. I had a conversation with my friend as if we were sitting somewhere having drinks. Lord knows I needed one too. I laid out all our cards. I mean what we had going for us as an organization and what was working against us. She squeezed my hand again. "Bae, I got you. We gone get whoever did this too. They'll get our justice." I kissed her forehead. I unwrapped the bandages from her head. Reached in my purse and pulled out some Mixed Chicks hair balm and rubbed it in her beautiful mane that she is so proud of. You see I know what loyalty is. What is it you ask? If Piggy died today, I'd talk to her and think of her as if she was still here. As I rubbed her locks, I thought of her vision and the demons she fights everyday. Well I tell you one thing: She would die. But no time soon. This time I squeezed her hand and a single tear fell from her eye. "Damn, Piggy, as if you don't get enough attention. We gone pull through this."

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