Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mike Walker Speaks a Mouthful

I had just put my daughter to bed when my nigga called me. Damn. I had told lil one several times to be careful. I didn't worry much about her. You see she was just like her daddy. The spitting image of her mama but pure mustang like her old man. I miss my nigga. Didn't know if I would ever see him again. We ran the streets together for years and now his baby girl had been crowned King of Houston.  I have to chuckle at that. They say somebody put a bomb in her car. I gotta get up to that hospital. Wonder if her mama knows. What about her baby? Wait a minute. Can't find my keys. I went into our bedroom to kiss my beautiful wife. Lisa had fallen asleep studying. I moved her textbook and notebook to the floor. Kissed her forehead. My family was the most important thing to me. Taking care of this woman and our children meant more to me than taking my next breath. I had made millions in the street. You know they still talk about Mike Walker. I had Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria and Galveston county on lock. Then one day I grew tired. I walked clean away. I let the youngstas have it. Now don't get me wrong. I still do my dirt but not to that capacity. I know that God has a higher purpose for me. My life and family to me is valued more than any kind of car, house, money or any of that other bullshit out there. I didn't knock nobody else's hustle though. I respected it. Found my keys. I saw I had a missed call from Tameika Benford. She was another lil one that I saw had so much potential. I don't think she out there as bad as C.C. but I knew they ran together. You see word around town was that Courtney AKA Piggy had put together some of Houston's baddest women gangstas. I thought the shit was brilliant myself. Quiet as its kept, I've always believed that women made the better gangstas anyway. They're able to keep it together a little better than we are. I jumped in my '72 Continental. I love this car. Its black on black everything. When I got in and turned on the radio I heard Marco Spoon on the radio. Then the Isley Brothers Hello, It's Me. Yeah, good music. I lit my Djarum and back out of my driveway. I jumped on 288 and headed to Ben Taub. She had to be ok. Not just because she was my friend's kid but I knew that Houston's law enforcement and its underworld alike depended on her survival. I can't forget the darkness she carries in her eyes. To squares its scary but to those like us its a light at the end of a lonely tunnel. That darkness comes from years of doing what you have to do or not truly knowing the meaning of Regret. I figured it was a combination of both for Courtney Coyle. I bowed my head to pray once I pulled into the parking garage of the hospital. When I was done I looked up and saw Shannon Monet's car being parked. I waited. I saw her and two of her workers get out. This couldn't be good. I knew that C.C. probably had plenty of security. Wasn't concerned with that but dang what if Shannon Monet was responsible for this? I stepped off the hospital elevator and was blinded by six beautiful women. This was C.C.'s embassy. I recognized the raven beauty C.C. called Texas Tea. Tameika Benford was at the center of the group. Strong like black coffee and I'm sure she was as sweet as the sugar and creme you could add to it. I walked up to her. Took her hand and kissed it. I could see tear streaks on her beautiful face. "Mike, it's pretty bad." I turned to face Piggy's support system and I called for us to pray. Houston needed Piggy. It needed her father and me in our day. I knew this. In the end, she would leave a legacy. That legacy still had some building left to it. I bowed my head and said a prayer because I knew that in this hospital room laid one of the strongest women I knew. Her daddy, _______ has to be proud of that. "Texas Tea, don't you worry none about Piggy. It's up to you all to find who did this and punish. If you do not a message will be sent around Houston that Piggy can't handle herself. Rule with an Iron fist!"

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