Tuesday, September 6, 2011

High Strung Piggy from Htown Heralds Respect: Don't ever forget that!

Drell wrapped his hands around my waist and I could feel his warm breath and moist tongue on my breasts. Even his hair smelled good. Sitting in his lap with the Manolo Blahniks of every chick's dream on my feet, you couldn't tell me nothing. My body convulsed. I had just orgasm and he had barely touched me. I think to myself that I have may have found my Methadone. Drell in healthy doses may finally break my shoe habit. Maybe. I ran my hands through his braids and I heard him whisper, “Courtney, I think you’re addictive.” I smiled at him. I was thinking the same thing about him. I felt him harden underneath me. Mavis Staples serenaded us with Let's do it again. It was playing on the small radio. As if on cue my cell rang. Normally I probably would’ve ignored it but something told me I needed to answer it. “Courtney.” “Ms. Coyle, this is Ms. Stephenson. Courtney’s teacher. I was calling because it’s important that you come down here. Something has happened today and I think that you need to be aware of it.” My heart started beating a mile a minute. “What’s wrong? Is Cobee ok?” “Yes, Ms. Coyle. He’s fine. We had a little incident and we don’t want to discuss it over the phone. When can we see you?” I glanced at the clock on the nightstand and it read 11:15. Drell walked up and rubbed my neck and shoulders. I moaned as I could feel tension melt away from me. Obviously this was really important. I told the lady I'd be there in a hour. I wondered had she called Brian first. "What's wrong bae?" His hands were still rubbing my skin and it was warm and relaxing to the touch. "I gotta go to Cobee's school. She won't talk to me over the phone so its probably some bull." He kissed my shoulder. "Courtney, don't think like that. Go ahead and see about him. Call me when you finished. I got some business I need to handle." Still fresh on my mind was the hit on him that I intercepted. "Drell, be careful. It was Monet who had Mike Walker after you. Until I can get this straightened out, be careful because she will not stop." He smiled and kissed my forehead and then down to my lips. When we kissed it was like something electric passed through me. He left. I quickly got dressed in a clean white Tshirt, black jeans and a pair of clear jelly flip flops. I put on more lip gloss and headed to my child's school. When I got there, Cobee was sitting in the office having cookies and juice. He ran up to me and right into my arms. I knew then he wasn't in trouble. I kissed his face. "What's wrong, Cobee? Why your teacher called me?" His eyes got big and he said, "Mommy, Aunt Shannon tried to take me from school today. I knew that she wasn't supposed to and my teacher say she not on the list to get me." The minute he said that all the nerves I had left, I could literally hear snapping. Shannon Monet was taking shit too far now. "Courtney, you mean Shannon Monet came to your school?" His teacher chimed in. "Ms. Coyle, Councilwoman Monet was adamant about picking him up. I calmly tried to explain that you or his father had not listed her on his emergency contact card, therefore we could not release Courtney to her." She only blinked once. I exhaled. Took short breaths in and out of my nose. This cunt was unbelievable. She would stoop so low as to try and kidnap my child? Well now I heard her loud and clear dammit. She had REALLY crossed the line this time. I mean to think that she would have the audacity-hmmn cute shoes. This parent that just walked in has on violet satin pumps with a bow at the toe. I'm thinking they're probably Steve Madden. Dammit, Courtney Danielle Coyle. Focus! See how quickly my mind can turn when it comes to shoes? Shannon Monet was going to pay. Since she didn't have any children really to speak of, I knew where to hit her. Yeah the only baby she really had was Shannon's Plate. That expensive soul food fusion restaurant of hers. Yeah it was like an epiphany. I would hit Shannon Monet where it really hurt. She was a beautiful creature to look at on the outside but her character and the person she truly was made it hard for me to look at her. Not to say that I am any better than she. I pulled my cell out and sent Drell a text that read I'm thinking about you....Maybe about five seconds later he responded, I'm thinking about you. Are you ok? I told him I would call him in a few. The parent with the violet pumps kept strutting her stuff back and forth through the office. I had to know where she got them. "Girl those are some bad pumps." She smiled and looked down at them. "Thank you. I've been getting compliments on them all day." "I know you have. Where you get them if you don't mind me asking?" "Girl, I got a shoe guy. His name is Brock. Girl, he can get you anything you want." "Can I get a number for him?" She dug around in a Dior bag that I would've killed for. "Nice bag too, chick." "Oh this came from Brock too." She handed me a business card. Brock's picture was on it. Very attractive black man. I loved his slogan. It read, "If I ain't got it, you don't need it!" I would definitely give him a call. Cobee and I left and while in the car headed to McDonald's, we had a much needed mother son talk. I pulled through the drive thru and ordered his usual meal of chicken nuggets, fries and orange Hi-C. "Cobee, we need to talk." With a mouth full of food he mumbled ok. "Mommy and Aunt Shannon have been going through some things. We have been fighting back and forth. But I need you to know that mommy loves you and this has nothing to do with you." I checked on him in the rearview. He nodded his head as he listened. "Mommy do things that may not be the best but I want you to know that I love you and will ALWAYS do what's right by you." "I know that mommy." I felt better now that I had got that off my chest to him. We ran around town doing stuff I knew he would enjoy. The Children's Museum. Chuck E. Cheese. Toysrus. It was after nine when we headed home. Pulled up in my driveway. By the time we got home, Cobee was sound asleep in the backseat. I picked him up and took him into the house. Peeled his clothes off. Wiped him down and got him in bed. Before I walked out of his room, I looked back at him. I would do anything for this child who I knew would one day be a man. Now on to bigger issues. You see Shannon Monet was a thorn in my side but even still Arnissha Lynn had to be dealt with first. I poured myself a glass of wine and I called Texas Tea. She was still up frosting cupcakes for her son's class. The things we do for our children right? "Piggy, we got to put in some work with Big Lynn. You know that bitch ain't going easy." "I know that but neither are we. We gone have to corner her. I know for a fact what she been up to so her business will be ours and like Ivory Albro we won't give her a choice." Tameika chuckled. "Damn, Courtney you a cold ass bitch on em. I'm with it. Just let me know. Jay!!! Your ass better get in that bed! Hey girl, let me call you back. This lil boy done lost his mind." I laughed and let her go. I sat there with my wine and thought about things. Life was definitely a conundrum. I then realized that it had been hours since I talked to him. He made me giggle. I sat in my living room staring down at my pink painted toes with a lock of my blonde hair around my fingers. He answered on the first ring. I bit my bottom lip and then heard automatic gunfire! "Drell! Drell!" No answer. I jumped up and redialed his cell. No answer. I said a quick prayer. God, I know I have been wrong. I know this. But I need Drell like the crops need rain. Let him be okay. I sat back down with the phone in my lap praying for a miracle. I was always high strung Piggy. I could do this. Wait on him to call me back. But then who the hell was I fooling. I pushed a clip into my .45 as I spoke with Mattie Mae about watching my piglet for me. I was always a hard headed child.

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