Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Brandon Brocks Piggy Up: Piggy's Mud done Hit the News!

"Good Evening, Thanks for tuning in to Channel 13 KTRK news, I'm Melanie Lawson, Dave Ward has the night off. Today breaking news, Sixteen year veteran Houston police Sergeant Chad Blair was reportedly shot and killed by another Houston police officer. Female. This incident happened inside a Memorial Hermann hospital room late yesterday. The shooting was reported as a self defense shooting. The female officer in this case is not being identified for investigative purposes. Chief of Police, Charles McClelland issued a statement earlier today."

"At this time, we are conducting a proper investigation as to what happened with Sgt. Blair. There are several things leading us to believe that our female officer was in fact protecting herself. At this time, we will be with holding pertinent details until a full investigation is complete. At this time, I can tell you that there will be no charges filed against our female officer."

"Again, more will be reported on this incident as details unfold."

 I snickered. Let me turn this shit off. So they could reveal the identity of the dead officer but the officer that killed him gets anonymity? What the hell? Blair did look familiar though. I tell you. So much was going on within the Houston city limits it was crazy. Tameika Benford had paid me handsomely for assisting her with Arnissha Lynn. Truth is I never liked her. I mean she shopped frequently with Brock Shops but she always wanted a hookup on a hook up. I couldn't stand that shit. I had quality merchandise and she would always try to haggle me on it. I knew she had plenty of money to spend and she would always make me come to her. I found out that she was against Piggy, well that just didn't sit well with me. Piggy was good people and I knew that she had a vision for Houston. The way I see it, Houston was big enough for everybody. We could all get a piece. Ivory Albro was now gone so things had changed. Piggy I believed would make a great king. Now don't get me wrong I already knew my niche. Piggy had shoes and other things but I could get just about everything else. Wonder who this is calling? "Brock." "Hey Brock it's Tameika." "What's goin on lady?" "Nothing much. Piggy had a rough night last night. She ain't even really safe in the damn hospital." "What you mean? What happened?" "She killed Blair." Damn! I picked my cell off of the counter. "Brock!? You there?" "Yeah Meika, I'm still here. Damn I just saw that shit on the news. I never guessed that it was her. They keeping it all secretive I see." "Yeah well they finding out that Blair was a dirty uniform. So you know what they gone do. Internal Affairs is all over this." That damn Piggy. "What you need?" "Well I know its probably been a while since her last fix. What you got?" "I got some bad purses that just came in. As far as shoes, I don't have anything that's gone satisfy C.C.'s high." I meant that. That girl had an addiction that you wouldn't believe. She copped a pair of red bottoms from me one time and I watched her transform before me. She slipped them on her pretty feet and she was a whole new person. The shit was scary and sexy all at the same time. "Brock, I'm not gone have time to run to the Galleria and see Katy, come on see what you can do for me. She gone need something bad!" I thought about who I could call. I had a couple of contacts. "Hold on mama, let me make a few phone calls and see what I can come up with. I'll hit you back." "Thanks, bae." I made a few calls and came across some Micheal Antonio Boots. Dude sent me a picture of em and I could see Piggy in them. I placed an order and told him I would meet him in thirty minutes to pick them up. You run into some characters in this business I was in. I admit that but Piggy was by far the most colorful. She was King of Houston but I hope baby girl wouldn't forget what Bobby Blue Bland sang about. It ain't no love in the heart of the city. Where the hell are my keys?

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