Wednesday, July 18, 2012

LV's friend Piggie....

In my mind I'm going Piggie, Piggie, Piggie! I was glad to see her. She laid a weapon on the table that was bigger than her but she commandeered respect. I would love her to my dying days and I knew that she felt the same way about me. We used to go to high school together. I always knew she'd be somebody to reckon with. Here she is today in all her glory. I saw her come in through the front and I swear when she walked in the chairs and tables moved to let her through. There was something about her no mistaking that. I kissed her cheek and she held me longer than she needed to. Courtney flirted with me because she could. Who was gone check her? Sides that I enjoyed it. I wanted to introduce her to Tosha Wilson. Shannon Monet had personally saw to it that I was taken care of. I was surrounded by beautiful women. All three of them were deadly. The one I called friend was probably now the deadliest. She had been crowned King. Shannon Monet rushed over to the table. I heard her whisper something to Piggie in French. Piggie kept her eyes on Tosha and waved Monet off. "Piggie you look good like always." "So do you babe." That voice. She always sounded like she was purring at you. Tosha seemed tense. I knew she was still having a hard time with the loss of her little brother. She said he had been killed doing some work for her. This game was deadly. That's why I kept it separate from my life with Dee and our daughter. I loved Dee like the air I breathe and the way my little girl would look up at me, there was nothing on this planet that I would trade that for. I had amassed a fortune. My network now was somewhere near a hundred million. I knew it was the talk of the Houston rumor mill but I didnt care. My wife was a doctor and me and her together made it happen. "How you doing Tosha? The world is small. Didn't know you knew my LV." Tosha's hazel eyes were slanted at Courtney. There was definitely some bad blood between the two of them. I took the liberty of ordering for Piggie. She dug that. "CC, I ordered ox tails and rice. Cabbage and sweet potatoes for you." Her eyes sparkled. CC was a real woman. She got off on men that took charge. She grabbed my arm. Rubbed it seductively and squeezed. "Thanks bae. You know what I like." I waited for her to remove her .40 from the table. She didn't. "I invited both of you ladies today because I thought that you all could benefit from one another." I heard Tosha suck her teeth. "This bitch can't help me with shit!" Piggie just chuckled. "LV, your lunch guest is pretty but she has a nasty ass mouth." She took a sip of water. Shannon Monet moved closer to the table. "Everything ok? Food'll be out in a minute." "Shannon, we're good. Won't you bring out Tosha here some of your collard greens wontons." Piggie somethin else. "Bitch you killed my brother and think Um gone sit here and break bread with you?" Damn, so Piggie had offed her little brother? I sat and watched Piggie sip on water just as cool. "Tosha you sent your brother after me. I have to defend my home." She was right. I would kill any motherfucker bold enough to enter my home. Tosha turned to me. "LV, I'll get at you later." Two of her men pulled her chair and she walked close enough to slap Courtney. C.C. didn't flinch. "We'll have our day lady." Courtney took another sip of water. "Bitch, I look forward to it." Tosha walked away. Piggie looked me in the eye but hollered out to Tosha. "I sent your mother an arrangement and my regards." Cold. Tosha charged back towards Piggie but not before Piggie was up with that .40 in her hand. I was now between the both of them. Two intoxicating fragrances. Boobs and asses would be everywhere. "Tosha, gone on. Call me later. This ain't what you want. You know now who you're up against. She won't stop either." Tosha smirked and left with her entourage. I tuned to my beautiful friend. "Got dammit Courtney. Really? Was that comment necessary? Did you have to taunt her?" "LV baby sit down. Calm your nerves. I can not let her or anybody undermine me. Um king and Houston had better get used to it." I shook my head. I was looking at a beautiful maniac. Courtney the raging ram to my torrid Twin in my Gemini. "You smell good baby. You always do. How's Dee and the baby?" She stroked my leg flirtatiously. Piggie could kill a square. "They're good Piggie. I wish you wouldn't do that." She giggled and planted a wet kiss directly on my lips. I didn't stop her. "Let's eat LV." We sat and talked about her come up. I enjoyed myself. She touched me every chance she got and I was turned on watching her lips wrapped around her fork glass whatever. Her eyes is what drew me in. By the end our conversation and cognacs and creme brulee she had talked me into doing stuff for her Embassy. I'm all for it. I paid for our lunch and walked her to her car. Tipsy we both were. She stretched all the way up and kissed me. I felt her tongue and the fullness of her hips. My hands were on her waist. She pulled back and whispered One day against my lips. Just like that she was gone. I hear UGK'S Supposed to Bubble in my head. Piggie was something else but we would always be friends. She needed me and I would be there for her.

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