Thursday, June 30, 2011

Piggy Lets Go: Love is One Thing, Dumb is Another....

I followed Mac into the office. He looked at me. He sat on the edge of the mahogany desk. Opened his arms. I fell into them like that was where I belonged. He rubbed his hand down my bare shoulders and back. I heard him whisper into my blonde locks that he missed me. I sighed against his heartbeat. "Piggy, you gone put your gun down now?" That snapped me back into the here and now. I had forgot for just a moment where I was. His Happy cologne would send my hormornes raging. "Oh, I'm sorry." But I knew better. You see I was in love with _____ but I wasn't a damn fool. While my love for him was strong, I didn't fully know if I could trust him. I mean the man would cheat on his wife with me. Crazy ain't it? Or do you think I'm crazy? Either way, I knew I had to watch him. I laid it down on the desk beside him. I kissed him like I was trying to save his life. He moaned. We had so much passion between us. We stopped kissing for a second. "You miss me for real?" He nodded his head. Breathing heavy. I could feel his large hands on my backside. "You look different, Piggy. You in love with me so I know it can't be love that has you glowing." I laughed. Cocky son of a bitch ain't he? "No baby, this is power that you see." I bit my bottom lip and I felt him harden through that bad Italian suit he was wearing. "You know you drive me crazy when you do that." I pulled a loose lock behind my ear and bat my eyelashes. I craved this man. I don't know what it was, but he definitely made me feel like I'm a natural woman, Aretha. He continued to rub his hands down my body and I damn near melted. "Take this off!" I smiled. "Not here. Not now. Meika out there waiting on me." He bit me hard on my neck. I didn't think he was listening. The small amount of pain went well with the pleasure of him touching me. "I told you I was gon do it, didn't I? I did it with my own team and now Houston is mine." He stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes then away. "You telling me like I doubted that you could do it. You can do anything you want to do." I held my head down for a sec. "Except be with you." He stepped back and placed his hand over his heart. "Piggy you know it ain't like that. You too much woman for me. I can't handle you." I smirked. "Yeah but you'll make love to me. Anytime the opportunity presents itself." My heart was breaking. I had always loved _____. I told you he loved the streets and I couldn't make him choose between them or me. Funny thing is now the tables had turned and I would have to choose. I let him see a tear fall. He took his hand and gently wiped it away. "Truth is, Courtney, I've always known that you were too good for me." I scoffed. "No. No. Let me finish. You give so much of yourself. When we were together, your whole world revolved around me. I felt like I was holding you back. I knew that telling you not to worry about me would be the same as telling you not to love me. That would be impossible." Okay so he was telling the truth. I once loved this man more than the air I breathe. I gambled that he would think of me and know that I was Bottom Bitch. I lost. No sense crying over spilled milk. "You know I love you. In fact I'm in love with you. My wife doesn't understand that." "_____ I don't want to hear that. You see it's a reason Jody's your wife. Something in her you see that you don't see in me. Now don't get me wrong, I won't allow myself to sit here and think about inadequacies on my part. I'm a good woman and now I'm king. You'll need me in the near future, I'm sure. This, what we're doing? It has to cease and desist." His eyes changed colors. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes. I kissed his lips. I parted them with my tongue and told him I love him for the last time. I could no longer long and seek after a man that wasn't mine and would probably never be mine. Did Jody deserve him? Probably not but then I'm no judge. Who's to say I deserved him? I tried to let go and he held on longer. " Courtney Danielle, I will always love you." I nodded. I grabbed my glock and walked to the door. "Mac, I'll be in touch." "Piggy, wanted you to know something. Starsha Danielle is out. She's been released." Gotdamn! You know what I could have went forever and a day without hearing that. Who was Starsha Danielle? Another boss bitch. Only thing is I had put her away in the federal penitientiary years ago and she had vowed to get back at me. Starsha had sold dope and had cornered the shoe market as well. It was her and Albro. Albro managed to beat her out but we had been on her case for years. Mac watched to see what my reaction would be. I didn't crack. "Tell her to look me up. I expect we got business to discuss." That was all I said. Mac chuckled. "Hmmn. That was hot." I walked outta the office. Tameika was there paying for her selections. I told her no. This would be on me. I advised Anna to put all twelve pairs of shoes on my tab. She then had Guillermo take our packages out to the car. Meika snickered. "What you grinning about?" "You. What y'all do in there?" I rolled my eyes. "Nothing. I was gone let him smell it." We both burst out laughing. "No but we talked. I had to let him know that we can't keep going on like this. I mean he married, Meika. You know one day I want a husband of my own and I believe in Karma. I don't know lately, believe it or not I have been on a path of what's right and wrong." Meika removed her sunglasses. "I mean I look at you and your husband. The family you have, I mean I want that. I can't keep sleeping with Mac. I love him but I gotta do what's right." Meika smiled and put her arm around my shoulders. "Damn! Piggy growing up." I laughed. We followed Guillermo to the valet where they were bringing my corvette out. Damn, I forgot that we were in the two seater with all these boxes. That's okay. We would make it work. I let the top back and we put what we could in the trunk. I saw on my windshield there was a pink slip of paper. I peeled it off and read it. Piggy, I'm out baby. You miss me? We got business to settle. You don't strike me as the type to run so get at me. I need to talk to you and Albro. Starsha is a cutie! This bitch was a gorgeous narcissist. 5'9 brown skin, thick raven hair, curvy with a mean punch. I arrested her and while doing so we went at it. The bitch wasn't going easy. Almost dislocated my jaw. But I got her ass when I two pieced her. Broke my nail that day too. Meika curiously asked, "Piggy, what's that?" I smiled. Put on my sunglasses. "A lil note from an old friend, that's all." I started my car and turned the radio and heard Queen Aretha croon. I shifted outta of the galleria parking lot. We had shoes. We had money now we were headed to lunch. To my surprise, Shannon Monet dialed my phone. "What's goin on Monet?" "Look, Starha Danielle is out. We need to figure out how we gone handle her." I laughed. "She won't be a problem for me. I got her. Why you really calling?" There was silence on the other end. "Keep on laughing little girl. The same thing make you laugh will make you cry." The line went dead. I knew what that meant. You see eventually, I would have to kill Shannon Monet. There could only be one Queen at a colony. I was now King and there was no way I was going to go for disrespect. She was gone get down or lay down too. Her manic bi polar ways didn't scare me. My phone rang again. It was my captain. I was needed ASAP. Meika's phone went off too. She had weight coming in. I laugh at our idiosyncracies. You see I worked tactical narcotics and she moved narcotics. On different ends of the spectrum but we were friends. Funny how life ends up that way ain't it? I dropped her off at her car. We promised to meet back up after business was handled. I changed my shoes and attitude. Got the location of the sting. I reapplied lip gloss and took my gun off safety. I switched the DSW pendant for my badge. Time to get in there.

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