Sunday, June 12, 2011

Piggy's Mud is Thicker than Water!

I stepped out onto the second floor. It was eerily quiet for some reason. I looked around. I could still smell smoke from where Melodious blew the safe. "Melodious, this HTOWNPIGGY, where yall at?" "We in the warehouse, CC! You cool?" I said a silent thank you and prayer. I walked around the second floor. I was impressed by its layout. Albro had good taste. HAD. I made that past tense. I would like to tell you that I was feeling bad or that Albro didn't deserve that. Truth is he did. You see Albro had did more than his fair share of dirt. If it hadn't been me then it would have been someone else. My cell rang. It was an unknown number. I sent it to voicemail. It rang again. Same number. "This Piggy." "Was it good to you? You satisfied?" It was Chad Blair. I looked around. My hair stood on end. Spidey senses was tingling. "WTF do you want, Blair?" "I want to know if you're good now. After all this I want to know if you feel better, bae?" I sucked my teeth. I knew I wasn't crazy. He had been there. Probably was still there. "What do you want, Blair?" He chuckled and I could smell the Havana smoke. "I just want to be a part of it. You fucked up my deal with Albro. You wanted his crown, little girl and so now you gotta make good on that deal. I'll keep in touch." He hung up. Fuck! What had I really done? I hear Asia in my ear. "Piggy come quick, me and Texas Tea need to talk to you." "Where you at Asia?" We outside in the back. "Hey has anyone got the security tape?" "That's what we need to talk about. It was already gone when we got to it. The truck is loaded and we got the money." Fuck! Chad got me now. I started hyperventilating. I had been having anxiety attacks the last year or so. I stood back and slid against a wall and slowed down my breathing. Get a hold of yourself, Courtney. You can handle this. Chad Blair was a small thing to a giant. I was a bonified Queenpin. So I put on my big girl panties and prepared to reign. Once outside, I saw that the truck was loaded and my girls were waiting for me. We recovered $500,000 in cash and close to four million in product. I'll say that this heist was lucrative. We would all ante up at Asia, I mean Alicia's house. We headed 610 to Martin Luther King Blvd. I turned the dial and Al Green was singing to me again about me being Simply Beautiful. Machete Mychelle lit a joint. She passed it to me. I inhaled and choked. I passed it to Texas Tea, who was on the phone with her son's PTO organizer. She hit it and passed it to Michelle. Alicia put another joint in rotation. "CC, I love you. No matter what the church say bout cha." We all burst out laughing. "That's what's up Alicia. I love you too." We rode and blew. My cell rang. It was Monet. Fuck her. I knew I would have to deal with her too. I would do so when I got ready. I was Queen now and I would jump for nobody. The only thing is was how was I gonna be Queenpin and cop? How do you balance that? I picked up the phone and called 50. "Bae, how are you?" I smiled. "I'm good baby daddy. I need to speak to the love of my life." "He getting ready for school. Hold on." I exhaled and blew weed smoke. My manicured hands wrapped around a blunt was surreal to me. This whole situation was but Lord knows I had fantasized about it for weeks. "Mommy, what are you doing?" Tears fell from my eyes. I heard my baby speak. You see that's what makes Piggy cry. "How are you, baby? You miss me?" "I miss you, mommy. What you doing?" "Nothing ridin with your aunties. Thinking about you. You getting ready for school?" "Yeah, daddy says I have to go." I laughed. "That's right bae. You have to go. Mommy is picking you up after school today. You hear. Just me and you." "You promise?" I placed my hand on my heart like he could see me. "I promise, Courtney." He blew me a kiss. "I gotta go Mommy. Tell my aunties I love em and I love you too." He put his daddy back on the phone. "What you crying for nigga?" I had to laugh. "I'm good, Blackie. Imma get him after school." "You got it beautiful." I hung up. I turned the radio up. We rode the rest of the way in silence. Pulled up on 3424 Botany St. Alicia got out and scanned her street. We were cool. Once inside we made an even split. I kept the product and we each got $100,000 in cash. My cousin turned to look at me. "So cousin, what you gone do now?" I didn't say anything for a moment. I looked at her. "Shit, what you think? Imma enjoy life." "Touche, bitch. Touche." Once we anted up I went back to the hotel. I needed some rest and I still had some time before Courtney Jr would be out of school. I entered my hotel room and locked the door. That's when I heard his voice. "So you the man now, huh?" I pulled that .40 so fast it scared me. Alvin Ray didn't flinch. He was sitting on my bed and in his hand was a videotape. I knew what was probably on it. "What you want Alvin?" He didn't answer me right away. He held the videotape up. "Impressive." "What do you want, Alvin?" "Calm down, Piggy or is it HTOWNPIGGY? You know you might wanna call your captain back before you lose your job." Fuck! I hadn't been checking in with him like I had promised. "I'll take care of that. Why are you here? Where is Shannon Monet?" "She's in some townhall meetings. She'll be there all day. She asked me to get her footage. Didn't think she could trust you." I breathed a little easier. That made sense. She wanted physical proof. I knew that. I put my gun away. Walked over to the bar and poured myself a drink. Offered one to Alvin. "Put me on, CC." I looked at him. "Huh?" "Put me on. I'm tired of working for Monet. The bitch don't love nobody but herself. I gotta eat too. I'm about to retire with HPD and I need another hustle." My cell phone was in my hand. This was the leverage I needed. I pressed six on my blackberry and it dialed Shannon Monet. In my Bluetooth, I hear her answer. I disabled the bluetooth and and adjusted my BB's volume. "You want to work for me now, Alvin?" "Yeah Piggy,put me on. You're King now, like it or love it and I want in. Fuck Monet." Checkmate, Monet. I hung the phone up. That's what I needed to hear. I had become a supreme manipulator. Did I feel bad? Hell naw. Success comes at a price. If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't change a thing except for my shoes. "Piggy? Piggy? You there? I can also take care of this pesky little Chad Blair for you too." Here we go. "Alvin Ray, when can you start?" "The day I met you ten years ago." Do I really want to know what he talking about? "I'm listening, Alvin Ray."

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