Monday, June 13, 2011

Piggy Regretful? Hell Naw!

I took a long swig of my drink. The brown liquor burned my chest. I looked and analyzed the glass. Prints. Prints that were not mine. I let Alvin Ray talk. "Piggy, you need muscle. I mean don't get me wrong. You a bad motherfucker but you can't completely run Houston by yourself." I raised a meticously waxed arched eyebrow at him. "Alvin Ray, what make you say that? You saw on tape what I just orchestrated. Excuse me if my nuts are a little inflated. I can do and be what I wanna be." He chuckled. Nodded his head. "You're right. But why put all that pressure on yourself? You need somebody for security. Hell, all the things I do for Monet, I can do for you." My back was turned to him staring at the glassware on my bar. Another mysterious print. I glanced at the carpet right in front of the bar. The tread pattern of my Nike Air Force One boot was distinct. The pattern before me was that of a work boot. Alvin Ray was wearing Suede Timberlands. Odd footwear for a Texas boy. I turned to face him. He was holding a little brown bottle. "Why didn't you go through with it?" I looked into his eyes and he looked away. He put his head down. "How you know I didn't go through with it?" I smiled. " My chest is burning from cognac not poison." "Shannon Monet is waiting on me to call her and confirm your death, CC. This is a combination of ethylene glycol and arsenic. That's why I was here. I had some time to think. I figure you're worth more to me alive than you would be to her dead." I nodded. But I kept my eye on this nigga. I mean I couldn't trust him. "The first time I met you I knew it was something about you. There's something about your eyes that a story about your soul. Daunting. Piercing." I looked at him. Alvin Ray had a Type A personality. Most cops do. Even me. "So what you are saying, Alvin, is that you want a piece of my empire?" Empire. Empire. I rolled that around in my head. I loved the way that sound. Alvin Ray smirked. "Empire huh? Touche, Piggy. It fits you." "Alvin Ray, you ain't gone bully me you understand? It ain't gone happen like that." Alvin puts his hands up as if in surrender. "Piggy, I spared your life. A little measure of gratitude don't you think?" "Tell you what. I need to go pick up my son from school. Let me think about it. I'll be in touch." He didn't say anything for a moment. Finally he stood up. "Alright, Piggy. Don't make me wait too long." I watched him as he exited my hotel room. I guess he figured he had me. Saved my life, huh? Well I had just cost him his. God only knows what Monet would do to him. The price to pay for disloyalty. I changed into some Louis Vuitton ballerina flats. Traded my .40 for a .9. Tugged on some blue jeans and a men's button down shirt. I buttoned it halfway to my cleavage and I was out the door.  I passed a mirror in the hallway and realized that I didn't see my shadow. The old folks say you miss your shadow cause your soul has gone on. Could be true. One thing about Courtney Danielle, accurately known as Piggy, was that I survived and against all odds. Choosy lover I am because I love me first. Was God pleased with me? No. Would I pay for my sins? Yes, I do so every night when I can't sleep or when I twitch and pace. A good shoe sends my body into convulsions. I had lost faith in human nature. I didn't really trust anyone. Let me rephrase that. I trust that anybody is capable of anything. When I got in the car, my phone rang. It was Monet. I sent it to voicemail. I then sent a text to Texas Tea, Asia, Machete and Melodious saying, Great job, Ladies. I meant that. I had some ideas. I would form an embassy. Ivory Albro crossed my mind. Wasn't no turning back. I had contracted Mike Walker and his squad to do the clean up at Albro industries. We met up right before I got to the hotel. I paid him and before we parted ways, he said that he had been praying for me. You don't get that often. Again I looked Mike in his eyes. I peered at him and he didn't flinch. I came to the conclusion that he was one of those men my mama told me about. Regal. Rough. Sure. Mike Walker was a King. Rumored to be a former kingpin. I didn't know how true it was but people say that after cornering Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and parts of Louisiana's underworld, one day he just walked away. For ten years, no one had seen or heard from him. Now he's a family man. Wife and kids. He also has his "Disposal" business along with a few traps here and there. Nothing flashy about him but his aura is calm. You know that he's centered. Mike assured me that Albro would be taken care of  respectfully. Now here I am headed to my son's school. I couldn't wait to see him! I missed him. The world I lived, played and worked in was lonely. Few people understood it. As I turned into the parking lot of his school, I heard Ron Isley croon about how proud he was of me and glad that I had chose him. The smile on my son's face was worth more than that 100 k in my trunk. He got in the car and jumped across to kiss me. I realized then that he would be the only person I would lay down and die for. No matter what I had to do to ensure that he got everything life afforded him I would. You know I was shocked that Mike Walker had been praying for me. Little did I know, it was because of his prayer, I had cheated my own fate. How long could that last though? "Mommy, what you want to be when you grow up?" I looked at him in the rearview. "It ain't important WHAT I want to be but know that your mama will leave a legacy and it'll one day be passed to you." My five year old nodded his head like he understood. "That's what's up, Mama." I turned the radio back up as Ron Isley crooned. The adventures of Piggy and her piglet, let's go.

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