Sunday, April 22, 2012

Piggy's Sweet Texas Tea

My nerves are shot through the roof! I mean how the hell did I get caught slipping? Come on now Tameika. Think. You had to know that if they had Drell watching her then they weren't too far behind. They would always be close by. Now I'm caught up in Piggy's drama. This man said that Drell was dead! And apparently they believed that Courtney was responsible for it. I knew this would happen if I told her about him. I should feel bad now that he's dead. I don't. We all know that there's a price to pay for dishonesty and no loyalty. I guess Drell know now too. Damn my back has been hurting alot lately. I swear one day I'm going to get a breast reduction. I went ahead and called her ass as soon as they left my house. Figures she wants to meet a fucking shoe store. I knew it wasn't no arguing with her over it. I agreed. So here I am. Jeans. T-shirt. white Air Force 1's. Jay is now with my mother. I love him more than my own life. What I did with Piggy and the Embassy for me was more than the lifestyle I had grown accustomed to. No this was bigger than that. I didn't want Jay to want for nothing. Damn it's hot out. This Houston weather, I tell ya. My phone ringing. It's her. "Where you at, Piggy?" "I'm at our store. Make sure you ain't been followed." She hung up. I had been careful on my way here. But you never know. I didn't see anybody and my spidey senses hadn't been tingling. I walked into Pizzaro's. She was seated. Drinking Christal and about six shoe boxes at her feet. There was a new saleswoman. Didn't matter though. We had been in here so many times and spent so much money that even the FNP's knew us. Fucking new people. I sat down next to her. "So what do we do?" Cooley she stuck a piece of cheese and then a grape into her mouth. Sipped more champagne. "We carry on with business as normal. We just gotta be a little more discreet, Texas Tea." This bitch had lost her mind. "Piggy, what the hell you mean be more discreet? I have been more discreet. It's you that's blowing our spot up." I watched her eyes turn a slate gray. Crazy thing is, Piggy was morphing into Shannon Monet and didn't even realize it. She slipped her feet into satin Dior pumps and walked around the store. I swear I'm seeing the store shelves move as if to move out of my friend's way. No mistaking the power and aura seeping out of Courtney Coyle's pores. Some people acquire it but I believe this one was born with it. She rounded another corner in the store and out of nowhere I heard Eightball chanting, Mr. Big, Mr. Big. "Tameika, I've brought us this far. Right? And we've made a shit load of money in the process. Right? You lay back and trust me. Do what I say. I'm King Piggy and we gone all eat." I handled Piggy differently from most. I didn't always tell her what she wanted to hear. I respected her. Most others feared her. That was the difference. Thing is though, if she gave her word, she meant it. I watched her try on the same pump in a red. She was unusually calm considering she was under suspicion of murdering a federal agent. "Happy Birthday Piggy." She looked up and smiled. Those locks of hers fanned her face and it was like sunshine hailing over the Astrodome. My friend was gorgeous in a natural sense. She didn't wear much makeup but she obsessed over those natural blonde curls of hers. Well the curls were natural. I thought about how in a short period of time, she and I had reconnected and done what we set out to do. Kill Albro and take over Houston. We had done that. We both had things to lose and gain. She said that she had my back and I believed her. I couldn't help but wonder though. How long would her loyalty last? I'm almost certain she felt the same way about me. It was the life we lead. She was high as shit. I decided I would leave her alone about her habit. It was like beating a dead damn horse anyway. Her phone rings. I don't know who it is but now all of a sudden, she's in uber girly mode. Hmmn. Smiling, twirling her finger through her locks. I wonder who this is. "Texas Tea, look you don't have to say anything to those Gmen. Make them do their jobs. They just fishing. They don't know shit." "I got you Piggy. So what you gone do tonight?" She laughed. "Same thing we do every night, Pinky, I mean Texas Tea. Try and take over the world!" I laughed my ass off. So silly. "Well who was that on the phone then?" She smiled again. "I don't wanna jinx it yet. It's still early. Trying to see where this goes." Understood. Despite all that we had both through, I believed and felt like C.C. needed her own bit of happiness. She paid for eight pair of shoes. Two pairs belonging to me and then she was gone. I sat and thought about how much pressure she may have been under. But this is what she wanted huh? I walked outta of the store and looked down as I saw two men in cheap suits tailing Officer Piggy. I checked the clip in my .50 and kept a few paces behind them. I knew I wouldn't have time to call her. For all I knew she knew they were behind her. The tales we would be able to tell our children someday. Oh the debauchery that happens when Texas Tea spills.....

Monday, April 16, 2012

Piggy's Nuts Against the Wall!

Maybe I should get an Iphone and see what the craziness is all about. It had been time for me another phone. I'm headed to a Tmobile store in the Galleria area. Might just settle with another Galaxy. The Android system was fine for me. I just needed a phone to communicate. Anything else was just extra. This son is beating down on me through my T-shirt. It gotta be ninety degrees out. I wonder if he'd noticed my business card in his car yet. Probably was wondering how in the hell I got in there. Master Key. We all had them, Never knew when you might need them. Was hoping like hell he'd call. I really needed to get a phone ASAP. It would only be a matter of time before Drell's body was found. I hadn't heard anything. A part of me was sad because I did love him. But then what was love without loyalty? Obviously he had no loyalty for me. "Welcome to Tmobile. How can I help you?" "I just need to get the Galaxy II. I had a little accident with my previous one and it needs to be replaced." "Let me have your number so that we can pull up your account." I gave her the information she needed. I'm set up now. The chick even imported all of my contacts in for me too. Here's a text from a 305 area code. The message: Dinner later on. Do you like Tilapia? I can't help smiling. This had to be from David. Wow, he wanted to cook for me? Really thought that I had turned him off after he saw me and Starsha Danielle into it. I'll try to figure out a way to explain that if we get a real chance to talk. See what I'm saying though. Just got through saying that I was off men for awhile. But it is my birthday though. Speaking of that I needed to call my twin. I mean it was his birthday too. If I agreed to go out with Mr. David what would I wear? Oh I know I got the perfect outfit. He said that he'd plan to cook. I love a man that know his way around a kitchen. A plus. I can't possibly be thinking about going out with another man one day after I'd just made love and killed my boyfriend. Who does that? Piggy Monroe, that's who. I'm sitting here telling myself that I'd never come across anybody that didn't deserve it. If anybody caught any of my bullets it was because it came down to their life or mine. I would always choose wisely. How I needed shoes. I was getting sick. I needed to check in with Texas Tea. See what she was up to. I know that she had already been by to pick up Jay. So now I'm headed home. Look at this now I got a ton of text messages to respond to. Well let's start with the most important one. "Hey mommy." "Hey Pooh. Happy Birthday! You feel any older?" I laughed. "Not really." "What did you and your brother wanna do today?" "I don't know. Hadn't talked to him yet." "Oh you hadn't? Well here he is right here. Hold on a min. Boy, Girl on the phone." She still called us that. "Hey sis, Happy Birthday." I smiled. "Happy Birthday to you too, Bae. What we doing today?" "Man, WE going in. You know that." Shit I had completely forgotten that Fairfield had given orders. No big deal. I would spend my bday fighting crime with my brother and have dinner later with King David. I responded to his text. "I love Tilapia. Can it be later? 11?" I told my twin I loved him and headed to Chipotle for something to eat. I love their Barbacoa burrito bowl. Where am I gonna sit? You know its funny. For as much training and scrutiny they put Gmen through, you would think they would be a little better at tailing and following somebody. I shake my head. This muthafucker is gone sit right in front of me too. I dug into my bowl. "Sgt. Coyle, you know why we're here." We? I looked outside the restaurant and there were three federal vehicles. "No I don't." I put a forkful of food in my mouth. This was really good. "One of my agents, Milton Spivey. I believe you call him Drell. Or called him Drell. I found him with his brains blown out this morning. An agent who I know was personally involved with you. He was also investigating you and your team at work." I didn't flinch. Kept right on eating. "You don't look too torn up about it." I put my fork down. "Look, fact is me and Drell kicked it. I thought it would be serious but it wasn't. I found out he was an agent but that wasn't reason enough for me to do him in. If you think I did, then you know it's your job to prove that." BOOM. What else could he say? "I don't like you, Officer Piggy. You're a rogue cop. An arrogant bitch. I know what you and that bastard Fairfield been up to. You killed Spivey and I'm gonna nail your ass. The last transmission we got from him was a conversation he was having when your girl Tameika Benford snuck up on him." I swallowed a lump then. But I was cool. He wouldn't see me flinch. He slid a picture of my girl with her .50 pointed at Drell's dome. Damn. He dropped his card and stood up to leave. "You gone have to talk to me eventually." Put his shades back on and walked off. Fuck! I dialed Tameika. She answered on the first ring. "Steve Madden was the case." "Size 8." Nothing else was needed to be said. I jumped back on my motorcycle and headed southwest to the Galleria. I needed to get high and talk with Texas Tea. King David was still on my mind that and our dinner date. I plugged my mp-3 up and Johnnie Taylor's Running out of Lies came on. I smirked at the thought. No lies here though except the ones I told myself daily.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

King David Divvies Dish

ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. I had so much stress. I'm beating the neoprene filling out of this bag. I wonder if came with some kind of warranty. From the looks of it I was gone need it. I can't remember. Couldn't get her off my mind. Those blonde locks. Curly. Her scent. The way she pushed her hair back behind her ear when I flirted with her. That shape of hers. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. I know she'd been watching me. I could see her silhouette through her shutters. Didn't realize how beautiful she was until we were up close. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. There was definitely something about Ms. Courtney. Meanwhile the nightmares won't stop. Ever. It's like I loved the Marine Corps. and the opportunities it brought me but I hated what it has turned me into. I killed because they told me I had to. The medals that adorned my uniform. I was both prideful and shameful of them. I'm waking up in cold sweats and shit. I smell carnage. Gunpowder. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. There was something about her eyes. They were dark. It was like they were protecting something. Here I was cussing the Marine Corps and I had agreed to sign on as a recruiter for them. Talk about hypocrisy right? I recruited em like it was nothing. It was my job and I was paid well to do it. Damn it's hot out here. Now it gets hot in Miami but I don't know this Texas heat is something different. I figure since its my day off I'll do absolutely nothing. Watch a little T.V. Finish unpacking the rest of these boxes. Been a while since I had done some cooking. Yeah that's what I'll do. I'll fix a nice dinner. Maybe invite Ms. Courtney over if she's not busy. Miss Mattie said that she was single. I'd heard her and friend's conversation. Partially. It sounded heated. Both were beautiful women but it looked like they were men about to battle. I saw Courtney reach into the other's chick car and grab her gun. I knew she was a cop, her grandmother had told me that but that wasn't police business I saw. The sun feels good on my bare shoulders. Glad I take care of myself. Some of these niggas I come across down here....Then there was the visit from Agent Milton Spivey. He approached me asking me all kinds of questions about Courtney Coyle. Funny thing is he showed up right after Miss Mattie bought that peach cobbler to me. I told Spivey that I didn't know anything. It surprised me because I had seen him in street clothes coming out of her house. I figured they were dating. Something creeped me out about him. Let's see....what could I cook? Hell I didn't know what kind of food she may like to eat. Fuck it. I had some Tilapia in here. I'll just grill that. Make enough and ask her to come over later. If she eat it fine if not we can go out somewhere. And hell all this is assuming that she even like me. For some reason Alana just crossed my mind. I was with her five years and nothing I ever did was good enough for her. Women. The older I got I just didn't understand them. But beautiful creatures they were and I couldn't imagine life without em. I needed something else to go with this Tilapia. I could still see those pretty pink lips and I wonder what her other lips looked like. Damn. I saw where Damien had called me. I swear my brother didn't want nothing. I'll call him later. I shower. Throw on a white tee. Military dog tags around my neck. Levi jeans. The whitest pair of Air Force 1s in my closet. I sprayed Polo on my body. Couldn't forget what Milton Spivey had said to me. "Look, Mr. Brewer, she's dangerous. Yeah she may be nice to look at but she ain't no good." That only made me want her. I had been to the pits of hell seem like. Think a 5'2 thick blonde red bone scare me? Naw I'm good. I got into my seven series. I needed to go to the grocery store. Stop by the barber shop first. 102.1 had GQ I Do Love You playing. Good music on this easy Saturday. I backed out of the driveway hoping I could get into something. Her card laid in my passenger seat. Wondered how it got there. Sgt. Courtney Coyle Houston Police TNT. Well if she was a bomb I knew which wires to cut so that she would detonate. I wanted to be up under her when she did.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Piggy Peaks Interest

I watched him watch me. Derrick Thompson no doubt was what my daddy calls a stiff nigga. Genuine. About his business. Tolerance for women but none when it came to niggas and silly shit. I could feel my veins thumping. I needed to get high. I'm sitting on his desk on top of some important files I know. He smiled down on me but made sure he kept a safe distance from me. I leaned back and let him imagine what was under my straight leg 501's. "What's up Courtney?" Now let's see. The facts were that I was now King of Houston. I could lay all of my cards on the table or Thompson's desk rather. Or I could be sneaky about it. "How's your mom?" He didn't answer right away. He rubbed his head a bit. "She's fine. Just got back from El Savador. Doing alright and I know damn well you not sitting on my desk to talk about my mama." I laughed. "You're right. Twin, ain't no since in beating around the bush. You've heard things right?" I slowly scanned his office. He still had things in boxes but for the most part his office was clean. I ran my hand alongside his oak desk. "Yeah I hear a lot of shit. Say what's on your mind." I got up and sat behind his desk. Ran my hand down the drawers. Went across the keyboard tray until I found what I was looking for. A small transmitter that Fairfield used to record newbies conversations and activities online. I held it up for Twin to see. I put my finger to my lips to stop him from speaking. "I hear you a damn good pool player. We all get together at Vernell's and play tournaments. Meet us there tonight if you not doing nothing. I scribbled his parking number in the garage and motioned for him to meet me there. I put the transmitter back where it was. I walked directly up to him close enough for him to smell my perfume. "Tell your mother I said hello too." He nodded his head. I held up five fingers. I'm still tryna figure out what phone I'm going to get. Something still doesn't feel right. Something's off. I can't put my finger on it though. Me and Captain Fairfield had been close but now after what Drell had told me, I couldn't trust this motherfucker no further than I could throw him. I went back out to my bike. Under the seat I kept lipgloss, a .380 wet wipes a compact and Chinese Laundry shoelaces. I had the shoelaces there because they would help curb my cravings. All I had to do was tie one of them around my wrists and it would get me a small dose of what I needed till I could get to the shoes my body needed. I tied the lace around my wrist and my body began to relax. I saw Thompson headed to the garage. I cleaned my hands with the wet naps and put the laces back in my seat compartment. Dabbed a little lipgloss on. Check the clip in my .40. Habit. Derrick was sitting on his car. It was a '79 Lincoln Continental. Just like the one my daddy had. "What's up Piggy?" I looked around and then stuck a fresh piece of Doublemint gum in my mouth. I heard Twin laugh. "You ain't no good girl." "What you mean by that?" "You know just what I mean."  "Twin, I'mma put it out there. I got the third coast on lock. Shoes, merchandising, dope, and real estate, I've cornered all markets. Albro Industries now belong to me." I let that marinate a bit. Derrick rubbed his chin and nodded. "So it's true. You kill Albro? What happened to him? You know his mother ready to turn his missing case file into a homicide one." I walked over and sat on the hood of his car. They really don't make automobiles like this anymore. I was moist. He had a helluva paint job on it and it was kept immaculate. "Dee, I'm offering you a position. It's money in it and everybody can eat but as a part of my blueprint." Whether or not I had killedl Ivory Albro was irrelevant. You see Lieu Thompson was making damn good money but he could make even more tax free. "How I know I.A. ain't sent you to set me up. You may be wired right now." I rolled my eyes. "Twin really? Do I look like Internal Affairs? Come on now." He still look skeptical. I pulled my T-shirt over my head. I started to unbutton my 501s when he stopped me. "Ok, whoa Piggy. I believe you. Put your shirt back on." I'm pretty sure  I had made him blush. I put my shirt back on. "So what you need from me, Courtney?" "I'll keep in contact. Meanwhile that ballistic report you just got is going to come back to my gun. Some of the shell casings will also match an AK-47 that Dynastie Foy owned. She's one of your cases now too." I could see the horror in his eyes. "Courtney, you had something to do with her too?" "I'll be in touch Twin." I walked off back towards the office. The minute I got back in Fairfield was hollering my name. "What's up Capt?" "Close my gotdamn door. Why haven't you been answering your phone?" "Capt, I lost it. I gotta get a new one." "Shit, Coyle. You need to do that ASAP. We got a mission tonite and I'm calling an emergency meeting. The whole team needs to be there. You get the word out. Nobody miss it. Including you." "I'm on Capt. Can I go?" He didn't respond right away. He just looked at me. "Yeah go ahead. Call me as soon as you set back up. What's wrong with your wrist. It's all red." Damn. "Oh nothing. I think I slept on it wrong last night that's all." He wasn't buying that shit. "Courtney, you know what the department's policy is on shoes, right? If you need something, help or anything let me know." "I'm good yo." Besides that motherfucker I didn't trust you far as I could see you. I left his office itching to get into some silk Dior slippers. Right now nothing was important. I wasn't thinking about Drell. My career. The Embassy. Nothing. All I could see was getting my fix. Shit be like that sometimes. Someone's cell rang and I heard Al Green singing Love and Happiness. I put on my sunglasses and stepped out into Houston humidity. Today would be a busy and productive day. I nodded at Twin as I straddled my bike. In my side mirror I watched him touch his groin. I smiled. Damn it felt good to be a gangsta.

Friday, April 6, 2012

From Itta Bena to Houston, Lt. Thompson to Sgt. Coyle

This coffee is awful. I ain't never come in here and it was made right. I tell you. This fuckin white boy starting with me early too. I'm telling you these Texas boys gone make me show em something. I need to call and check on my mama in a lil bit. She back from El Savador. She went there with the church. Twin was there to see her off. I missed her and my grandma. I got a chance to see em every now and then when I went back home. I loved the Delta and I would never forget it but soon as I had another opportunity I was outta there. Heard Rob had moved down to Dallas and now Drell was here. I couldn't believe he had turned to the Feds. I'm still tryna figure out he did that. "Thompson! Piggy-I mean Coyle made it in yet?" Coyle. Piggy is what everybody around here called her. That thing there was something else. I don't think many around here knew that she and I were from the same place. Itta Bena, Mississippi. She wasn't born that. Transplanted better to say that. She a few years younger than I. When I was in high school, she was still playing outside. She had moved back out here in Houston and had made a name for herself. I had to give it to her. She had moved up through the ranks. Bad as she wanna be. She's my type. Attractive. I liked her attitude too. But it was something else about her that irked me. It was her eyes. They were deadly. My daddy told me when a woman has eyes like that she was poisonous. You stay way from her. It was something that drew me to her. "Capt, Coyle is not here yet. You need me I'll be in my office." I wasn't even gone wait for a response. Fairfield got on my nerves. I mean then he act like he and Courtney was fucking. The whole department thought so too. He didn't want you to say nothing to her. She did what the hell she wanted to do and if anybody besides him called her on it, he was all up in arms about it. I shake my head. I guess she had got to him. He was a square when it came to her. Cussed out all of us but handled her with kid gloves. This Dynastie Foy case had me losing sleep. She was another of my many murder cases that I was bit behind on. Foy was a beautiful young woman. Beautician. Two kids. A boy and a girl. We found her body in a landfill past the ship channel. It was a clean shot. There were ligature marks around her neck from a rope or a necklace being pulled too tight. She had a pretty clean slate except for some charges years ago. Credit card fraud and stuff like that. Her face haunted me because something about her death didn't seem right. There was gun powder residue on her fingers. A lot of it. How did she end up dead if she had fired a gun? Shit like that don't really happen. I was still working leads on it. I wouldn't let her family down. Her mama kept asking about a pendant. Whoever killed her might have it or it could've been lost along the way. It's a pretty day out in Houston, Texas. Still hot and humid as hell but I was a Mississippi boy to my heart. Didn't bother me none. Homicide was a lonely department. All of us kept to ourselves and then it was even harder for me because I didn't have any family here. I'm thinking its time for me to go ahead and settle down. I'm getting up there and I eventually want children. My twin had already had him one. My niece Madison was my heart. I love her like she mine. These back spasms ain't no joke either. Wasn't that long ago I was playing football for Mississippi State. Car accident I was in got me feeling way older than I am. I get through it but ain't a day go by that I'm not in pain. What's all the commotion out there? Oh, Miss Piggy is in the building. In a T-shirt and jeans, this chick was bad enough to be Queen. She must've come here on that damn bike. I saw her sit that helmet down. I love the way she walk. She licked her lips. "What's up Twin?" "You got it Lonzo." I had to chuckle at that. I had started calling her that after ole boy in Training Day. Denzel's character. Piggy was just as cocky as that bastard was. Think she invincible. I tower over her short ass but when she stood in front of me it felt like we were the same height. It was something about this woman. I had been hearing things about her possible ties with the underworld. I didn't know if it was true or not but one thing for certain and two things for sure, Courtney Coyle wasn't like any woman I had ever met in my life. "Lt. Thompson, we've got ballistic reports back on that warehouse heist and murder." Good. It took em long enough. "Put em on my desk Sherry." "Twin what warehouse heist?" "Piggy you remember. Gitto's Warehouse got knocked off and so was he. Popped him right between the eyes. I'm about to go over these reports now." "Twin, give me a minute. I need to talk to you in private about something." Here we go. She twirled a finger through those blonde locks of hers. Wonder what this was about. "Sure. Come on in." She twisted in my office. I closed the door. She sat square on my desk. That big soft ass of hers seated on every case file I had. Including the ballistic reports I needed. She bit her bottom lip and looked me dead in the eye. I had to look away. Her eyes were piercing I guess you'd call it. I could hear Otis Redding playing on my small radio. Sitting at the Dock of the Bay. She leaned back on my desk and I watched her breasts rise and fall. Yeah she was poison. "Let's talk, Twin."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Piggy's a Flirt!!

Now you may ask why I did that? Why in the hell did I let Starsha Danielle leave with her life? It's real simple. I could always hear Mike Walker's voice ringing in my ears. "Rule with an iron fist, lil one." Gotdammit and that's what I intended to do. I showed Starsha Danielle mercy. I was merciful. She knew that she was supposed to die but I had in fact let her live. She was reborn. But most importantly I needed her for public relations. I needed all the d-boys, merchandisers, warehouse owners and all others to know that at any time I could tear em dine. No questions asked. I was King Piggy and I wore my crown prideful like the blonde locks that crowned my face. I'm back on focus now. I had a meeting with my captain in a few hours. I needed to make sure that Mattie Mae could continue watching my piglet. I knew she wouldn't mind but I never wanted to take her for granted. I had learned a lot about myself and just life in general since my accident. I also needed to get in contact with my connects on Harwin. There was a huge market in Houston for red bottomed awesomeness. I always giggle to myself when I say that. Let me get my ass in the house. He still standing there. Damn he fine. No Courtney. You're celibate. Your focus is off men! "Hey neighbor!" Oh God, he about to come over. I ain't got on no drawers. "Hey, how you this morning?" Damn that sounded country. He grinned. "I saw you and your friend out here. Y'all alright?" I wonder what he heard and how much of it? "No we're good. You know how sometimes friends just have disagreements. We didn't disturb you did we?" His smile made me melt. I walked up to him and on tiptoes I kissed his lips. He wrapped his hands around my wai- "Ms. lady you aight? Hey," Damn, I was daydreaming again. "No I'm ok, I'm just a little tired. Hadn't had any sleep." I was looking at a killer. But it was different. The killer I was looking at had something that I didn't. REGRET. It was in his eyes, mannerisms, and I could smell it coming off of him. He was out here beating on that bag because he couldn't sleep. I was killer. I made choices. David had been forced into murder. Clearly the marines had fucked him up. My dark shadow came from working narcotics and recently overthrowing Houston's underworld. Something about my marine that I just wanted to take him and wrap my arms around him and tell him everything would be ok. The early morning air was chilly and I could feel my nipples harden. I was standing outside in a t-shirt and slippers. Two guns in my hand. He was staring at them. "Oh I'm a cop. Overworked and sometimes I'm overly cautious." Obviously he wasn't buying that lame excuse because he wasn't stupid. "Well ok, lady gone and get you some rest. I hope you and your man have a nice morning and weekend." Yeah that was slick. I know damn well Mattie Mae had told him I was single. She does that kind of stuff. "I don't have a man but I will definitely enjoy the rest of my weekend and birthday." He raised an eyebrow. "Well Happy Birthday, Ms. Courtney." I actually blushed. "Thank you." Let me get my ass in this house. I hope to hell he's not watching me. I did a Gloria from Waiting to Exhale. Sure enough he was still there. I waved and put a lil extra swirl in my hips. I walked in the house and Mattie Mae was already up stirring and cooking breakfast. The kids were still sleep. She wished me happy birthday. Kissed my cheek and swatted my behind for being outside with no bra on. "Handsome ain't he?" I stop going upstairs. "He aight." "Chile please. The look on your face and the way you were playing in that hair there say he more than just alright." Mattie Mae Hayes, just as nosey as she could be. I crashed into my bed and fell into a deep sleep. For the first time in months I didn't dream or nightmare. I got up about four hours later. I knew my captain would be pissed but whatever. I tugged on jeans and a t-shirt. Black AIR FORCE 1 mids. Washed my face and brushed my teeth. I fluffed my blonde locks clear lip gloss. No more contacts so I put on my glasses. The first thing I needed to do today was gone and get another phone. I couldn't do shit without communication. Let me lock this door. What the hell is this? More advertisements probably. It's an envelope taped to my door. It was empty except for a single Swarvoski stone. I would recognize it anywhere. It had come off my fifteen thousand dollar pair of Manolo Blahniks that were still missing. I glanced around my home and street. Yeah somebody was fucking with me. I'm not gone panic. I'm going to get my shoes back and collect the head of whoever took them. Today's a great day for a ride on my Suzuki. No helmet. Sunglasses. Lil Keke's Slab Holiday playing in my mind. This ain't shit to a king. I smiled as I jetted past the attractive jarhead that had piqued my interest. Wonder if he needed a sparring partner? Down PIGGY.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Piggy Spares Starsha Danielle: But Why?

Man this nigga got a powerful span. His reach was something else too. Wonder if he and Piggy knew each other. He fine too. Damn, I'm outta cigarettes. I don't know why I ever started this filthy ass habit anyway. Oh I know. They gave me ten years in a federal penitentiary. Piggy owed me. Here I was parked outside the house of a known killer. What the fuck was I doing? Arnissha Lynn had paid me handsomely. I needed the bread. Had to get back on my feet. Lord knows I loved and needed the finer things in life. Looking around this neighborhood so did C.C. How the hell she afford all this on a cop's salary? That bomb I planted should've killed her. You couldn't bought me for a quarter when I heard that she had survived. ONE-TWO ONE-TWO ONE-TWO Damn. I mean he hit it with so much passion and fury. I wonder what it was like-hmmn. My .380 was always my weapon of choice. Niggas like Piggy talk about it but I didn't need a big gun. Explosives was more my thing. Besides it got the job done just enough without all that razzle dazzle. I don't know felt like my conscience was speaking to me though. I had no business here outside Courtney Coyle's house. I mean what if her son was there. Maybe she wasn't in there alone. ONE-TWO ONE-TWO ONE-TWO. I'm pretty sure the champ didn't live here alone. He had to have an old lady. I could see he was cut from here. Damn. She done made it all the way dark in her house now. Here goes nothing. I'm dressed in all black. Figure its best this way. It's still dark out. What the hell-"Did you think you was gone come here finish what you fucked up?" I'm staring down her nine. She was dressed in a tshirt and slippers nothing else. Blonde locks pulled back. The first time Courtney Coyle ever looked innocent, almost angelic."I've sat here and watched you watch him. I watched him and masturbated some and then I watched you some more." I just looked at her. It was obvious she always said the first thing on her mind. "I could blow your brains out right here and right now and then go inside and sit down to my Mattie Mae's grits and eggs. Maybe a good cup of coffee too.. I know what you did and  I know why you're here now. I tried to force myself  to look in her eyes. I couldn't. It was something about them. Sweat is pouring down my back. I recited to myself a prayer. I'm going to die. She lowered her weapon. We both heard the pounding of that bag stop. She turned to me. Stuck her gun upside my face and grabbed my chin. I had that .380 but I knew before I could get it off safety she would have blown my head clean off first. "He just saved your life. I owe you and most importantly YOU owe me.Get your ass from in from of my house. Don't disturb my neighbors." She reached in and snatched that .380. "How you ladies doing this morning?" "Fine." We both sang in unison. "What's the catch, C.C.?" "I'm in a good mood right now. Probably won't last. You still on parole. What the hell are you doing anyway?" I didn't say anything because she was right. As she leaned into my car, I could smell her perfume. "I want you to tell the whole network that King Piggy is here. You tell you did the unthinkable and I let you live. You hear what I said? Tell them you tried to kill me but I showed you MERCY." Just like that she walked off towards her house. Her and that walk. Courtney's walk had that of femininity and power. It commanded attention and respect. The devil dressed in faboulous footwear had just spared me my life. Why? I watched him watch her walk across the street. I put my car in drive and let my window. "Hey, she something else." He smiled and said, "Maybe, but I think I can handle it." I turned to 97.9 and R.Kelly's U Saved Me was on. He had in fact saved me. I was now officially outta the game. We used to call her Cocaine. Now she goes by the name of Piggy. Well Piggy had wiped my slate clean. I would now disappear. This life ain't for me no more. But the stories they will write about her. King Piggy and    her Harris County throne.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Welcome to the Kings' Neighborhood: It never Ends!!!

As I drove home in my underwear, I thought about life and how crazy it had been. I mean yeah I could sit here and rationalize for all the things I had done. But truth is they were all wrong and I would surely pay for my sins and gravely. I was once again off men. Fuck it. I would take a vow of celibacy. Right now I had to keep my mind focused and men took too much of your time and I needed all my devices. Big Lynn thought it was over. We had been keeping her at one of my safe houses. Tameika had got her while I was still in the hospital and I knew that a ton of people had been looking for her. It happens. That was some real foul shit Big Lynn did. I mean tryna off me and doing it with a bomb? Really? No I couldn't just let that go. Wasn't gone happen. Shit, I needed to get another cell phone and quick. I pulled up in front of my house. Good thing it was still about five in the morning. Dusk. No one was out. Most people slept late on Saturday mornings. I ran to my door in my skivvies. My house was at peace. There wasn't anything out of order. I half expected it to be though. That is crazy. I had now come to expect the unexpected. I tiptoed past Mattie Mae. She and all her great grand children were still fast asleep. I knew Meika B would probably be here in a couple hours to get Jay. As I tiptoed upstairs, I put my hand on the cross that my grandmother had given me. I had never taken it off since the day Mattie Mae put it around my neck. I believe it had been protecting me. You know I thank God everyday for my praying mother and grandmother. They loved and wanted for me when I didn't for myself. I got immediately into my shower. I wanted the steam to envelope me and wash away what I had just done. It never did. All of my victims stayed with me. They never left me. Whether a casualty was work related or not, it never left me. That was my punishment. I got out of the shower. Lotioned my body and slipped on a big T-shirt. My television was playing and an informercial for Courtney Got Something to Say was on. I wonder if this blog was all people said it was. They promise its life changing huh? Maybe I'd order the Ipad app and start reading it. They talk about this Piggy as if she's legendary. I guess. Wonder what NiccT was up to. Hadn't talked to him since he supplied me with that heat the other day. I had left him with my girls. I smile. No telling what happened after that. I'm laying on my back looking at the ceiling just thinking. I made a choice and I had been making a series of choices that I felt were conducive for me and my city. Still I questioned whether or not they were the right ones. I loved Drell. I saw myself married to him and having children for him. I felt like I could trust him and look what he did. I had misjudged him. So I'm swearing off men. Seriously. I have so much other stuff I need to be worried about and men ain't one of them. I needed to get in touch with Capt. ASAP. I wonder if he knew that he was being investigated. I'm laying on my back  looking towards the ceiling. Lights are off in my room but my plantation shutters are open. I see him across the street. He moved there a couple a weeks ago. According to Mattie Mae, he was single, a marine, no children. He was nice but she said she could tell that he had been through some things. I would get excited watching him box. He had a bag in his garage and I could see him pounding out frustration on that bag. He was handsome. Tall, and baby faced. But I could see veins and muscles at night when he would hit that bag. He had to know I watched him. He'd waved at me a time or two. I got really excited when I learned his name. David. Just like my daddy and my twin brother. David was a king. Now so am I. I giggle at the idiosyncrasies. ONE-TWO ONE-TWO ONE-TWO. He pounds the bag and I touch myself. I feel his lips on my collarbone and those strong taped up hands of his-My phone rings. "Yeah." "Piggy you need to have your ass in my office at nine am sharp!" "But Capt. that's in a couple of hours. I haven't had any sleep." He hung up. Shit. Here we go. My alarm clock said that it was 5:57 am. I closed my eyes and fantasized about the caramel marine. I replayed Drell's murder and I analyzed my future and how I would be forced to pay for my sins. As I lay my hand grazed the nine millimeter underneath my pillow. The cold steel chilled me for some reason. I removed the clip, knowing that there was one live round in it. What sense did that make? Well King Piggy knows that most times you only have one shot and you better make that count. Even while half sleep I knew my enemy was close. Starsha Danielle couldn't possibly be this stupid. So I lay on my back and waited for her. I saw her sit and stare at David and now she was on her way into my home. Forgive me Father.....My queendom. I kissed the cross around my neck. I'm ready bitch.... It ain't easy being me, Pac.