Wednesday, April 11, 2012

King David Divvies Dish

ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. I had so much stress. I'm beating the neoprene filling out of this bag. I wonder if came with some kind of warranty. From the looks of it I was gone need it. I can't remember. Couldn't get her off my mind. Those blonde locks. Curly. Her scent. The way she pushed her hair back behind her ear when I flirted with her. That shape of hers. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. I know she'd been watching me. I could see her silhouette through her shutters. Didn't realize how beautiful she was until we were up close. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. There was definitely something about Ms. Courtney. Meanwhile the nightmares won't stop. Ever. It's like I loved the Marine Corps. and the opportunities it brought me but I hated what it has turned me into. I killed because they told me I had to. The medals that adorned my uniform. I was both prideful and shameful of them. I'm waking up in cold sweats and shit. I smell carnage. Gunpowder. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. ONE-TWO. There was something about her eyes. They were dark. It was like they were protecting something. Here I was cussing the Marine Corps and I had agreed to sign on as a recruiter for them. Talk about hypocrisy right? I recruited em like it was nothing. It was my job and I was paid well to do it. Damn it's hot out here. Now it gets hot in Miami but I don't know this Texas heat is something different. I figure since its my day off I'll do absolutely nothing. Watch a little T.V. Finish unpacking the rest of these boxes. Been a while since I had done some cooking. Yeah that's what I'll do. I'll fix a nice dinner. Maybe invite Ms. Courtney over if she's not busy. Miss Mattie said that she was single. I'd heard her and friend's conversation. Partially. It sounded heated. Both were beautiful women but it looked like they were men about to battle. I saw Courtney reach into the other's chick car and grab her gun. I knew she was a cop, her grandmother had told me that but that wasn't police business I saw. The sun feels good on my bare shoulders. Glad I take care of myself. Some of these niggas I come across down here....Then there was the visit from Agent Milton Spivey. He approached me asking me all kinds of questions about Courtney Coyle. Funny thing is he showed up right after Miss Mattie bought that peach cobbler to me. I told Spivey that I didn't know anything. It surprised me because I had seen him in street clothes coming out of her house. I figured they were dating. Something creeped me out about him. Let's see....what could I cook? Hell I didn't know what kind of food she may like to eat. Fuck it. I had some Tilapia in here. I'll just grill that. Make enough and ask her to come over later. If she eat it fine if not we can go out somewhere. And hell all this is assuming that she even like me. For some reason Alana just crossed my mind. I was with her five years and nothing I ever did was good enough for her. Women. The older I got I just didn't understand them. But beautiful creatures they were and I couldn't imagine life without em. I needed something else to go with this Tilapia. I could still see those pretty pink lips and I wonder what her other lips looked like. Damn. I saw where Damien had called me. I swear my brother didn't want nothing. I'll call him later. I shower. Throw on a white tee. Military dog tags around my neck. Levi jeans. The whitest pair of Air Force 1s in my closet. I sprayed Polo on my body. Couldn't forget what Milton Spivey had said to me. "Look, Mr. Brewer, she's dangerous. Yeah she may be nice to look at but she ain't no good." That only made me want her. I had been to the pits of hell seem like. Think a 5'2 thick blonde red bone scare me? Naw I'm good. I got into my seven series. I needed to go to the grocery store. Stop by the barber shop first. 102.1 had GQ I Do Love You playing. Good music on this easy Saturday. I backed out of the driveway hoping I could get into something. Her card laid in my passenger seat. Wondered how it got there. Sgt. Courtney Coyle Houston Police TNT. Well if she was a bomb I knew which wires to cut so that she would detonate. I wanted to be up under her when she did.

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