Sunday, April 22, 2012

Piggy's Sweet Texas Tea

My nerves are shot through the roof! I mean how the hell did I get caught slipping? Come on now Tameika. Think. You had to know that if they had Drell watching her then they weren't too far behind. They would always be close by. Now I'm caught up in Piggy's drama. This man said that Drell was dead! And apparently they believed that Courtney was responsible for it. I knew this would happen if I told her about him. I should feel bad now that he's dead. I don't. We all know that there's a price to pay for dishonesty and no loyalty. I guess Drell know now too. Damn my back has been hurting alot lately. I swear one day I'm going to get a breast reduction. I went ahead and called her ass as soon as they left my house. Figures she wants to meet a fucking shoe store. I knew it wasn't no arguing with her over it. I agreed. So here I am. Jeans. T-shirt. white Air Force 1's. Jay is now with my mother. I love him more than my own life. What I did with Piggy and the Embassy for me was more than the lifestyle I had grown accustomed to. No this was bigger than that. I didn't want Jay to want for nothing. Damn it's hot out. This Houston weather, I tell ya. My phone ringing. It's her. "Where you at, Piggy?" "I'm at our store. Make sure you ain't been followed." She hung up. I had been careful on my way here. But you never know. I didn't see anybody and my spidey senses hadn't been tingling. I walked into Pizzaro's. She was seated. Drinking Christal and about six shoe boxes at her feet. There was a new saleswoman. Didn't matter though. We had been in here so many times and spent so much money that even the FNP's knew us. Fucking new people. I sat down next to her. "So what do we do?" Cooley she stuck a piece of cheese and then a grape into her mouth. Sipped more champagne. "We carry on with business as normal. We just gotta be a little more discreet, Texas Tea." This bitch had lost her mind. "Piggy, what the hell you mean be more discreet? I have been more discreet. It's you that's blowing our spot up." I watched her eyes turn a slate gray. Crazy thing is, Piggy was morphing into Shannon Monet and didn't even realize it. She slipped her feet into satin Dior pumps and walked around the store. I swear I'm seeing the store shelves move as if to move out of my friend's way. No mistaking the power and aura seeping out of Courtney Coyle's pores. Some people acquire it but I believe this one was born with it. She rounded another corner in the store and out of nowhere I heard Eightball chanting, Mr. Big, Mr. Big. "Tameika, I've brought us this far. Right? And we've made a shit load of money in the process. Right? You lay back and trust me. Do what I say. I'm King Piggy and we gone all eat." I handled Piggy differently from most. I didn't always tell her what she wanted to hear. I respected her. Most others feared her. That was the difference. Thing is though, if she gave her word, she meant it. I watched her try on the same pump in a red. She was unusually calm considering she was under suspicion of murdering a federal agent. "Happy Birthday Piggy." She looked up and smiled. Those locks of hers fanned her face and it was like sunshine hailing over the Astrodome. My friend was gorgeous in a natural sense. She didn't wear much makeup but she obsessed over those natural blonde curls of hers. Well the curls were natural. I thought about how in a short period of time, she and I had reconnected and done what we set out to do. Kill Albro and take over Houston. We had done that. We both had things to lose and gain. She said that she had my back and I believed her. I couldn't help but wonder though. How long would her loyalty last? I'm almost certain she felt the same way about me. It was the life we lead. She was high as shit. I decided I would leave her alone about her habit. It was like beating a dead damn horse anyway. Her phone rings. I don't know who it is but now all of a sudden, she's in uber girly mode. Hmmn. Smiling, twirling her finger through her locks. I wonder who this is. "Texas Tea, look you don't have to say anything to those Gmen. Make them do their jobs. They just fishing. They don't know shit." "I got you Piggy. So what you gone do tonight?" She laughed. "Same thing we do every night, Pinky, I mean Texas Tea. Try and take over the world!" I laughed my ass off. So silly. "Well who was that on the phone then?" She smiled again. "I don't wanna jinx it yet. It's still early. Trying to see where this goes." Understood. Despite all that we had both through, I believed and felt like C.C. needed her own bit of happiness. She paid for eight pair of shoes. Two pairs belonging to me and then she was gone. I sat and thought about how much pressure she may have been under. But this is what she wanted huh? I walked outta of the store and looked down as I saw two men in cheap suits tailing Officer Piggy. I checked the clip in my .50 and kept a few paces behind them. I knew I wouldn't have time to call her. For all I knew she knew they were behind her. The tales we would be able to tell our children someday. Oh the debauchery that happens when Texas Tea spills.....

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