Monday, November 29, 2010

Love is an Action Word, Yo!

You know people don't typically believe that Piggy has feelings. I do. I've focused most of my time and my heart and soul on raising my son and my career. So I lay here in some satin Donna Karen mules with my .45 and I think. What is going to become of me? I have done some horrible things. Every day my addiction is getting worse. Left untreated, I knew I could resort to more and more deviant behavior. And hell I was a cop. Even still I had to do what I had to do. I got up and dried my eyes. I put on some blue jeans that were ripped at the knees, a white tee and some purple Promise open toed booties. I pulled my blonde locks into a messy ponytail. I grabbed my loot and my clothes and I left. As I passed the maintenance closet I looked for cameras. I pulled my fitted to shade my eyes. I knocked on the maintenance door. No answer. I opened the door and the concierge was still passed out. Around his neck but tucked into his shirt I saw a familiar badge. It was the same badge that the ese had around his neck. DSW. I closed the door. I took my gun out and hit the door knob until it came completely off. I picked the knob up and put in my bag. I headed to _____  and my spot. The playground at Welch Middle School. I pulled up and parked in the back. I saw his car slabbed park. My cell rings. It's him. "Where you at?" "I'm here." I put my .380 in my pocket and walked back to the swing set. He stood up. Held his arms open to me. I walked straight into them. Even after all this time his arms still felt like the safest place this side of my grandmother's heaven. "You ready to talk. I ain't got to tell you how slimy Albro is, do I?" I rolled my eyes. "No you don't. I got this." He took his finger and traced the outline of my lips. He would always do that. "I love your lips." We kissed. "Piggy I think you in over your head." "I'm okay ____. I've been in this for quite some time now. I've done well too. I mean its so easy for people to judge me. But y'all don't know." As we sat down at a picnic table _____reached down and put my foot in my lap. He shook his head. "I thought that you had kicked this habit. But I can see that it has gotten worse." "Don't do it ____. Its not that bad. I gotta handle on it bae." He looked at me and there was geniune concern in his eyes. "Courtney, I barely recognize you. You are responsible for Gttto's death. Albro set you up Piggy! You have taken out the only person who is was higher than him in this shoe shit." My heart start beating fast. This couldn't be right. I had been played. "Albro starts telling me how he got a cop on his team. He had sent the ese to set you up. He figured he would send the ese to you with some bs work and you wouldn't go for it. That's how he found you." I was sitting there in shock. "Albro told you this?" "Yes so when he showed me your pic, I insisted on him introducing me to you so to speak." "Omigod, _____ What do I do? We have several more heists to plan." "We can overthrow Albro. You and I have been through some stuff baby. We can do this? You still trust me?" I smiled and ran my hand down his handsome face. "You know there is no such thing as trust in this business. But we had affairs outside this game. I will love and trust you forever." I meant every word I said to him that night. I still had my doubts. But the truth is I had missed him. This would be the test. He knew how much I loved him. Now we would see how much he loved me.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Its my heist and I'll cry if I want to......

I went back to the hotel. _______ was already there waiting on me. Our eyes met and it was fire. I turned my back to him and figeted with the key. I knew he had a thing for the nape of my neck. ______ didn't let me down I felt him bend over and I felt his warm breath on my neck. He took the key and unlocked the door effortlessly. Kissed my neck and guided me into the room. "Where you been girl?" "Around. Where you been boy?" He turned me around and kissed me until I was light headed. That pulsing that had started between my legs was now a drumline. You know the feeling you get the very first time you try on a pair of Manolo Blahniks? That was the feeling I was having. He placed his large hand up my dress and he moved the flimsy material that was my panties away from my Bermuda Triangle. My leg was on his shoulder and I was able to get a really nice view of my Christian Louboutin shoes. They were red with a five inch heel. They had an ankle strap that came with a lock. The key was attached to my panites. _____ found the key. He kissed my calves and my ankles. He unlocked the left shoe and then all of a sudden there was knock on the door. Instinctly I snatched my .380 out of its holster and _______'s nine millimeter made its appearance. I nodded at him. "Were you followed?" "No Piggy." I staggered to the door. "Who is it?" Room service. I forgot that I had ordered fruit and champagne. I was still unable to see through the peephole. I motioned for ____ to look. He said stand back. I had his back. He opened the door and that's when I saw him. It was the concierge and instead of a tray he had a Mac in his hand. A quick jab and he was outta there. ______ had laid him clean out. "I didn't kill him. I probably should have. What you got going on? I come back and now I hear you a cop but you involved with Albro's schiesty ass. What's going on Piggy? I want the truth."  I watched him drag the concierge and throw him in the maintenance closet down the hall. He walked back into the room. "And? I'm not playing with you Courtney. Start talking and start talking now."  I looked around. "Okay I'll tell you. But not here. I gotta go. Meet me at our old spot." _______ looked torn a bit. I knew he had something to say. "_____ what is it?"  "Piggy I think I need to tell you now. I'm married." I just looked at him. "I already know that. September 12, 2010. I put $1,500 in an evenlope as a gift." "That was  you?" "Jody is a pretty girl. You guys look great together." What was I doing? I got a slight headache. I went over and grabbed a Taupe Louboutin shoe. I wrapped it in a towel and placed it on my head. My headache got better. "Piggy I don't kno- I cut him off. "Don't do that. We good. I love you _____ and my love is forever like the sophistication of Chinese Laundry shoes. Give me a minute. I 'll meet you at the spot in about an hour." He kissed his hand placed it on my heart and he was gone. When I knew he was on the elevator, I took off my dress, laid there in my pretty panties and one red pump and cried.

Friday, November 26, 2010

MAC-nificently Piggy....

I had to hold it together. "Albro, what are you talking about?" "Look Piggy _________ AKA Mac is the man on these streets. Just use him as another resource. Besides that this next heist I have planned you are gonna need some muscle." "What are you talking about? I have a squad." Our food was brought to the table. I watched _____ pierce a shrimp with his fork and put it up to his mouth. My heart was beating as if it would come out of my chest. There was still a lot of sexual tension between us. Lord knows it had been a long time since my body had had a FIX. Albro's voice brought me out of my trance. "Piggy? Did you hear what I said?" "No I'm sorry. Guess I'm a little tired. Albro, Mac would you excuse me for a minute?" Both Albro and ______ rose as I left the table and headed for the ladies room. My panties were moist. I had to contain this. I knew that if necessary ______ and I could work well together but on the other hand it might be the worst mistake of my life. I had a career and my son to think about. I washed my hands, reapplied my Berry lipstick and pushed the bathroom door open. He was standing outside the door. He had that look in his eyes. "Piggy those are some bad shoes you are wearing." "Christian Louboutins," I whispered. The next thing I know he pushed me back into the bathroom. He picked me up and placed me on the bathroom counter. I was more than excited. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He ran his finger from the center of my forehead, down to my nose, across my lips and on to my cleavage. "Ooh Daddy, I missed you." I moaned. This man brought up feelings I couldn't explain. "Daddy missed you too." I could feel his erection through his Armani pants. When our tongues touched I exploded. "You still love me, Piggy?" I moaned. He repeated his question. I wiggled from his grasp and raised my dress. Extending from my hip to my thigh was the word LOVE etched in my skin. LOVE was illustrated in a microphone and its wire underneath it spelled _______. He had this tattoo on his arm. This was my attempt to keep him with me. I watch his breathing slow down he took my hand and placed it on his chest. It was beating a mile a minute. I kissed his lips. HipHop's bars. I left the bathroom. We would play games like this. I got back to the table and Albro was gone. He had taken care of the tab and left. My cell rang. "Where are you staying?" It was ______. "DoubleTree. Room 2004." The line went dead. I got excited. I knew I couldn't let my defenses down but with ______ I could be myself. I headed back to the hotel. Little did I know, I had been followed.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

When Piggy met ______.......

I met _______ when we worked together. We used to do sales at a call center. From the first time we met I knew that we had a connection that was far from physical. Not only did my body crave him but my mind and soul did. I knew that I could love _______ forever. We would have some serious sessions. Sometimes that would be talking. We would listen to music. We got high. And we would make love hours on end. His touch would send waves through my body and when we kissed I always felt like I was giving him all of me. I sit and think about the last time we saw each other. I knew that ________ was torn. Him and I were so much alike. We loved the streets. Him more so than me. I loved him so much I couldn't make him choose. But how I loved this man's mind. I yearned for his passion. His hands caressing my body ignited me but his ideas sent me over. Now he calls himself Mac. Here we are together and there is a pulsing sensation between my legs. "You look good, Piggy. Smell good too. Albro told me he knew you and I had to see for myself." My heart fluttered a bit. I licked my lips. He touched his groin. "I missed you." He bit his bottom lip. Suddenly Albro comes back to the table. "Excuse me y'all had some business to attend to. Piggy have you simmered down a bit?" "Im fine Albro." The waiter came back to the table and took my order. Prime rib medium rare. mashed potatoes and asparagus spears. _______'s leg brushed mine and the heat was so strong Alhro sensed it. "Damn, what's wrong with y'all?" Mac took a sip of his cognac. I looked Albro dead in his eye. "Why do you ask? I'm fine. I would be better if you paid me though." "Piggy you will be paid handsomely. I won't take a cut off this job." He raised his hands as if in surrender. "I got another heist for you and I believe that _____can help you." A flood of emotions ran through me. Piggy what are you going to do?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Piggy Reminisces....

When I arrived at the restaurant I was still a bit cautious. I didn't know if we had been followed from the warehouse. Albro was the name I gave the hostess. When I arrived at the table Albro and another man  stood up as I approached the table. Albro was dressed in a double breasted suit Italian sik tie and Italian Ferragamo shoes. Impeccable taste. "Piggy, you clean up nice girl!" I chuckled to myself. Ivory Albro was as country as they came but this man had power and it was oozing out of his pores. I sat down. Ivory introduced me to his comrade. Broad shoulders at least 6'6. When I saw him it I was taken to a good place. Hip Hop is the name I gave him. "Piggy, I want you to meet a long time friend of mine. This is __________. We've done business for a long time." "It's nice to meet you _________." I smiled as he took my hand and pulled out my chair. "Nice to meet you too, Piggy. But you can call me Mac." I sighed Mac intrigued me. Ivory cleared his throat. Turned to Mac and said, "Damn Mac, take it easy. Her bite is vicious." The waiter came and asked if I wanted a drink. "Merlot." I turned to Albro, "We have things to discuss." He took a puff from his expensive cigar. "Yes we do young lady. Do you want to eat first? They have some awesome steaks here." "No Albro I prefer bullshit on an empty stomach." Mac chuckled. "See what I told you, Mac. Alright you did some amazing work so on this job I'll only collect 25." I giggled. I figured I was doing so because I was in this amazing Ramona Cavalli dress and I felt womanly and girly at the same time. "I say that this is my sting you get nothing from this one. You set me up. Gitto was there and he had backup." "CC I knew you could handle yourself. You're a cop by trade so I knew this would be nothing for you." "Look I handle my business but this isn't open for discussion. What are our next plans?" Albro's phone rang. He excused himself from the table. Mac looked at me. "I take it he doesn't know that we've already met huh?" I breathed deep and heavy. "No he doesn't." He touched my face and I held his hand. I went back to when we first met....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Survival of the Piggiest....

My squad and I delivered the loot AFTER we got our cut. I had booked a room at the Doubletree Hotel. 20th floor. I paid cash for the room. I know we must have looked a sight. Three women dressed in black overalls and tube tops. Plenty of duffel bags. I handed the concierge a hundred dollars and told him to take care of truck and nobody comes up to that 20th floor until I check out. He smirked at me. Turned his nose up at my offer. I flashed my badge. He took the money and nodded. We had an understanding. We upstairs. I locked and bolted the door behind us. Dynastie screamed. Mychelle joined her and they danced around the room. I emptied more than two hundred thousand dollars in cash onto the King sized bed. We divvyed up the cash. I sat on the bed and put my hands on my head. See I trusted these women but only to certain extents. I exhaled, "So I know I don't have to say that what went on today stays with us, right." Dynastie scoffed and sucked her teeth, "Bitch please we in this like you." Mychelle put her machete in its case and looked at me. We had a quiet mutual understanding of things that came from years of us doing dirt together. As they both walked to the door we said goodbye. I knew I would have a few more jobs for them. I didn't know it then but I was going to have to kill one of them. It would be conducive to my SURVIVAL. And survive Piggy would. My cell rang. It was him. Meet him at Vick and Anthony's. I made a quick trip to the galleria. Bought a strapless RED evening number La Perla lingerie and I had the perfect Louboutins to match. I sprayed Cashmere on my cleavage and in the Bermuda Triangle. I was prepared for anything. My .380 tucked snugly in the garter holster between my thighs. I headed over to meet my boss for dinner.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Piggy does what she gotta do.....

When the smoke cleared, it was my gun that was smoking. There was a bullet between Gitto's eyes and the goon with a shotgun didn't want no part of this. I walked over to Gitto. I pulled my Blackberry out. Snapped a picture of him in his final state and sent it to Albro. That meant my fee had just doubled. I looked at the other goons and I gave them instructions. There are two hundred pairs of Loubou shoes. They are each individually wrapped in tissue and in their own boxes. The product is not to be harmed. Dynastie you make sure they load the truck. Mychelle you come with me. I need to get in this office. Dynastie called my name. "I trust you Piggy. So I assume you kno what You've done. That's your bullet between Gitto's eyes." She had a point. I reached into my bra and pulled a shell that was from my gun and I tossed it next to Gitto. "So now everybody will know Dynastie. Let's get it we aint got much time." Mychelle took her machete and got us in the office. Not only was there more connect information but I left with close to two hundred thousand dollars in cash. The trucks was loaded. I got a call from Albro. "Piggy you a cold ass bitch." "Do you have my money Albro?" "I'll be waiting. Come see me." I hung up. Dynastie drove my suburban. Mychelle drove the truck. Me I wanted to ride with the precious cargo. There was a Christian Louboutin shoe for every kind of girl. Here I was a girl who just crossed over to the dark side but hey I would be doing so in Fabulous shoes. Either you love Piggy or you don't.....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Warehouse Heist

I turned to two people I trusted my life with. I grabbed the 4-5. Let's get it in. We walked up to a warehouse and it had a padlock on the entrance. I scanned the perimeter for a camera. I didn't see one. Mychelle tells me to stand back. I watched her raise the machete high over her head and then the padlock fell to the ground. It took all three of us to lift the door. When we did there were rows and rows and rows and then more rows of shoes. My nipples hardened. This was it. My cell vibrated. It was Albro. I sent it to Voicemail. Dynastie whistled, "This shit is crazy yo!" "I know we gotta get it, Dynastie the Series." I turned to Mychelle. "WTF are you involved in Piggy?" I was annoyed. I sucked my teeth. "Look are we gonna stand here and debate or are we goin get these shoes?" All of a sudden I heard voices. A man screams out. "We know you're here. Come out." My squad and I came out front and center. There were four Italians. Only one was armed. I stood out front. "This is how this is gonna go. We're here as a favor. We're gonna clear this warehouse. You gonna give us a truck and you're gonna load it. Nobody gets hurt and we all get to go home." "So you think you can rob me? Is that it?" He motioned towards his goon and he raised a shotgun. As if on cue Dynastie hoisted her AK. I said, "Gitto, this could go bad really fast for you." "Oh yeah,' Gitto says. He drops his cigar and Mychelle drops her lollipop.  The first shot is fired.....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Piggy and her squad....

My cell rings. It's Albro. He has information about a shipment of different pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes. I got excited. "Piggy, this is our big payoff. Don't f@!k it up." "I won't." The thing is I was right in the middle of work. My captain was handing out assignments to me and the rest of the tactical narcotics team. I had a sting that I was required to be a part of. Those red soles however was calling my name. Ivory Albro gave me the address. It was off Holmes road. I assembled a team: Dynastie faceliketrina the second baddest blonde I knew. She cold with a AK and some flat irons. I got in touch with Machete Mychelle. This bitch shot her old man when he didnt come home from a dice game and she had a shoe habit like mine. Dressed in black we jumped in my suburban. My cell rings again. It's my son. Al Green was crooning on the radio. Dynastie turned it down. "Hey mommy, what you doin?" "Im playin cops and robbers baby. What are you doing?" "Watching Spongebob." "Ok make sure you're in bed on time you hear?" "Yes mommy I love you."  My eyes watered and saw Dynastie and Mychelle smile. "I love you too, Cobee." I hung up. We were at the spot. I checked my weapon and saw Dynastie put a slug in the chamber. Here we go.....