Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Piggy Reminisces....

When I arrived at the restaurant I was still a bit cautious. I didn't know if we had been followed from the warehouse. Albro was the name I gave the hostess. When I arrived at the table Albro and another man  stood up as I approached the table. Albro was dressed in a double breasted suit Italian sik tie and Italian Ferragamo shoes. Impeccable taste. "Piggy, you clean up nice girl!" I chuckled to myself. Ivory Albro was as country as they came but this man had power and it was oozing out of his pores. I sat down. Ivory introduced me to his comrade. Broad shoulders at least 6'6. When I saw him it I was taken to a good place. Hip Hop is the name I gave him. "Piggy, I want you to meet a long time friend of mine. This is __________. We've done business for a long time." "It's nice to meet you _________." I smiled as he took my hand and pulled out my chair. "Nice to meet you too, Piggy. But you can call me Mac." I sighed Mac intrigued me. Ivory cleared his throat. Turned to Mac and said, "Damn Mac, take it easy. Her bite is vicious." The waiter came and asked if I wanted a drink. "Merlot." I turned to Albro, "We have things to discuss." He took a puff from his expensive cigar. "Yes we do young lady. Do you want to eat first? They have some awesome steaks here." "No Albro I prefer bullshit on an empty stomach." Mac chuckled. "See what I told you, Mac. Alright you did some amazing work so on this job I'll only collect 25." I giggled. I figured I was doing so because I was in this amazing Ramona Cavalli dress and I felt womanly and girly at the same time. "I say that this is my sting you get nothing from this one. You set me up. Gitto was there and he had backup." "CC I knew you could handle yourself. You're a cop by trade so I knew this would be nothing for you." "Look I handle my business but this isn't open for discussion. What are our next plans?" Albro's phone rang. He excused himself from the table. Mac looked at me. "I take it he doesn't know that we've already met huh?" I breathed deep and heavy. "No he doesn't." He touched my face and I held his hand. I went back to when we first met....

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