Friday, April 29, 2011

Piggy gets deeper into Monet MUD...Decision Time

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I remember that case clearly. It was widely publicized across Texas. Lena Carethers death is still under investigation. I tried to mask my contempt. This meant that Shannon Monet was even more dangerous than I thought. I was shocked but then I wasn't. Here was a woman who had gotten just about everything that she wanted. When Albro had rejected her for her much younger niece, she couldn't stand it. She went on. "I emptied my gun into her. I didn't feel a thing. I walked back to my car. Got in and drove away. I remember passing his car. Part of me wanted to stop him before he got to his house and saw what I had done. But the other part needed him to see what he had made me do." Shannon Monet tears were flowing. She picked up a napkin and wiped her face. I peered over at Albro and he and his goons were enjoying dinner. I no longer had an appetite. "So what did you do?" "I didn't do anything. I got rid of the gun. I went home and showered. I had her blood all over me. I changed and I paced back and forth. I had just took the life of my brother's only daughter and her unborn child. So I went back to Albro's place and it was a mess. Newsvans, ambulance, police and then I saw the coroner's van. I started hyperventilating. Don't get me wrong, I knew she was dead before I left but seeing the ME vehicle was validation. I tried to contact Albro. He didn't answer. I wasn't prepared to see her there and like that. I mean she just looked so happy. Like she was at peace and that should've been me dammit. I just didn't know what to do. My brother called me later that day. He was in tears and it was in that moment that I hated Ivory Albro. I mean look what he had made me do! She was only 19, with the rest of her life ahead of her." Shannon Monet shook her head and took a sip of her Cristal. "Aren't you gonna finish your food?" I thought this bitch is crazy. "I didn't want to kill her but I was forced to. He wasn't gonna leave her alone. She could give him the one thing I couldn't. A gotdamn baby." Hmmn so that's what it was. Monet could be with any man she wanted to be with. I mean she was beautiful, smart, she had her own money. I knew that it was something missing in her life. "I tried to console him, CC. I did. I mean I'm not a total monster. He wouldn't have it. Told me I was wasting my time. He would never get over Lena. He had lost his baby too. I told him we could adopt and I could hire a surrogate mother. He wasn't tryna hear none of that." I realized that Monet had taken a Xanax and had drunk most of that Cristal herself. Yeah she was full. Me and Monet's relationship was that of boss and employer. I mean we had been through some things but not like Mychelle and I had or even with me and Tameika. There was really no reason for her to share this information with me. "Monet I think you've had a little too much to drink now." She looked at me and blinked. "You know, CC, Tuesday Morning was our favorite store. Lena and I. I would take her all the time and buy her all of the latest fragrences. I visit her and her baby's grave every Tuesday. She haunts me you know." A single tear fell from her eye, down her cheek and it landed on her heart. "It's okay Monet." She looked at me and scowled. She hit the table with her fist. "It's not okay Piggy. Albro has to die. He has to pay for what he did to ME!" There were whispers and stares from the other patrons. Albro and his goons got up from the table. Shannon stood up and called out to Albro. "Albro!" He didn't even turn around. That did it. He had humiliated Shannon Monet publicaly and in front of me. I knew then that if I didn't kill him she definitely would. "Come on Shannon, let's go. People are watching." I told the waiter to put the meal on her tab and I walked her outside. I thought of putting her in a cab but I thought better of it. I helped her back to my hotel room. She popped another Xanax. She looked at me and said, "Don't tell nobody what we talked about. Nobody knows I killed Lena except you and her." She closed her eyes and was out. FUCK! What was I to do? Just then my cell rang and it was my lieutenant. "Coyle, ain't seen you since the bust the other day. We got another tomorrow. You need to be in pocket." "I got you lieu. Hey I got a question? You remember the Lena Carethers case?" "Yeah I do. I was called out to the scene. It was pretty bad. Why?" "I just thought about it today. Where can I get the case file?" "Give me an hour and you can come pick it up. Why- you know what the less I know the better. See you later." We hung up. I let Monet sleep and I stared at her Red Loubous that she had on earlier. I started scratching. I took her shoes and went into the bathroom. Closed the door behind me. I got high and I waited. I was into this deeper than what I wanted to be now. Lord knows.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

La Perla Lingerie and a .380=Tragedy

Shannon Monet peered around her as if to make sure no one else was listening. "CC, it's been bad blood between me and Albro for a long time. It go all the way back to '99. You know that was right before he started his business. I had just been elected to council, I mean it was a lot going on then. The city of Houston was really flourishing." She took another bite of her salmon. "I met Albro in a crazy situation. This guy was tryna jack me. I wasn't really tripping. Then I didn't have heat like I do now so it wasn't no sense in getting myself killed over things that were insured anyway. But I had gave this man my purse, phone and the keys to my Beamer when I heard Albro call out to him. He goes, 'Ant leave that woman alone. Stall her out!' I was kinda scared then because I didn't know what was gone happen. Hell I thought maybe they worked together or something." I listened intently but I could feel Albro's eyes on me from across the room. Monet went on. "It was dark but then I saw Albro come out of the shadows. I thought to myself, Lord please don't let them kill me. Albro tells Ant, 'Leave her alone, Ant. And I'll get you later.' Ant wasn't feeling that at all. 'Hell naw bruh. I already got all her shit. This a lick here.' Albro smiled put his hands on his hips and when he did I saw the imprint of his .45. 'I said stall her out. I'll take care of you later.' CC that shermhead returned all of my things and vanished just as quickly as he had appeared. Albro attended to me. Asked me if I was ok. I got a good look at him. He was handsome. Very well groomed. I knew I had about ten years on him but it was something else about him that excited me. I know now it was that bad boy shit. But he commanded attention and respect. I got into my car after he opened the car door. 'You gotta be careful out here lady. That mf don't know who you are.' I smiled at that and said, 'Oh and you do?' He rubbed his chin and looked around. 'Of course I do. Shannon Monet. I vote and I'm active in my local politics." Okay so at this point its obvious what was between Albro and Monet. I could hear it in her voice. See it in her eyes and it was apparent by the way she said his name. I couldn't ignore the obvious though. The same damn things she found attractive about him was the same thing that me thinking about him too. "I was impressed. I give him my card and told him to call me. Didn't really think he would. He did though and it was about a week later. I asked him to dinner. CC, he was smooth I give him that. When we were together it was like I was the only woman in the world that existed. Now at the time I had just been elected and I was still practicing law. I had started my other paper route too. Hadn't realized the huge supply and demand for weapons here in Houston. We had both agreed to keep our relationship private. I mean he had a record, he was selling dope and it just wasn't good for image. I didn't know how far into politics I wanted to go." My cell rang with a text. It was from Albro. It read, I WANT YOU. My face felt flushed. Monet continued her story. "Girl and the sex, whew it was intense. Like I would be on cloud nine. I couldn't believe that this 22 year old man had turned me out. So this went on for about two years and so I was happy with my career. I was happy with him and it was like things were perfect. So one night we were in bed and he goes, 'Shannon, I think we need to cool it for a while.' I'm like what you mean 'cool it'. He told me it was him not me and that he cared about me but he needed to be by himself. Now keep in mind this is AFTER I got him building permits for that heathen ass club he opened.  I gave him 10k for his shoe business. Girl I was stupid behind that lil boy. So we end it that night. I told him that I would wait but not too long. One day about a week later I get a call from my niece. She tells me that she was at the Kappa Beach Party. Had had a few too many drinks, she had been down there with some friends and they got a chance to party with Ivory Albro. Hmmn. She woke up the next day in a hotel room in Galveston. In Albro's bed. You know she was young and thought she had did something sleeping with the Albro. He had made a name for himself by this time. And so they started dating. Now keep in mind for a week straight he hadn't answered my phone calls. So I was livid. When I got through talking to her, I called him. He answered and I demanded that he break it off. I mean this was my niece. He laughed." I saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes. This was painful to her. "Told me I couldn't demand shit from him. So I kindly reminded him that he still owed me 10,000 dollars. Little did I know he was in the middle of wiring that money back to my account with interest. He had finally made it. So months go by, I started showing up at his house and she would be there. He would cuss me and threaten me. I would have his club shut down you know stupid things like that. But then I found out she was pregnant. He was going to have a baby with my niece." "Damn Monet. I know that must've been hard." "Hard? Bitch ain't that the understatement of the century." She stared off into space. "Naw but I got that bitch." "What you mean, Monet?" "I went to his house in an attempt to win him back. I had on La Perla lingerie and nothing else. I had my .380 and didn't know what I was going to do with it. To my surprise she answered the door. I saw her and that big belly and I snapped I pulled that gun and I fired six times. I heard her call me Auntie.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Piggy and Monet on some gangsta Shit?!

Once the door was open I relaxed. I could smell her Donna Karen perfume. She was dressed in an Armani Exchange tshirt, jeans and on her feet were RED loubou pumps. The only makeup she wore was red Mac lipglass. I bought my weapon down. Monet never really needed a calling card. I knew better than to ask how she had tracked me down. "Piggy you look rested finally. You aight?" I nodded my head. "What's going on Shannon Monet?" "Shit what ain't going on? You know we still dealing with this silly strike of Houston City Works. I had to let go two of my cooks at the restaurant and I have a gala to plan for the Houston Urban League. Then I got a whole shipment of M-16s coming in." She looked at me with a sly grin. "Piggy baby, you interested. Every bad bitch needs a weapon with a thirty round magazine." She taunts. I just grinned. "Sure why not? How much you doing it for?" "For you nothing. I got a favor though." I stopped in my tracks. I knew what this meant. Shannon Monet's favors usually went out and beyond. "What is that Monet?" "Well when you get Albro, I need you to utter one phrase to him for me. Before you kill him look him in the eyes and say 'Remember the Kappa'. Tell him Shannon Monet sends her regards." She sat down at the table in my suite. WTH. This was personal for her too. I see. I watched her pull out that jeweled pill box. She took a small pill, Xanax no doubt, popped it in her mouth and swallowed it dry. Rubbed the back of her neck.  I grabbed her a glass and filled it with water. "Girl you can't take them damn things dry like that." She  took it and downed the glass. "What's up with you and Albro? Why the beef?" Shannon Monet flashed me that look that said I had better leave it alone. "You hungry, CC? I hear the Sheraton Restaurant has wonderful salmon." This woman was the picture of insanity, a beautiful picture but insane no doubt. I agreed to go to dinner with her. Not like I had a choice. I was dressed in Gloria Vanderbilt jeans with a white Aeropastale shirt. White airforce 1's mids. Monet switched into black AF1'1. We headed downstairs. Once inside the dining room the maitre'd sat us at a table in the middle of the restaurant. Shannon sucked her tongue. "Excuse me, do you know who I am?" The young man looked terrified and he should've been. "Of course Miss Monet." "Then you know that sometimes I would appreciate some privacy." He quickly sat us in a more intimate setting. "I'll order for us both Piggy. Son bring us both the grilled salmon, make hers blackened with steamed green beans and a side of mashed pot. Get us a bottle of Cristal. Don't look at me like that either. Sometimes I am an around the way girl with ends." I laughed out loud. I couldn't believe she had just said that but she had. We sat in comfortable silence until our food arrived. When it did Monet said grace. The food was absolutely delicious. As we ate out the corner of my eye, I saw him. Albro had come in with four other men I did not know. He smiled at me and then he looked over at Shannon Monet. On cue he and his goons reached for their weapons. Monet looked up and hers was on the table by her salad fork. "Easy Monet, y'all can't do this here. I mean WTF!!" "Stay out of this CC." "What you mean stay out of it Monet. I am still a cop you know." I got up and walked towards Albro. His goons stood down as Ivory instructed. He took my hand and kissed it. "What's going on Albro? We can't do this here now." "We? My beef aint with you. It's that bitch you eating with." "Albro that bitch will put a hole in you and continue her meal. You do kno that right?" Albro chuckled and so did all four of his cupholders. "That's cute Courtney. Damn my nigga you even flyy in tennis shoes." I blushed. It was crazy the way he made feel sometimes. "Look you told me another time. Go back to your dinner guest. I'll see you later, Piggy." He bent down and kiss me square on my lips and popped me on my ass. Just like that. I looked over. Shannon hadn't seen that because she was posing for a picture. After her fans left I asked her to give it to me straight. "I want to know what went on between you and Albro. I want the truth Monet." She smiled and rolled her eyes. "Long story, cop." I shrugged my shoulders and sat back. "Don't matter. I got all gotdamn day." Well, said Shannon Monet, "Here goes....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Please Reconsider Before You Die: Piggy Bombs First

Tameika flicked on the guestroom lights and when she did there was blood everywhere. There were three unlucky bastards on the floor. One woman and two men. Meika B's slugs were in the goon on the floor and I had got the woman and the other dude. All three of them had DSW pendants on. Meika B left the room to check on her son. I got out of the bed. This chick that lay dead before me..I had seen before. I couldn't place her but we had definitely crossed paths. Her eyes were open and I saw no life in them. Did I feel bad? Hell naw. I felt no more than I would have if I had stomped a cockroach. I was sorrowful of the drama I had bought my friend. She returned with cleanup stuff. Faboloso, the purple kind, heavy duty trash bags, duct tape and Spearmint gum. Tameika always had two things to hand out: chewing gum and ass whoopings. I hopped out the bed to help clean up the mess I created. "Meika, I'm sorry I bought this to your home." She waved her manicured hand at me to dismiss me. "Girl please you good, my queendom is safe. Hey help me roll this nigga up in this trash bag." "Wait we have to do a count. Just like old times." She grinned. I rolled goon number one over and counted the holes. In a perfect symmetrical shape was three .44 slugs. One nine shot in his head. The supposed femme fatale on the bed had one shot, my nine in her head right between her eyes. The last goon had a barrage of shots from the .44 and the nine in his chest. Who won the bet? Shit I did. The money shot was in ole girl's head. What was the bet? Well Tameika pulled a knot out of her cleavage and peeled me off one dollar. "Appreciate it ma." We cleaned up the guest room and hauled the three bodies to a tinted up Dodge Magnum she had. "I'll drive CC. We gotta hurry. It'll be time for me to get my baby off to school soon." We drove about fifteen minutes to the dump site. I bowed my head as I approached it. I sat and thought about the number of bodies I had here over the years. I started geeking. We got out the car and Meika made a phone call. Her old man would come and pick us up. We both doused the car with lighter fluid and gasoline. Meika lit the match. What we had done would burn. I sat in the back seat and thought about my last few days. I could not go on like this but I knew I couldn't stop. As soon as I got to my car, I called Albro. He sent me to voicemail. I left a message. "I got your message loud and clear. Your goons got mine too. I warned you." I hung up. Those idiots worked for Albro, I was sure. He had got them killed. So now he would know my name. I was exhausted and needed sleep. I checked into the Sheraton Astrodome instead of going back home. I checked in under Karen Hayes. So many things were going through my mind. I showered and as the warm water hit my body there was another sensation that ran through me. I touched myself. I ran my hands over my nipples and down my stomach. I opened my legs wide and let the steam from the hot water pulsate against my clit and I saw the both of them. ______ I could not forget because I was in love with him. But he would never be mine. Albro had become more of an obsession for me. It was both dangerous and sexual. As I masturbated, I thought again about what I was supposed to do. After cleansing and climaxing, I got out the shower. The clock read 7am. I dried off and lotioned my body. I then got under the duvet cover completely naked and fell asleep. When I awoke it was 4pm. Damn I hadn't planned on sleeping that long but it was much needed. I got dressed and saw that I had 32 missed calls. Most of them being from Shannon Monet. I decided I would call her when I got in the car. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. It startled me because no one knew I was here. I pulled my gun, checked the clip and walked towards the door. I realized then that it was more than just about survival, I was learning everyday a lesson in DOMINANCE. If you don't like Piggy kill yourself but if its my life or your life then Imma bomb first! I eased the door open.....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Piggy knows BETTER......

I probably should feel bad I know. Truth is I had been doing shoes for so long I felt like my body needed them. It had become really dependent  on it. I thought about the conversation I had just had with Ivory Albro. He had a point. I think I have shielded myself for so long that maybe I was a bit oblivious when it came to attention from the opposite sex. Men flirted with me all the time but I always shrugged it off. Then too, I wasn't naive enough to believe that Mac would ever leave Jody for me nor did I want him to. Something was off kilter though. First being was that Albro was alone. Ivory Albro is a powerful man and he didn't go anywhere without an armed entourage. Second, he let me yield a shotgun at him. Albro didn't do things like that. He was always armed himself. Now what was up with that. After getting high, I cleaned myself up and headed to Meika B's. I pulled up outside. Blew the horn one time like she asked me to. She answered the door in a Juicy Couture romper. On her feet were Betsy Johnson flats in the prettiest green shade I had ever seen. "Come on here chick. You hungry?" "No I'm ok. Besides that AB fixed me an oxtail plate to go. I'm good. What's up?" "Girl nothing. Excited about this heist, I tell ya that. Albro aint gone know what hit him." My stomach started doing flips at the mention of his name. Here was my dilemma. I could take Albro out and gain total control of his industry. Or I could see where he was going with this. Tonight I had seen a whole new side to him. Seen him in a whole new light. What was he really thinking about? "CC? CC? Hey what's up with you girl? It's like you in some kind of daze." I shook it off. "I'm sorry Meika B. Got alot on my mind. That's all." You wanna talk about it?" "Long story. I just have some decisions to make." "Well let me know if you want to talk. Im about to lay it down. I fix the guest bedroom for you. Here's the remote to the TV in here." "Thanks love." I watched her. Tameika Benford was something else. She had gentle hands but I knew she had the heart of a fighter. I remember her telling me that part of what her womanhood was about just doing what she had to do. I often thought about Meika B when I would get down on myself. If I ever had to give myself a pep talk I thought of her. "CC you do what you have to do. Life is too short to stay down. It's okay to cry but while you cry be thinking of something else. Your next move." That's what I would do. I had done some terrible things. Killing Ivory Albro would be another. I figured I would pay for all my horrible deeds. I couldn't go on forever. But my habit had superceded almost everything in my life. Yeah I very much wanted a MAN. And I mean my own. Ivory Albro was definitely my type but he had double crossed me and I didn't know if I could go on like it hadn't happened. I had begun planning his demise. I would see to it. Even if it meant that it would be the end of me. Remember Piggy always do what she gotta do too. I started at the root of my blonde locks. I pulled. I would often do that mostly as a means to pull stress from my body. I needed to sleep but my mind kept wandering. It was something in Albro's eyes that was genuine. I picked up my phone and hit ALBRO! in my contacts. He answered on the first ring. "What are you tryna do Albro?" I heard him chuckle. "Piggy I just wanted to tell you how I feel. I think I'm what you need. And I know you what I need. Big badd Piggy." He exhaled and it was like I could smell cannabis mixed with Coolwater cologne and I trembled. "Albro we are in no form or fashion good for each other. We are total opposites." "No we not CC. We have plenty in common." I thought that maybe we do but not enough to keep me from doing what I need to do. "You must be up thinking about me young lady. It's fore day in the morning." I hung up. What the hell was happening to me? Was I losing my mind? No I had to take care of me. Besides that I had got others involved. I had assembled a team that depended on me. I was a woman of my word. I went into Meika's guestroom and fell into the bed. I was asleep forty five minute when I woke up and they were standing over me. My hand was on the trigger underneath the blanket. I inched it off safety. I tried to focus my eyes and that's when I saw her chain. God, I know right from wrong. I do but people push me. Suddenly the bedroom door opened and in came Meika with the sexiest .44 I had ever seen. "We have a dilemma CC. I bet you can't put a hole in these MF's faster than I can?" With a nine pointed at my temple I looked at my friend and said, "I don't know, what you want to bet? The usual?" She nodded her head and I heard both of our guns go CRACK!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's Piggy's Takeover and She'll Cry if She Wants to!

I pulled out on Reed. and made a U-turn headed south on Reed. He waited and kept a few paces behind me. When I got to the light at Cullen, I heard him behind me. He had turned his music up and all I could hear was YOU CAN BET IMMA VET I CAN DANCE UNDER WATER AND NOT GET WET! I shook my head. Nothing like Mack 10 chopped and screwed at two in the morning. I decided to make a right down Cullen. He followed me. When I got to Fiesta grocery store and Cullen Plaza I turned into the parking lot. In between my car's console was a twelve gauge shotgun. I painted my lips with Mac Lipglass in Lil Red Corvette. I then switched into some Micheal Antonio ballerina flats. I loaded a slug into the gauge. I stepped back out into the cool night air. The heavy shotgun was by my side. The Monte Carlo pulled in and cut its headlights off. I hoisted Bertha and aimed it at the driver's window. The car opened and a cloud of hydrobubonic smoke filled the air. "Come out slow! I'm real good with this." He stepped out of the car and the first thing I noticed was that diamond encrusted DSW pendant around his neck. He looked at me and smiled. "CC, you don't look happy to see me." I slanted my eyes at him. "Albro, don't come any closer." He raised his hands. "Easy CC. I come in peace." "Oh yeah, then what the hell you following me for?" "You're good. I've been on your trail for a while and I'm seldom seen. Let's go somewhere and talk, Piggy." I licked my lips and Albro put his hand on his groin. "Albro, we talk, we talk right here." "You hungry? Let's go get somethin to eat." He moved closer. I cocked my gun and listened as the hammer went back. "I'm not playing. Now I agreed to work for you with a split. That agreement did not include you stalking me. You sent some people after me in the 'Clarke?" He walked back to his car. "I'm just getting my cigar." I kept my eyes on him.  
"You something else girl. I told Mac that. But I see he already knew that. Why y'all try to play me? Acting like y'all didn't know each other." I kept my gun hoisted. "What does that matter Albro?" "Nothing. You made me look stupid. I told him I was gone make you mine. One day." I peered at him. Trying to find out what kind of game he was playing. I kept my gun on him. "What are you talking about Albro?" "I'm talking about me recognizing the caliber woman you are. A square can't love you. It's crazy I'm standing out here admitting I have feelings for a woman whose yielding a twelve gauge shotgun. Mama said I can pick em." He chuckled to himself. For some reason I felt safe enough to lower my gun. "What you saying, Albro?" "Now that's sad. You can't tell when a man is genuinely interested in you?" "I know you a snake in the grass." My cell rang. It was Meika B. "Where you at chick?" "I'm close. I'm headed your way now." I turned to Albro. "We'll meet up another time. STOP following me." He raised his hands. I walked back to my car and Albro called out to me. I stopped but didn't turn around. "Piggy why be his second when you can be my first and only?" I turned and looked at him. "Another time, Albro." I got in my car and turned the ignition. He stood there for a while and then I pulled out of the parking lot. I got a quarter mile down the road. I pulled over and I cried. Albro was right. I missed the companionship and being with a man. I wanted to be held at night and go on dates. Piggy had feelings too. I wiped my eyes. I was having that itch again. The Ruby Red Manolos were in my car. I took them out and I got sooo high.....Something had to ease the pain.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Because You put Lipstick on a Piggy don't make HER a LADY!!!

"Somebody has really told you wrong. You think I'm just gone let you lay up with my husband huh? Yeah you caught me messing around on him but hell I had been doing it because I've known all along that he was in love with you." I peered out of the rearview. Reed Road was quiet. It appeared as if we were the only ones on the strip. I took Nina off safety. I slowly cocked it. I can be a beast I know but I'm a cop first. I decided that I would try the rules of engagement first. "Jody, you have a gun pressed to the head of a cop. You kill me then what? Do you really want those kind of problems? Huh? Lower your weapon. I'm asking you nicely right now." "You still talking shit huh?" She sniffled. "You think I give a fuck about you being a cop now? Naw you just a bitch that's sleeping with my husband." She sucked her teeth. "You and Ms. Monet got the world fooled too. You left me with her the other day and I couldn't believe what all Shannon Monet is really into." She started rubbing the pistol in my hair. I was growing impatient with this little girl. "Jody, what you want me to say? Sorry? I can't do that. I love him. Always will. Now I can apologize that we in this situation. And I can make you a deal. You got about thirty seconds to get this pissy ass .25 from the back of my head. That way I'll let you live." She laughed but I saw nervousness in her eyes reflecting from the rearview mirror of my car. "_____ once told me that you had the deadliest shot in Houston." "Yeah did you think he was just blowing smoke. Better yet do you really want to gamble on that?" She thought for a moment and while she was I quickly slid my seat back and popped her in her mouth. She caught my ring square in her nose. She dropped the pistol and quickly reached down to get it when she came up Nina was looking her in the eye. All you could hear was her breathing. "Now bitch, I could've killed you. And sat my ass right here in this car and swallowed them ox tails. Damn they smell good. Don't they?" I grabbed her by her hair. "I'm looking deep within myself today so that's why you're not dead. Besides I love _____ and I really don't have anything against you. Word of advice: the next time you decide to off somebody, won't you do your homework dummy! You don't know shit." She continued crying. "Cut out all that punk ass crying. What the fuck you got to be crying about? You got it made. You got a good man. You just need to take care of him. YOU got to make him forget about me. This shit right here is a violation. And are those my Louboutin shoes you have on your feet?" She murmered yes. "You know what you oughta be glad that nigga still love me and the fact that I will always love him or you'd be somewhere dumped behind Worthing High School. Where you parked at?"
She whimpered, "TP's." "Alrgiht Imma stall you out. But I want you to strip. Right now." She was looking at me like I was crazy. "What?" "Bitch you heard me. Strip. I mean everything. You're gonna get in that car ass naked and drive straight home to your husband and explain to him why you naked."  I raised my gun at her and confiscated hers. "Jody I'm not playing with you. Everything." She disrobed slowly. "You gone get yours for this CC." I rolled my eyes. "I'm already getting it everyday hoe. Take my Loubous off." I then snapped a pic of her with my Blackberry. I sent it to _____ with a message that said SHE PLAYED WITH PIGGY! As she stepped out of my car naked as the day she was born I grabbed her by the chin. "Take care of your business at home. The next bitch may not be as sweet as me." She jerked from my grasp and ran to her car. I don't know what's wrong with me I'm getting soft. I watched her drive off. I put Nina back under the dashboard. Drove by the dumpster and dumped Jody's clothes. Phone rings. Its Meika B. "Piggy." "Hey chick just wanted you to know Im ready. Whatever you need." "Bet hey Meika, I need a favor. I may need to crash at your spot for a couple of hours. I'm close to you. Is that ok?" "No problem. Where you at?" "Leaving AB's. It may take me a minute. I think Im being followed but I'll make sure I'm cool before I hit your spot tho." "It's cool. I stay locked and loaded anyway." I hung up. I saw this mf behind me. He was in a Monte Carlo. Well if he wanted to follow I would definitely lead him. There was some weird tension going on between me and Albro. If trouble was what he wanted well I would give him just what he wanted......

Monday, April 4, 2011

PIGGY Preys.....

I pulled up off of Reed RD. Just Soul Food was closed. I saw Alicia's Cadillac and one other car in the parking lot. I dialed AB on my cell phone. "Hey CC. Where you at?" "I'm outside." "Oh ok then. I'll send Wayne out front. Yall come on back to my back office." I hung up. I had met Alicia around the same time I met Mychelle. Alicia was something else. You took her good with her bad. Her good-she would feed anyone and she was constantly giving back to the Sunnyside district. The bad? Well....let's just say if you owed her money and didn't pay, she'd take it out on generations of your family. Wayne greeted me at the door. He attempted to pat me down and I flipped out my badge. "HPD, muthaf@#ker." AB came over the P.A. system. "Easy Wayne. She cool." I looked at him. He smiled and nodded. I continued to follow him through the corridor. Alicia had her spot decorated with items and albums of the sixties and seventies. When you came through the door there was a life sized image of Sam Cooke. When we got to her office, Wayne opened the door and left us. Alicia was stunning. She was dressed in an Ann Taylor jumpsuit. Tan with Gucci mules. She came from around her desk and hugged me like family. "CC you look good girl. How you been?" I smiled. "I've been well AB. You staying outta trouble?" She sucked her teeth and laughed. "Shit you know how it is. Ox Tails can't pay the rent by themselves no more." I sucked my teeth and looked around. "I can't tell AB. Looks like ox tails and greens has afforded you a comfortable lifestyle from what I see." She waved her hand to dismiss me. "Chile smoke and mirrors that's all. So you want to catch Albro huh? Now how you gone do that?" "I got it panned out I just need you to meet me off 610 and 290 on Wednesday. 6:30 sharp. Bring whatever weapons you need. I'l have what we ALL need but I know it aint nothing like your own tools. You need to be in black. Red lipstick." I saw AB raise a beautifully arched eyebrow. "Red? Why red?" I bit my bottom lip. "He loves my lips. He obsesses over them. He loses his mind when they're red." Alicia Brown didn't say another word. My cell rang. It was Albro. "Piggy." "You needed to talk. Where are you?" " I motioned to AB and told I had to go. "I can get to you as soon as you need me to. Where are you?" I had a funny feeling he was at my Queendom. "I was at your house but I got tired of waiting. I'll talk to you another day." He hung up. What the hell was going on? I got in my car and on the front seat was an ox tail plate with rice and gravy cabbage and sweet potatoes. Cornbread and lemon cake too. That damn AB. I sat in my car and I could feel my blonde locks stand on end. "Jody, I know you're in here. You've BEEN following me." She finally sat up in the back seat. "Did you see me?" I turned to look at her. She had been crying looked like. She had a .25 in her hand. She had it in her lap. "No Imma cop into some dirty shit. I pick up on stuff like this." She sniffled. "I can't compete with you. You won't go away. He's my HUSBAND CC." I tried to figure out what my options would be. I could easily take Jody. She had a .25. Don't get me wrong I didn't want to get shot but I liked my odds better with a .25 rather a 40. "So what you gone do Jody? You gone shoot me? Huh? I kept you from going to jail." "Bitch so what? So that means you can lay with my husband? UH HUH you think its ok." I turned to face the windshield. I pulled Nina from under my steering wheel. There was no way she was gonna peel my cap in my car. Naw I had gadgets that put Bruce Wayne industries to shame. "Jody I think you're upset and your emotions are causing you to be real stupid right now. I inched my gun into my lap and took it off safety. I felt her gun at the back of my head. I looked up and whispered, "Forgive me Father for what I need to do....