Thursday, April 28, 2011

La Perla Lingerie and a .380=Tragedy

Shannon Monet peered around her as if to make sure no one else was listening. "CC, it's been bad blood between me and Albro for a long time. It go all the way back to '99. You know that was right before he started his business. I had just been elected to council, I mean it was a lot going on then. The city of Houston was really flourishing." She took another bite of her salmon. "I met Albro in a crazy situation. This guy was tryna jack me. I wasn't really tripping. Then I didn't have heat like I do now so it wasn't no sense in getting myself killed over things that were insured anyway. But I had gave this man my purse, phone and the keys to my Beamer when I heard Albro call out to him. He goes, 'Ant leave that woman alone. Stall her out!' I was kinda scared then because I didn't know what was gone happen. Hell I thought maybe they worked together or something." I listened intently but I could feel Albro's eyes on me from across the room. Monet went on. "It was dark but then I saw Albro come out of the shadows. I thought to myself, Lord please don't let them kill me. Albro tells Ant, 'Leave her alone, Ant. And I'll get you later.' Ant wasn't feeling that at all. 'Hell naw bruh. I already got all her shit. This a lick here.' Albro smiled put his hands on his hips and when he did I saw the imprint of his .45. 'I said stall her out. I'll take care of you later.' CC that shermhead returned all of my things and vanished just as quickly as he had appeared. Albro attended to me. Asked me if I was ok. I got a good look at him. He was handsome. Very well groomed. I knew I had about ten years on him but it was something else about him that excited me. I know now it was that bad boy shit. But he commanded attention and respect. I got into my car after he opened the car door. 'You gotta be careful out here lady. That mf don't know who you are.' I smiled at that and said, 'Oh and you do?' He rubbed his chin and looked around. 'Of course I do. Shannon Monet. I vote and I'm active in my local politics." Okay so at this point its obvious what was between Albro and Monet. I could hear it in her voice. See it in her eyes and it was apparent by the way she said his name. I couldn't ignore the obvious though. The same damn things she found attractive about him was the same thing that me thinking about him too. "I was impressed. I give him my card and told him to call me. Didn't really think he would. He did though and it was about a week later. I asked him to dinner. CC, he was smooth I give him that. When we were together it was like I was the only woman in the world that existed. Now at the time I had just been elected and I was still practicing law. I had started my other paper route too. Hadn't realized the huge supply and demand for weapons here in Houston. We had both agreed to keep our relationship private. I mean he had a record, he was selling dope and it just wasn't good for image. I didn't know how far into politics I wanted to go." My cell rang with a text. It was from Albro. It read, I WANT YOU. My face felt flushed. Monet continued her story. "Girl and the sex, whew it was intense. Like I would be on cloud nine. I couldn't believe that this 22 year old man had turned me out. So this went on for about two years and so I was happy with my career. I was happy with him and it was like things were perfect. So one night we were in bed and he goes, 'Shannon, I think we need to cool it for a while.' I'm like what you mean 'cool it'. He told me it was him not me and that he cared about me but he needed to be by himself. Now keep in mind this is AFTER I got him building permits for that heathen ass club he opened.  I gave him 10k for his shoe business. Girl I was stupid behind that lil boy. So we end it that night. I told him that I would wait but not too long. One day about a week later I get a call from my niece. She tells me that she was at the Kappa Beach Party. Had had a few too many drinks, she had been down there with some friends and they got a chance to party with Ivory Albro. Hmmn. She woke up the next day in a hotel room in Galveston. In Albro's bed. You know she was young and thought she had did something sleeping with the Albro. He had made a name for himself by this time. And so they started dating. Now keep in mind for a week straight he hadn't answered my phone calls. So I was livid. When I got through talking to her, I called him. He answered and I demanded that he break it off. I mean this was my niece. He laughed." I saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes. This was painful to her. "Told me I couldn't demand shit from him. So I kindly reminded him that he still owed me 10,000 dollars. Little did I know he was in the middle of wiring that money back to my account with interest. He had finally made it. So months go by, I started showing up at his house and she would be there. He would cuss me and threaten me. I would have his club shut down you know stupid things like that. But then I found out she was pregnant. He was going to have a baby with my niece." "Damn Monet. I know that must've been hard." "Hard? Bitch ain't that the understatement of the century." She stared off into space. "Naw but I got that bitch." "What you mean, Monet?" "I went to his house in an attempt to win him back. I had on La Perla lingerie and nothing else. I had my .380 and didn't know what I was going to do with it. To my surprise she answered the door. I saw her and that big belly and I snapped I pulled that gun and I fired six times. I heard her call me Auntie.....

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