Friday, April 29, 2011

Piggy gets deeper into Monet MUD...Decision Time

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I remember that case clearly. It was widely publicized across Texas. Lena Carethers death is still under investigation. I tried to mask my contempt. This meant that Shannon Monet was even more dangerous than I thought. I was shocked but then I wasn't. Here was a woman who had gotten just about everything that she wanted. When Albro had rejected her for her much younger niece, she couldn't stand it. She went on. "I emptied my gun into her. I didn't feel a thing. I walked back to my car. Got in and drove away. I remember passing his car. Part of me wanted to stop him before he got to his house and saw what I had done. But the other part needed him to see what he had made me do." Shannon Monet tears were flowing. She picked up a napkin and wiped her face. I peered over at Albro and he and his goons were enjoying dinner. I no longer had an appetite. "So what did you do?" "I didn't do anything. I got rid of the gun. I went home and showered. I had her blood all over me. I changed and I paced back and forth. I had just took the life of my brother's only daughter and her unborn child. So I went back to Albro's place and it was a mess. Newsvans, ambulance, police and then I saw the coroner's van. I started hyperventilating. Don't get me wrong, I knew she was dead before I left but seeing the ME vehicle was validation. I tried to contact Albro. He didn't answer. I wasn't prepared to see her there and like that. I mean she just looked so happy. Like she was at peace and that should've been me dammit. I just didn't know what to do. My brother called me later that day. He was in tears and it was in that moment that I hated Ivory Albro. I mean look what he had made me do! She was only 19, with the rest of her life ahead of her." Shannon Monet shook her head and took a sip of her Cristal. "Aren't you gonna finish your food?" I thought this bitch is crazy. "I didn't want to kill her but I was forced to. He wasn't gonna leave her alone. She could give him the one thing I couldn't. A gotdamn baby." Hmmn so that's what it was. Monet could be with any man she wanted to be with. I mean she was beautiful, smart, she had her own money. I knew that it was something missing in her life. "I tried to console him, CC. I did. I mean I'm not a total monster. He wouldn't have it. Told me I was wasting my time. He would never get over Lena. He had lost his baby too. I told him we could adopt and I could hire a surrogate mother. He wasn't tryna hear none of that." I realized that Monet had taken a Xanax and had drunk most of that Cristal herself. Yeah she was full. Me and Monet's relationship was that of boss and employer. I mean we had been through some things but not like Mychelle and I had or even with me and Tameika. There was really no reason for her to share this information with me. "Monet I think you've had a little too much to drink now." She looked at me and blinked. "You know, CC, Tuesday Morning was our favorite store. Lena and I. I would take her all the time and buy her all of the latest fragrences. I visit her and her baby's grave every Tuesday. She haunts me you know." A single tear fell from her eye, down her cheek and it landed on her heart. "It's okay Monet." She looked at me and scowled. She hit the table with her fist. "It's not okay Piggy. Albro has to die. He has to pay for what he did to ME!" There were whispers and stares from the other patrons. Albro and his goons got up from the table. Shannon stood up and called out to Albro. "Albro!" He didn't even turn around. That did it. He had humiliated Shannon Monet publicaly and in front of me. I knew then that if I didn't kill him she definitely would. "Come on Shannon, let's go. People are watching." I told the waiter to put the meal on her tab and I walked her outside. I thought of putting her in a cab but I thought better of it. I helped her back to my hotel room. She popped another Xanax. She looked at me and said, "Don't tell nobody what we talked about. Nobody knows I killed Lena except you and her." She closed her eyes and was out. FUCK! What was I to do? Just then my cell rang and it was my lieutenant. "Coyle, ain't seen you since the bust the other day. We got another tomorrow. You need to be in pocket." "I got you lieu. Hey I got a question? You remember the Lena Carethers case?" "Yeah I do. I was called out to the scene. It was pretty bad. Why?" "I just thought about it today. Where can I get the case file?" "Give me an hour and you can come pick it up. Why- you know what the less I know the better. See you later." We hung up. I let Monet sleep and I stared at her Red Loubous that she had on earlier. I started scratching. I took her shoes and went into the bathroom. Closed the door behind me. I got high and I waited. I was into this deeper than what I wanted to be now. Lord knows.

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