Monday, April 25, 2011

Piggy knows BETTER......

I probably should feel bad I know. Truth is I had been doing shoes for so long I felt like my body needed them. It had become really dependent  on it. I thought about the conversation I had just had with Ivory Albro. He had a point. I think I have shielded myself for so long that maybe I was a bit oblivious when it came to attention from the opposite sex. Men flirted with me all the time but I always shrugged it off. Then too, I wasn't naive enough to believe that Mac would ever leave Jody for me nor did I want him to. Something was off kilter though. First being was that Albro was alone. Ivory Albro is a powerful man and he didn't go anywhere without an armed entourage. Second, he let me yield a shotgun at him. Albro didn't do things like that. He was always armed himself. Now what was up with that. After getting high, I cleaned myself up and headed to Meika B's. I pulled up outside. Blew the horn one time like she asked me to. She answered the door in a Juicy Couture romper. On her feet were Betsy Johnson flats in the prettiest green shade I had ever seen. "Come on here chick. You hungry?" "No I'm ok. Besides that AB fixed me an oxtail plate to go. I'm good. What's up?" "Girl nothing. Excited about this heist, I tell ya that. Albro aint gone know what hit him." My stomach started doing flips at the mention of his name. Here was my dilemma. I could take Albro out and gain total control of his industry. Or I could see where he was going with this. Tonight I had seen a whole new side to him. Seen him in a whole new light. What was he really thinking about? "CC? CC? Hey what's up with you girl? It's like you in some kind of daze." I shook it off. "I'm sorry Meika B. Got alot on my mind. That's all." You wanna talk about it?" "Long story. I just have some decisions to make." "Well let me know if you want to talk. Im about to lay it down. I fix the guest bedroom for you. Here's the remote to the TV in here." "Thanks love." I watched her. Tameika Benford was something else. She had gentle hands but I knew she had the heart of a fighter. I remember her telling me that part of what her womanhood was about just doing what she had to do. I often thought about Meika B when I would get down on myself. If I ever had to give myself a pep talk I thought of her. "CC you do what you have to do. Life is too short to stay down. It's okay to cry but while you cry be thinking of something else. Your next move." That's what I would do. I had done some terrible things. Killing Ivory Albro would be another. I figured I would pay for all my horrible deeds. I couldn't go on forever. But my habit had superceded almost everything in my life. Yeah I very much wanted a MAN. And I mean my own. Ivory Albro was definitely my type but he had double crossed me and I didn't know if I could go on like it hadn't happened. I had begun planning his demise. I would see to it. Even if it meant that it would be the end of me. Remember Piggy always do what she gotta do too. I started at the root of my blonde locks. I pulled. I would often do that mostly as a means to pull stress from my body. I needed to sleep but my mind kept wandering. It was something in Albro's eyes that was genuine. I picked up my phone and hit ALBRO! in my contacts. He answered on the first ring. "What are you tryna do Albro?" I heard him chuckle. "Piggy I just wanted to tell you how I feel. I think I'm what you need. And I know you what I need. Big badd Piggy." He exhaled and it was like I could smell cannabis mixed with Coolwater cologne and I trembled. "Albro we are in no form or fashion good for each other. We are total opposites." "No we not CC. We have plenty in common." I thought that maybe we do but not enough to keep me from doing what I need to do. "You must be up thinking about me young lady. It's fore day in the morning." I hung up. What the hell was happening to me? Was I losing my mind? No I had to take care of me. Besides that I had got others involved. I had assembled a team that depended on me. I was a woman of my word. I went into Meika's guestroom and fell into the bed. I was asleep forty five minute when I woke up and they were standing over me. My hand was on the trigger underneath the blanket. I inched it off safety. I tried to focus my eyes and that's when I saw her chain. God, I know right from wrong. I do but people push me. Suddenly the bedroom door opened and in came Meika with the sexiest .44 I had ever seen. "We have a dilemma CC. I bet you can't put a hole in these MF's faster than I can?" With a nine pointed at my temple I looked at my friend and said, "I don't know, what you want to bet? The usual?" She nodded her head and I heard both of our guns go CRACK!

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