Sunday, May 29, 2011

What Happens when Piggy is the Righteous One?

It was Albro who coughed. Chad Blair was gone. Albro had caught my slug in his shoulder seemingly. We were in the dark but I could only make out Albro. "Texas Tea, can you hear me?" Silence. Shit! Something had to happen. "Piggy don't do this. We can split all this. I'm serious." "Shut up Albro. How do you know Chad Blair?" My gun was pointed at him aiming for his head. "Who?" I looked around. I was beginning to get agitated. "Chad Blair, Albro! What was he doing here?" Albro wasn't going. "Piggy, I don't know who the hell you talking about? Furthermore I don't know what this Blair MF would even be doing here." "Albro, he was just here. That's why I shot the lights out dammit!" He got quiet. Too quiet. I sat my ass on his desk, where he could definitely see me. "CC, there was no one else in here. I don't know this dude you after! I swear." Now wait a minute. No one was gone have me think I was losing my mind. Chad Blair came out of that side door. Sitting on his desk with my knees up and feet on the arms of his swivel chair, I looked him directly in the eye. He turned away. I took my gun and rubbed it on the side of his face. "You going through with this, huh?" I licked my lips and I saw the color in his eyes change. "Yes, Albro. Today is the day you die. You set me up. I have to kill you now. You see, I killed Gitto. And now the only way I'll live is with your crown. You know that. Ain't no turning back now." He rolled his eyes. "You know you say that with no remorse. I mean damn, I effed up. I give you that. But this ain't you. You on these shoes so bad that you'll snuff me out just like that." I just looked at him. I licked my lips again. "CC, stop doing that!" I slid closer off his desk and into his lap. "Why, Albro? Does it make you uncomfortable?" I kept my gun on him and I kicked his Beretta from off the keyboard rack. "You know what it does. You would kill a square with your attitude. You walk like no other woman I've ever met in my life." I stared at him.
"Since you are about to take my life, let's talk. You can give me that." I knew damn well Ivory Albro wasn't tryna to play psychological games with me. I sat in his lap and thought about his request. Why not? "You asked if I had any remorse? Sure. About what? I'm sorry I couldn't have met you in different and in better circumstances. I'm sorry you misjudged me and tried to play me for a sucker. Lastly, Albro, I'm sorry what Shannon Monet has done to you." BOOM! I waited for his response to this. "WTF you talking about, CC?" I didn't say anything. Didn't have to. "What you mean what Shannon Monet has done to me. I left her ass!" I sucked my teeth. "You crazier than I thought, Albro. Nobody and I  mean nobody leaves Shannon Monet. Who you think killed Lena?" Albro got stiff under me and I knew this wasn't of the sexual nature. This was rage. "Get off me!" I eased my .40 back under his chin. "Easy cowboy, I ain't going nowhere. Don't try nothing slick either. By the time you think you can overpower me I will have blown your head smooth off. Try me?" He loosened up a bit. Through clenched teeth he spoke. "How do you know this? You know I lost my girl and my baby." A part of me softened. "I know, Albro. Shannon Monet told me. She told me about yall and how she told you that was her niece. Why would you continue on with her knowing that was Monet's niece?" "CC, Lena was already pregnant when I found out she was related to Shannon. What was I supposed to do then?" He had a point. "She killed my girl. Why I didn't think about that. They said it was a beamer outside my house." He had started putting it together. "Tell me, merchandise is all here?" He nodded as he stared off in space.  Here's my dilemma. I could spare his life so that he could get Shannon Monet. Maybe I could see if there was a future for Albro and I . Or I could go through with my plan and take over Houston. I knew I had to do the right thing. The righteous and strong despise the wrong and the weak. I was raised to do what's right. So I would do JUST that. I kissed Albro long and hard. I smeared my red lipstick all over his mouth. The intensity in my kiss, I'm sure would've knocked him to his knees. I broke away from our kiss. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "That's what I'm- BANG! His head fell against my gun. His blood splashed my face. I wiped it off and got up. I know what you're thinking. I did what's right. For me and my squad. For my city. This nigga fell for me and I told you the righteous and the strong despised the weak and the wrong. All of a sudden I heard an explosion. That meant Melodious had cracked the safe. I heard Machete and Texas Tea cheer. My girls had got it. I put my sunglasses back on and reapplied my lipstick and Pac's Last Muthafucker Breathing played in my head. Out loud I spoke, "Stressin, buster free enemies give me reason to be the last muthafucker breathing." I sashayed back to the elevator. I didn't feel much of anything. Before I stepped out of the elevator I saw a card stuck by the buttons. I turned it over and it had Det. Chad Blair, Houston Police Department on it. The elevator opened and I pulled my piece. This was far from over. Bustin my automatic rounds catch em while they creeping, and Piggy will be the last muthafucker breathing, Blair. I had just been crowned and no one was gonna take that from me.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Its the Muthaf@#kin TAKEOVER: Murder Piggy Wrote

We received an abundance of stares as we walked through the hotel lobby. My head was up and I blew a kiss to the concierge who constantly flirted with me. Out front I had a black suburban. Alicia would drive. She was one of the best wheel women I knew. I got in the front seat. Put the radio on 102.1. Al Green was crooning abt it being 3 o'clock in the morning. I heard Mychelle speak up. "Sooo do any of you motherfuckers wanna tell me what's going on?" The rest of us burst into a fit of laughter. We had been so serious up until then. "What you mean Mychelle? We all here together. We about to do this chick!" She laughed. "CC, don't play with me. Where the hell is your girl? You know if she flaked, what we gone have to do now." Meika giggled. "Um Mychelle, we already took care of that." Mychelle looked from Michelle to Tameika and then to me. "AB, do you know anything about this?" Alicia steered us up onto 610. "Hell naw, I don't know what these bitches talking about." "Dynastie started trippin. She let Monet get in her head and she had to be dealt with. She followed me and Meika over to Michelle house. She was there to off me and she failed. What else you wanna know?" Mychelle smiled. "I told you that bitch was dirty. Good riddance. Stop at the store. You know I can't do dirt without a lollipop." And it went just like that. We pulled up in front of a convenience store. "Yall want something?" "Yeah, Chelle, get me a orange juice." "You got it, CC." I turned to face Michelle and Tameika. I pulled out the blueprint of Albro industries. "Aight, we go through the front door. He is going to have two armed guards. We are going to have to blast them. Ain't no way around that. Alicia, I want you and Tameika to handle them. I got earpieces and radios for all of us. Alicia, you're going to be Asia. Tameika, you're Texas Tee. I'll be HTOWNPIGGY. Michelle, you're Melodious and Mychelle will be Machete. We'll communicate nonstop on these radios. This building is three floors. We are going to take all three. We're taking inventory and cash. You do not rob the employees. I'll make sure I say that again when Mychelle gets back in the truck. You leave Albro to me! It should take us one hour to clear this. I've already set up a truck to track and pack the merchandise." Mychelle gets back in the car. "I got it CC." I had given her her radio earlier to see if they worked properly. She had gotten all of my instructions. "Listen, I love all yall. I know all of you stand to lose something by going in on this with me. I'm telling you now, that we ain't leaving nobody. We all gone make it. Any questions?" Nobody said anything at first. But I knew Michelle was the boldest bitch in the mix under me. "Piggy, I'll ride with you, and when we take this MF, I want my name in lights too." I looked at her. Long and hard. Fuck the fame, I want the payoff. "You got it cousin." We headed North East to Albro Industries. We pulled to the back of the parking lot adjacent to the building. I tucked my badge into my shirt. I painted my lips red and removed my sunglasses. Here was the moment. I checked my clip. Michelle loaded her gauge. Mychelle cocked tht .50 and stuck her machete into its sheath. We walked up to the double doors. "Mychelle, come on just like old times, ma. Let's get in there." Together we both put our foots through the front door. In seconds two goons who stood at least six feet four came in. I kept walking towards them and when I did, Alicia and Tameika fired striking both of them. I walked in between both of them as they fell. I watch Mychelle stick a lollipop in her mouth. She offered me some gum. We headed straight to the elevators. All five of us was on the elevator. Mychelle and Alicia got off on one. Michelle and Tameika got off on two. I went alone up to three. "HTOWNPIGGY, this is Melodious and two is secured. Imma blow the safe." "Roger that Melodious. Asia, you and Machete Mychelle ok?" "We good, HTOWNPIGGY." When I got to the third floor, it was eerily quiet. Albro was in his office alone. I pointed my gun to his back. "Piggy, I knew you was coming for me. Kinda hoped you had changed your mind though." He turned around in his chair. He was smoking. He looked tired though. "So you know why I'm here, Albro." I walked into his office. I looked around. It was clear. "You sure you wanna do this Piggy?" I saw him fumbling around under his desk. "Take your motherfucking hands from underneath that desk." My weapon was still on him. He put his hands up. "I love you, CC." I sucked my teeth. A side door in his office opened and out comes Chad Blair. My gun was on Albro and Blair's gun was on me. "Well I'll tell you one thing, two people are gone die today, and it won't be me." I cocked my gun and shot the flourescent light above me and fired two more what's the definiton of loyalty again?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Get down or be Laid Down: The Takeover is in Progress

I jumped Albro. We moved over to the king sized bed with the 1600 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. As Albro laid me on my back, I looked up at the ceiling. I was here in a $1200 dollar a night room with a kingpin. I guess Fancy didn't let her mama down after all huh, Reba. Sure I had some humble beginnings, I was a long way from those days in Meredith Manor. I felt Albro's goatee grace my thighs. That made me open up for him. This was crazy. I hated Albro but he drove me crazy! He played with the jewelry that was attached to my clit. Waves of pleasure went over my body. "Wait a minute, you got some protection?" He chuckled. "Of course, Piggy." I watched him roll it on. I was impressed so far. As he moved to get on top of me, I rolled over on my stomach. He smacked me on my rear end. "I want to get on top, Albro." He was all too happy about that. I lowered myself down on him. Slowly but surely, until I was on top. He gripped my waist and I bucked. Hard and then harder. Like I was changing gears. I bit my bottom lip and I felt him tense up under me. I leaned forward and placed my hands on his chest and I squeezed those PC muscles around him. "Oh shiiiiiit Piggy!!!!" I stroked him harder and I was wet as I could be. He squeezed my hips harder. "Albro, bae I'm red and I bruise easily, ease up yo!" "Shit, CC, YOU ease up!" My cell started ringing. I rode Albro harder. My cell rings again. I squeeze Albro harder. My cell keeps ringing and I cum. Hard. I sit up and realize that I had been masturbating all the time. Damn. I was sticky. I stuck my index finger in my mouth. Hmmmn, I'm nasty. I got up and went into the bathroom and got in the shower. The warm water on my body as I cooled down was great. OMG that was intense. So it was safe to assume that there was sexual attention between Ivory Albro and I. What could I do about it though? I got out of the shower and checked my cell. It was Mike the cleaner. I dialed him back. "Hey, what's up Mike?" "Hey, I took care of that issue for you. Truck and everything taken care of." That's what's up. I knew I could always count on Mike Walker to take care of stuff like that. Mike did some of everything but he was a family man first. I respect that. He was also the only man I knew who could look me straight in the eye. That said a lot about him. He feared no one but God. "Great, I may have some more work for you in a couple days. How is your other paper chase?" "It's good. Long as you can keep your people back." He chuckled. I had promised Mike long ago that if his trap ever came under my radar, I would give him fair warning to close shop. I'm a pig of my word. "You know I got you, Mike." "Alright, just hit me and let me know what's up." "Ok, Mike. Talk to you later.' "Courtney." "Yeah, Mike?" "Be careful. Do that." I paused for a second. It was something about the way he said that. "You got it. I will." He hung up. I needed to get some sleep. I lotioned my body down and put on a big Tshirt. Before I crawled under the covers, I said a prayer. God, forgive me. It's a struggle everyday. I'm tryna survive and I know that I could make other choices. But now this is all I know. Help me through this. I know I don't always show it but I love You. Amen. I crawled under the covers. I closed my eyes. The clock read 1:52 am. When I woke up the clock then read 3:52 am. Time to get up. I called Michelle and Meika. Both of them were awake. "Let's go." I put on a pair of black skinny jeans. White wife beater and black one on top of that. Black air force one boots. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I put on my silver chain. It had a diamond studded emblem of Ms. Piggy. She was my alter ego. Diamond studs in each ear. I lined my eyes with black liner and clear lip gloss on my lips. Pulled my blonde locks into a pony tail. Placed my pistol in its harness. I then put the harness on. I was ready. Oh almost forgot. Went into my make up bag and got lil red corvette red lipstick out. I put it my harness too. I walked out of the hotel room and Mychelle, Michelle, Alicia Brown, and Tameika Benford were in the hall waiting for me. All in black and with red pouts. That's what I'm talking about. Michelle asks me,"So what you wannna do?" I smiled. "Bitch, what you mean? Try and take over the world. Imma leave a legacy." She smiled. Mychelle polished her machete and turned to me, "Where your girl at CC? Dynastie." Michelle, Meika and I looked at each other. "Chelle we'll talk in the car. Let's go." Ivory Albro, you gone hate the day you met me. You are about to be overthrown. I pulled my black leather gloves on and adjusted my shades. Shit, if only I had my own theme music.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ain't Nobody Business if Piggy Do!

 I shook my head. There was foam and blood spewing out of her mouth. I looked down at her. She stared at me as life drained from her body. Did I feel bad? Yeah and no. Yeah, because she was a mother and she had hooked my hair up and I genuinely considered her a friend. No, because she had come for me. If circumstances were different I could've been laying in a pool of my own blood. This game was dirty. We all knew it. She thought she could trust Monet and look what that got her. I turned to Michelle. "We got to clean this shit up and fast. You live in a nice neighborhood so I know 5-0 on their way." "Shit, CC. You ARE 5-0." "Exactly Chelle, that's why I don't need to be here when they get here. Let's get to work." It took Meika, Michelle and I all to roll those muthafuckers out the back. Michelle had a Silverado truck we loaded them in. We took bleach, Faboloso, the purple kind and mopped the blood up. Michelle's maid helped us get it off the walls. I was tripping because the maid did so without so much as a question. She knew what it was, I guess. The other two men who were with Dynastie, I had never seen. Around her neck was a cross. I remember she had told me her grandmother gave it to her and that she never took it off. I snatched it from her neck. I would make sure that her daughter got it. I wasn't a total monster. We finally got the house cleaned up. I told Meika to call Mike. This was bigger than what we could handle. "CC, I got Mike on the phone. He want to talk to you." "What's up Bae, I need you." "What's up Piggy? What you got?" "Its three of em. They bled out real bad. Two bucks and one doe. Some pretty good meat. Got em on the back of the truck." "Ok, Antlers still intact on the bucks?" "Yeah but its still messy. Can you clean this up for me?" "Yeah I got you, you know the fee?" "Yeah I know, when your court date?" "Its June 27." "I got you. 5 right?" "Naw don't worry about that. Just take care of the case for me." I handed Michelle the phone. "Give him your address. Ladies, let's go. We'll go back to the hotel and get ready for Albro's ass. We gotta get some rest." "Courtney who gone replace Dynastie?" "Nobody, we good. I got another AK and we could do this no prob." Michelle grabbed herself some clothes and all the explosives she needed plus that hot gauge she had just used. In spanish she told her maid to have someone out tomorrow to repair the doors and then we were off. I pulled out my blackberry dialed Monet. It went to voicemail. Meika looked at me like I was crazy. "Why would you call her?" "Meika she sent them after us. Nobody else knew we were at Michelle's. So I just wanted to touch bases with her. I'm geekin. I need to get to some shoes bad." Michelle reached into her bad and pulled out an Loubou pump. "Here you go cousin." I took a shoe string out of my purse and wrapped it around my arm right above my vein. I tapped the vein to make it visible. I then laid the pump on it. I leaned back as my eyes rolled back in my head. Meika sucked her teeth. "CC could you not do that while I'm driving. Shit! You know Michelle, you really shouldn't encourage this. CC got a problem." I rolled my eyes. She was right. I really did need to get a handle on this shit. But if I wasn't doing shoes, I think I'd go crazy. I untied the shoe string and sat back and listened to the radio. My phone rang. It was Albro. "Piggy, you on my mind." "What's up?" "Nothing, you still with your girls?" I looked around. How in the hell did he know who I was with? "Why you ask?" He chuckled. "Cuz I know you are and I know yall have been some bad girls." I hung up. I had to get rid of Albro. He was now starting to really annoy me. We got to the Sheraton Astrodome and I got one more suite for Michelle and Meika. Gave both of them keys and I retreated to my own room. I closed the door behind me. I was alone. Sometimes solitude was the worst thing for me. What the hell was I doing? Here I was a mother, cop and now I was so into this shoe shit, I didn't know if I could turn back. I had killed and destroyed. I didn't know who I was anymore. I stripped down to my attitude and laid across the bed wearing only a pair of green Steve Madden platform pumps. My .40 laid on the bed in front of me. Who would miss me? I was high as shit. But I was in pain and couldn't pinpoint what was bothering me. I would probably never see my Blahniks again. Where was my life headed? I put the gun to my temple as tears rolled down my face. Then I heard Scarface's voice in my head. "I gotta lil boy to look afta, and if I die then my child'll be a bastard." I shook it off and laid the gun down. I had a job to do. I would take over Albro Industries taking my rightful place as the third coast's stiletto Queenpin! I had come up on the backs of others, sure. If I had to do it over, I'd do the same thing. Wasn't no sense in me lying. There was a knock on my door. I grabbed my pistol. Nothing good usually came from knocks on my door. I was naked as the day I was born except an ankle bracelet and those fierce pumps and my pistol of course. I opened the door. It was room service. Needless to say, he got an eyeful. It was a steak dinner compliments of Ivory Albro. I invited the server in to set it up. "Come on in, you've seen insanity before. You live in Houston." He blushed and came on in. When he did, Albro walked right on in behind him. I then started weighing my options. You see I was going to kill Albro. But hey why not give him a glimpse of heaven before I send him to hell.Nobody would ever know. The server left after Albro tipped him. I sashayed my way up to Albro and on my tiptoes I kissed him on the mouth. He moaned. What? My body needed this. I was high as shit and tonite I was going to do what Piggy wanted to do. Everything that glitter ain't gold, Ivory Albro.....

Monday, May 23, 2011

What's behind door number one: Piggy, Meika B and Michelle yo!

I was staring my mentor and boss in the eye. It was like I was looking in the mirror. You see I knew this bitch was crazy but I wonder if she knew the same about me? "What's up Monet? I see you hooked up with Alvin Ray here. What's goin on, AJ?" He simply nodded his head at me. In all of my years of knowing Alvin Ray, he was never much for words. He watched and guarded Monet like a hawk. "I said we need to talk. Alone." "Monet, why you being rude. You see Meika B, here. And then you brought Alvin Ray with you." Monet's eyes turned a steel gray. So did mine. The room was quiet. Monet and I stared each other down. You see I knew her game. "Alvin Ray, come on. Piggy YOU call me." She walked past me but made sure her shoulder brushed mine. She stopped in front of Tameika. "Meika, I have been having the hardest time with my bluetooth dialing everyone in my contact list. I saw that it was dialing you earlier. Sorry about that." Meika gave her the most gracious smile. "Oh you good, Monet. I hadn't even noticed until a few minutes ago. I was going to call you back but now you're here." Monet just looked at her. She wasn't a fool but what could she say. "Alvin Ray, let's go." He looked around the room again as if to inspect it and then he went to open the door for her. I walked to close the door behind them when Alvin Ray pressed a white business card in my hand. We were eye to eye. He looked at me and then again nodded. I didn't know what this was about. I turned the card over and I almost fainted. The card was an HPD business card. I had a shit load of them myself. His name was printed on them. Detective was in front of his name. "What is it CC?" "Nothing girl." "That Monet something else ain't she?" "Yeah she is. Hey what you gotta do?" "Nothing. Why what's up?" "I need you to take me to see my cousin in River Oaks. Carr-I mean Michelle is cool. She gone help us with the bust." "Alright let's ride." We hopped in Meika's six series BMW and we headed to River Oaks. Michelle answered the door in a kimono and Chinese Laundry slippers. We embraced. "Cousin, we need to get this rolling." "Okay Piggy, how soon we talking about?" "Tomorrow. We meet in Meyerland. I'll have my stuff. You bring the extras. We gone need your explosives to get in that safe, Michelle." She nodded her head. "I got you." "We all need to be in black red lipstick." Meika and Michelle both looked confused. "Why red, CC?" I didn't want to keep explaining this. It was weird but Albro had a thing for my lips. And he loved them red. I needed my team to mirror this. "You know CC, you one twisted ass MF." Meika B then smiled. "But I dig it chick." I laughed. "Meika, she get that from her daddy's people." "Shut up, Michelle. You do remember that we are FIRST cousins?" "Oh yeah that's right." We talked a couple hours had some drinks. Michelle glanced her security cameras. "Fuck, we got company y'all." There were three men coming up the driveway in ski masks. Michelle grabbed a twelve gauge. My .40 made its appearance and Meika's .44 was ready. Boom! There goes the front door. I looked at my beautiful goons, Meika, the devoted mother/dough girl and Michelle, my auntie's baby girl and investment banker/detonated asshole if you pushed her, and said, "They coming through this door. Do what I do and we'll have brunch later after we take Albro's ass." They both nodded. Boom! There was the door to the room we were in. It's on. My .40 spit. Meika's Desert Eagle went off and Michelle fired that twelve gauge like that's what she was born to do. And we didn't stop. Wondered what the carnage would look like after the smoke cleared. Who gave a fuck? I didn't stop shooting until my gun clicked. "CC, stop we got em." I walked over to one of em, she was still moving and breathing. I snatched the mask off. Shook my head. I knew I was gone have to kill her. I bombed first! Michelle had lit a cigar. "I told you that bitch was rotten. Now look at her ass." So this was Dynastie's destiny huh....If its my life or your life guess which one I'mma choose.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Monet's Technological Mishap

The pictures that were in this file would make even some of the most seasoned detectives cringe. They were horrible. There was a picture of Lena sprawled on her back. Blood was everywhere. She was dressed in a robe and nightshirt and you could see her growing belly. The only evidence they found was the three .380 shell casings. There were statements from Albro and Lena's dad but that was about it. This was crazy. Her son died shortly after she did. Naturally I would've thought that. But according to the autopsy, Lena died almost instantly. Her baby survived right on up to the point of the coroner arriving. How sad. Just to think that maybe her baby could've survived. The more and more I read I thought about how much of a monster Shannon Monet was. I mean her own niece? That meant that she didn't give a damn about me push come to shove. There was a knock on the door. Instinctively I pulled my gun and walked to the door. Who is it, I called out. "Piggy its Meika." I had forgotten that she was on her way. I opened the door. She walked in and looked around. "What's up Meika?" She dropped her head. As usual she was dressed to the nines in True Religion jeans with a DKNY Classie white shirt and four inch Chinese Laundry open toed pumps. I looked at her. "CC I got something you gotta hear mama." I nodded my head. "Ok, what is it?" She placed her Iphone on the table. "Listen to this." All of a sudden Shannon Monet voice is heard. "Look at the end of the day CC is gone do WHATEVER she need to do to survive. Her and her girl already don't trust you. " I then heard Dynastie next. "What you mean don't trust me? And who is her girl? Besides that we just did a heist together a couple of weeks." "Mychelle is her girl D. Make no mistake about it. Her and Mychelle are thick as thieves, excuse the pun." It was quiet for a brief moment. "Well, CC and I are cool. Any problem she got with me she can tell me." "You sure about that?" "Yeah and I mean what you got against her? Thought y'all was tight." "Yeah well we were, we are I mean. Look today, I was on Xanax and started drinking too much. I slipped up and told her some things that could bring me and everything that I have worked hard to build down to my knees. You get my drift. I love Courtney, but this is business and the rest is bullshit." "So what you want me to do?" "Bitch I gave you motive now you tell me. We in position to take it all. I mean it's only a matter of time before CC go- The message was then cut off. She must have realized her phone had accidently dialed Meika. I chuckled. "What the hell is going on CC?" "You just heard it. She paid me handsomely to kill Albro and now she is propositioning Dynastie to kill me. Shit I need a shoe." I pulled one pair of the Ferragamo sandals I'd just bought out of its box. I ran my hand down it. Meika snatched it from my hand. "Oh no you don't. You are not gonna space out on me again. This what you do when shit get hard huh? Hell naw. We gone deal with this." I reached for the shoe. "Come on now Tameika, I need it. Imma be sick." "That's ok. I'll hold your hair back while you vomit. What is going on? After I heard and recorded that conversation, Monet called me twenty times. I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to hear that." I shook my head. I knew it was coming. My stomach was in knots. My breathing had gotten harder. I pleaded with Meika to hand me a shoe. "Come on Meika. Imma kick this shit real soon but I need something now." There was a knock at the door. Meika turned to me and asks, "You expecting company?" "No." Meika motioned for me to be quiet. She went to the door with her .44 she never left home without. "Who is it?" "It's Monet. Open up." "Just a second." I lay on the floor in convulsions now. Meika gave me the shoe and helped me to the bathroom. "Bitch fix yourself up. Don't let her see you like this. You got a role to play. I'll stall her." She then closed the bathroom door. Alone I put my feet into the shoe and I instantly got better. This was almost better than sex for me. Colors came alive and I was whole again. I splashed water on my face removed the shoe and blew my nose. I came outta the bathroom to see Monet standing there with Alvin Ray. He was her top goon. "Piggy, perhaps we should talk. Alone." I smiled. I looked at Tameika. She looked at Alvin Ray and he looked at Monet. "Anybody see you come up here, Monet?" Tameika smiled. Monet look puzzled. "Why," she asks. I said a prayer. God help her, give me the strength. If I die tonite......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chad Blair's side of things....

"Really, Chad, WTF do you want?" He chuckled and exhaled. A cloud of Havana smoke circles his bald head. "Still mean as shit huh, CC?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Was that supposed to change? Again, why are you here? I unloaded but that does not mean I won't still kill you." "Bullshit, Piggy. I know you. If that was what you were going to do, I'd be dead by now. You know why I'm here. My case." I was dumbfounded. What the hell was he talking about. After we parted ways as partners I went narcotics and he went into homicide. I wasn't working any homicides. "Blair, what the hell are you talking about?" I went to the room's bar and poured a shot of Vodka. Mixed in a splash of cranberry juice for color. "The Carethers case, CC. You inquired about it. I want to know why. And don't lie to me." Damn, how could I have forgotten that? Chad was lead on that case. I turned to face him and the file was back in his hands. He shook his head. "You know this case still haunt me. I still see that girl shot up like a dog. Pregnant. You know we found out that she was carrying a little boy. I can't get Albro's blood curdling scream out my mind. Loss of family most times is the only thing that make MF's like him cry." By now I had downed my drink. "So you guys never got a lead on who was responsible for it?" "Hell no. I mean Lena had a clean slate as far as we knew. I mean she was college student, no criminal record, didn't even have so much as a speeding ticket. The only thing she had against her was that she was Albro's girl. You know he had more than his fair share of enemies. So naturally we looked there. Nothing. We had to immediately rule out robbery because the killer hadn't even come into the house." I shook my head. "Damn, and that was all y'all had." "Yeah pretty much. Oh but then we had one neighbor of Albro's who told us that she had seen a light skinned black woman get into a Beamer. It was after she had heard the shots. She said she wouldn't have thought nothing of it except for the woman was in her underwear. We didn't even release that to the public. It was so ridiculous." I felt like I had been punched in the gut. Shannon Monet had been telling the truth. "Did the neighbor tell you what color the beamer was or give you any other kind of description of the woman?" "Naw, but then again she was a elderly white woman. You know we all look alike to them. She had described the woman as a 'colored girl'." Chad and I both laughed. I rubbed my neck and tapped my nails on the table. "Something you ain't tellin me, Coyle. Why are you so interested in this case?" I was quiet for a moment. "Now why would I tell you that? I don't trust you no further than I can throw you. You know I could've lost my badge and or sent to the penitentiary. I couldn't believe you had rolled over on me." Chad looked at me, blew more delicious Cohiba smoke my way. "Is that the man you think I am? Huh? I mean I am a bastard. We won't argue about that but do you honestly think I would roll over on YOU? I would've surrendered my own badge. I see that's what they told you though. Denise said they would do it too." I sucked my teeth. Chad Blair had been on many front lines with me as a Houston Police Officer. About three years ago he and I were in a situation in Fifth Ward. I had orders from my captain to take a shot and I ignored it. Why? Because the victim was in my line of shot. The suspect would've been spared and an innocent person killed. I couldn't do that. Instead I had Blair cover me and I went into a trap house. Not any trap house but one on Quitman Road. When we went in suspect pointed his gun at me and then the victim. I asked him to let her go. He turned his Beretta towards me, and I popped him in the front and Blair hit in the back. Victim survives. Of course we both had to go before IAB or the Internal Affairs Bureau. My captain came to me and says, "Coyle, my orders were disobeyed. Whose idea was it?" I refused to play into that. If he was going to relieve me then so be it. I would not give up Blair. Keep in mind I knew about Chad and Denise. Who is Denise? She is the police captain's wife. "CC, Fairfield found out about Denise and I. So he gave me a choice. I could roll over on you and be reassigned or uphold my loyalty to you and have everyone hate me. I chose you Courtney and when I did, he told the entire department that I had gave you up. He turned you against me." I was standing there with my mouth wide open. I couldn't believe this. "Chad you didn't even try to contact me and let me know what was going on. I mean next thing I hear you in Fort Bend county." "I had to. I was now known as a cop who gave his partner up. You know that couldn't go on unanswered for." He was right. My cell rings. It's Tameika. "Hey chick, when are we hitting Albro? I need to know a definite day." "Day after tomorrow. How about you meet me at the Sheraton Astrodome in about an hour." "Alright bet. I got something you need to hear." She hung up. "You expecting company?" I looked up. "Yeah I am. So you gotta go." "One more thing, you ever need anything, I mean anything you call me. Denise works for Albro you know." What the hell? Why would he say that. I played it off. Shrugged my shoulders. "Why do I care about that?" He said nothing. Winked his eye and then he was gone. Something tell me that my covert takeover was no longer that. I didn't care. I would handle my business and Houston would remember me forever. Like it or love it, I would establish a legacy. I sat down and opened the case file. A new horror began....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When the Cohiba Smoke Clears....Chad Blair Appears

I ended up kissing _____ longer than I meant to. When our lips parted I felt a tingle roll on down my spine. Damn! We had some serious chemistry. We both had to admit that. But right now under these circumstances, our chemistry was wrong. "WTF is up with you two? I leave you alone three minutes and here you all kissing. I mean who does that?" I rolled my eyes. I didn't have time for this. Mac needed to take care of this. I reached up and wiped my sticky lip gloss from his lips. "I'll see you all later." Okay so I know I didn't HAVE to do that. But Jody's insecurities was starting to annoy me. The last time I saw her I told her that it would be up to her to make him forget about me. She was still doing a piss poor job of it I see. Through clenched teeth I heard her say, "See that's why I was cheating on your ass." I stopped and turned around. Mac looked at me and then at his wife. "What did you say?" She looked around. She repeated what she had said just a little less forceful. He then nodded his head and glanced at me. I saw defeat in his eyes and then all at once he backhanded her. I didn't budge. Stunned that he had hit her in public, Jody turns to me and utters one word. "Bitch." I smiled and bit my bottom lip. Blew a kiss to them both and put on my Christian Dior sunglasses. I sashayed away. I was probably going to hell for many of the things I was doing. I picked up my cell and I dialed Monet. Neither her or Dynastie could see me. I watched them as they sat a bistro table in the galleria. They looked to be in deep conversation. She sent me to voicemail. I called again. "Hey Piggy. What's up?" "I don't know. You tell me. Where are you? I mean not a hour ago you were stumbling drunk and I get back to the hotel and you're gone." "Well you know, I have things to do. Besides that I can definitely hold my alcohol. I have meetings bright and early in the morning." I didn't believe a word that she was saying. I knew that after today's dining experience, I could no longer trust Shannon Monet. She offed her own niece. I still wondered if Albro knew this. At the restaurant he showed obvious disdain for her too. I don't know. But watching Dynastie and Monet chop it up gave me the creeps. "Monet where are you now?" There was a pregnant pause. "I'm around CC." I hung up. There was no sense playing games with her. My phone then alerted me to a text. "I got that file for you." I responded back. Have it couried to the Sheraton Astrodome. ATTN: Karen Hayes. My captain responded back AFFIRMATIVE. I needed to know all I could about details surrounding Lena's death. I knew that Shannon Monet was a monster but if what she told me was true, I needed to distance myself from her. I got in my car and headed straight to the hotel. When I got to the door, I could sense a human heartbeat right by the door. I pulled my gun out and pushed as hard as I could on the door. "You betta have good effin reason why you're in my hotel room." He looked up and smiled. "Piggy we better than that. Lower your weapon. You oughta be glad to see me." I kept my weapon on him. Chad Blair had been my friend and partner for close to five years. Hadn't seen him since the incident we had. Heard tell that he rolled over on me. Cardinal sin amongst cops so he was railroaded until he moved to work for Fort Bend county. "The Bridge is Over, Courtney." In his hand was the case file I requested. "Put that file down and leave before I kill you where you stand." Chad pulls out a Cohiba cigar. Lights it. How I love the smell of those. "Piggy you got some explaining to do...I ain't going nowhere." He pulled his .44 and we were at standstill. I still loved him like blood is what I'm thinking. I hit the button and my gun's magazine hit the floor. He smiled. "Come give me a hug, bae." God send me a sign. Why is he here?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

When Things Can't Get No Crazier; They Do!

As I sit here on the back of this hotel toilet, there are so many things going through my mind. Monet had gambled on love and lost. Lost her f2#kin mind. Albro had come up. Now many people would disagree with the way he had come up but he had come up nonetheless. And Piggy. Who was Piggy? Well Piggy was a good person. She had went the wrong direction and stepped into the wrong shoes. Manolo Blahniks to be exact. Wrong but they felt so right. I'm sitting up on the tank of the toilet with my feet on the lid. In my hand is a .40 cal, a 19 though. I hate the 17 because they often misfire. How great do I look in these red Christian Louboutin pumps! Shannon Monet and I were the same size. I knew I couldn't keep them. That's one thing about shoe addicts. You didn't wear or try to keep anyone's personal stash. Again I needed to know who the hell had my Blahniks. I now looked at Albro differently. I remember how effed up Lena's death was and never related that to Shannon. I got up and washed my hands. Splashed cold water on my face. When I did I glanced at myself in the mirror. CC, what are you doing? When I came out of the bathroom Monet was stirring a bit in the bed. Now I had to decide where my loyalty really lay. Monet had partially been responsible for the woman I am today. But then sometimes I had to wonder how good or bad that was myself. But then Ivory Albro had started to grow on me. Just barely. I decided I needed to get down in a major way. So I called Anna down at the Galleria. Told her I was coming. She informed me that they would be closing in an hour. I told her I had cash. "See you in a bit Piggy." When I got there she had chilled Moscato for me with smoked gouda and melba toast, green grapes and smoked salmon. I thought that was funny. I sat down on my favorite chaise lounge. "How are you, CC?" "I'm good, Anna. Was that a new pair of Ferragamo sandals I passed up on the way in?" My breathing quickened. Anna stood back and looked at me. "Yes darling, why they come in sand, black, mauve and jade." She sat out to bring me a pair in every color. I could feel my American Express card vibrating in my pocket. Anna took off my shoe. She rubbed lavender scented lotion on my feet and methodically slipped on a footie stocking. "How does that feel," she asked. She slipped the sandal which was a caged Italian leather upper with a six inch vamped heel onto my feet. Anna stared at my toes and rubbed them back and forth. Sometimes I had to watch Anna. She had some freaky fetish when it came to my toes and I had told her many times before: HELL NAW. "Anna!" "Oh I'm so sorry darling, its just that you have such beautiful feet." "I know Anna. Um what do you have in Betsy Johnson?" "Oh I have a leopard print open toed six inch wedge. It's on sale too. I think it's $499." "Ok tell you what, give me all of the Ferragamos and that BJ wedge." "Coming up darling." I handed her my credit card. My phone rings. It's Dynastie. I hadn't really talked to her much since the meeting we had at Michelle's. "What's up Doll?" "Nothing chick, I'm anxious. Waiting on this bust to go down." "It's gone happen. I guarantee that. You been alright?" You see Dynastie had me feel funny the other day so I was still feeling her out. Tryna to get into her head sort of. "I've been okay. Where you at chick?" "I'm around." You see I still didn't know who had sent those goons to off me at Meika's house. I mean they had DSW around their necks but I doubted it because Albro wasn't that sloppy. "Oh I see, you incognito huh? Hold on somebody on the other line." I hung the phone up. Anna came out with my shoes and receipt. "Lester has loaded them in your car out in valet." I gave her a hundred dollar tip on top of my five thousand dollar tab. "See you next time Anna." As I was coming out of the store I ran smack dab into my favorite couple. ____ and Jody. It was obvious he was happy to see me. Her not so much. "CC, how are you girl?" He bent down to embrace me. His cologne had me stirring. Jody clears her throat. "Jody, nice to see you again." She rolled her eyes at me. "Bae, I'm going in to see Anna." The minute she walked in Anna flipped a closed sign on the shop. I snickered. She went into another store. "You know you didn't have to do that to her." "I know but she needed to be put in her place, Mac. How is that shoulder?" He moved it around. It's still a lil sore but it'll be alright. You know the other day was awesome. Can't stop thinking about it." I smiled. But something was bothering me. "Hey did you ask Albro to introduce us because you missed me or was this some pissing contest between him and you?" He stopped smiling. "Piggy why would you say that? You know how we are. Hell yeah I missed you." I mean he sounded sincere but I couldn't focus on that. I needed to know why coincidentally Dynastie was now in the Galleria too. May not have been anything but the life I live is crazy and I still didn't trust this bitch. Then she was sitting with Shannon Monet. "Mac, kiss me and right now. I'll explain later."I didn't want either Dynastie or Monet seeing me. Monet suddenly looked rested too. I grabbed Mac and ducked around the corner. Guess who was eyeballing us when we did? Jody with her hands on those thick hips of hers. I didn't care though, I had higher stilettos to wear.