Saturday, May 14, 2011

Monet's Technological Mishap

The pictures that were in this file would make even some of the most seasoned detectives cringe. They were horrible. There was a picture of Lena sprawled on her back. Blood was everywhere. She was dressed in a robe and nightshirt and you could see her growing belly. The only evidence they found was the three .380 shell casings. There were statements from Albro and Lena's dad but that was about it. This was crazy. Her son died shortly after she did. Naturally I would've thought that. But according to the autopsy, Lena died almost instantly. Her baby survived right on up to the point of the coroner arriving. How sad. Just to think that maybe her baby could've survived. The more and more I read I thought about how much of a monster Shannon Monet was. I mean her own niece? That meant that she didn't give a damn about me push come to shove. There was a knock on the door. Instinctively I pulled my gun and walked to the door. Who is it, I called out. "Piggy its Meika." I had forgotten that she was on her way. I opened the door. She walked in and looked around. "What's up Meika?" She dropped her head. As usual she was dressed to the nines in True Religion jeans with a DKNY Classie white shirt and four inch Chinese Laundry open toed pumps. I looked at her. "CC I got something you gotta hear mama." I nodded my head. "Ok, what is it?" She placed her Iphone on the table. "Listen to this." All of a sudden Shannon Monet voice is heard. "Look at the end of the day CC is gone do WHATEVER she need to do to survive. Her and her girl already don't trust you. " I then heard Dynastie next. "What you mean don't trust me? And who is her girl? Besides that we just did a heist together a couple of weeks." "Mychelle is her girl D. Make no mistake about it. Her and Mychelle are thick as thieves, excuse the pun." It was quiet for a brief moment. "Well, CC and I are cool. Any problem she got with me she can tell me." "You sure about that?" "Yeah and I mean what you got against her? Thought y'all was tight." "Yeah well we were, we are I mean. Look today, I was on Xanax and started drinking too much. I slipped up and told her some things that could bring me and everything that I have worked hard to build down to my knees. You get my drift. I love Courtney, but this is business and the rest is bullshit." "So what you want me to do?" "Bitch I gave you motive now you tell me. We in position to take it all. I mean it's only a matter of time before CC go- The message was then cut off. She must have realized her phone had accidently dialed Meika. I chuckled. "What the hell is going on CC?" "You just heard it. She paid me handsomely to kill Albro and now she is propositioning Dynastie to kill me. Shit I need a shoe." I pulled one pair of the Ferragamo sandals I'd just bought out of its box. I ran my hand down it. Meika snatched it from my hand. "Oh no you don't. You are not gonna space out on me again. This what you do when shit get hard huh? Hell naw. We gone deal with this." I reached for the shoe. "Come on now Tameika, I need it. Imma be sick." "That's ok. I'll hold your hair back while you vomit. What is going on? After I heard and recorded that conversation, Monet called me twenty times. I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to hear that." I shook my head. I knew it was coming. My stomach was in knots. My breathing had gotten harder. I pleaded with Meika to hand me a shoe. "Come on Meika. Imma kick this shit real soon but I need something now." There was a knock at the door. Meika turned to me and asks, "You expecting company?" "No." Meika motioned for me to be quiet. She went to the door with her .44 she never left home without. "Who is it?" "It's Monet. Open up." "Just a second." I lay on the floor in convulsions now. Meika gave me the shoe and helped me to the bathroom. "Bitch fix yourself up. Don't let her see you like this. You got a role to play. I'll stall her." She then closed the bathroom door. Alone I put my feet into the shoe and I instantly got better. This was almost better than sex for me. Colors came alive and I was whole again. I splashed water on my face removed the shoe and blew my nose. I came outta the bathroom to see Monet standing there with Alvin Ray. He was her top goon. "Piggy, perhaps we should talk. Alone." I smiled. I looked at Tameika. She looked at Alvin Ray and he looked at Monet. "Anybody see you come up here, Monet?" Tameika smiled. Monet look puzzled. "Why," she asks. I said a prayer. God help her, give me the strength. If I die tonite......

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