Friday, May 27, 2011

Its the Muthaf@#kin TAKEOVER: Murder Piggy Wrote

We received an abundance of stares as we walked through the hotel lobby. My head was up and I blew a kiss to the concierge who constantly flirted with me. Out front I had a black suburban. Alicia would drive. She was one of the best wheel women I knew. I got in the front seat. Put the radio on 102.1. Al Green was crooning abt it being 3 o'clock in the morning. I heard Mychelle speak up. "Sooo do any of you motherfuckers wanna tell me what's going on?" The rest of us burst into a fit of laughter. We had been so serious up until then. "What you mean Mychelle? We all here together. We about to do this chick!" She laughed. "CC, don't play with me. Where the hell is your girl? You know if she flaked, what we gone have to do now." Meika giggled. "Um Mychelle, we already took care of that." Mychelle looked from Michelle to Tameika and then to me. "AB, do you know anything about this?" Alicia steered us up onto 610. "Hell naw, I don't know what these bitches talking about." "Dynastie started trippin. She let Monet get in her head and she had to be dealt with. She followed me and Meika over to Michelle house. She was there to off me and she failed. What else you wanna know?" Mychelle smiled. "I told you that bitch was dirty. Good riddance. Stop at the store. You know I can't do dirt without a lollipop." And it went just like that. We pulled up in front of a convenience store. "Yall want something?" "Yeah, Chelle, get me a orange juice." "You got it, CC." I turned to face Michelle and Tameika. I pulled out the blueprint of Albro industries. "Aight, we go through the front door. He is going to have two armed guards. We are going to have to blast them. Ain't no way around that. Alicia, I want you and Tameika to handle them. I got earpieces and radios for all of us. Alicia, you're going to be Asia. Tameika, you're Texas Tee. I'll be HTOWNPIGGY. Michelle, you're Melodious and Mychelle will be Machete. We'll communicate nonstop on these radios. This building is three floors. We are going to take all three. We're taking inventory and cash. You do not rob the employees. I'll make sure I say that again when Mychelle gets back in the truck. You leave Albro to me! It should take us one hour to clear this. I've already set up a truck to track and pack the merchandise." Mychelle gets back in the car. "I got it CC." I had given her her radio earlier to see if they worked properly. She had gotten all of my instructions. "Listen, I love all yall. I know all of you stand to lose something by going in on this with me. I'm telling you now, that we ain't leaving nobody. We all gone make it. Any questions?" Nobody said anything at first. But I knew Michelle was the boldest bitch in the mix under me. "Piggy, I'll ride with you, and when we take this MF, I want my name in lights too." I looked at her. Long and hard. Fuck the fame, I want the payoff. "You got it cousin." We headed North East to Albro Industries. We pulled to the back of the parking lot adjacent to the building. I tucked my badge into my shirt. I painted my lips red and removed my sunglasses. Here was the moment. I checked my clip. Michelle loaded her gauge. Mychelle cocked tht .50 and stuck her machete into its sheath. We walked up to the double doors. "Mychelle, come on just like old times, ma. Let's get in there." Together we both put our foots through the front door. In seconds two goons who stood at least six feet four came in. I kept walking towards them and when I did, Alicia and Tameika fired striking both of them. I walked in between both of them as they fell. I watch Mychelle stick a lollipop in her mouth. She offered me some gum. We headed straight to the elevators. All five of us was on the elevator. Mychelle and Alicia got off on one. Michelle and Tameika got off on two. I went alone up to three. "HTOWNPIGGY, this is Melodious and two is secured. Imma blow the safe." "Roger that Melodious. Asia, you and Machete Mychelle ok?" "We good, HTOWNPIGGY." When I got to the third floor, it was eerily quiet. Albro was in his office alone. I pointed my gun to his back. "Piggy, I knew you was coming for me. Kinda hoped you had changed your mind though." He turned around in his chair. He was smoking. He looked tired though. "So you know why I'm here, Albro." I walked into his office. I looked around. It was clear. "You sure you wanna do this Piggy?" I saw him fumbling around under his desk. "Take your motherfucking hands from underneath that desk." My weapon was still on him. He put his hands up. "I love you, CC." I sucked my teeth. A side door in his office opened and out comes Chad Blair. My gun was on Albro and Blair's gun was on me. "Well I'll tell you one thing, two people are gone die today, and it won't be me." I cocked my gun and shot the flourescent light above me and fired two more what's the definiton of loyalty again?

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