Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When the Cohiba Smoke Clears....Chad Blair Appears

I ended up kissing _____ longer than I meant to. When our lips parted I felt a tingle roll on down my spine. Damn! We had some serious chemistry. We both had to admit that. But right now under these circumstances, our chemistry was wrong. "WTF is up with you two? I leave you alone three minutes and here you all kissing. I mean who does that?" I rolled my eyes. I didn't have time for this. Mac needed to take care of this. I reached up and wiped my sticky lip gloss from his lips. "I'll see you all later." Okay so I know I didn't HAVE to do that. But Jody's insecurities was starting to annoy me. The last time I saw her I told her that it would be up to her to make him forget about me. She was still doing a piss poor job of it I see. Through clenched teeth I heard her say, "See that's why I was cheating on your ass." I stopped and turned around. Mac looked at me and then at his wife. "What did you say?" She looked around. She repeated what she had said just a little less forceful. He then nodded his head and glanced at me. I saw defeat in his eyes and then all at once he backhanded her. I didn't budge. Stunned that he had hit her in public, Jody turns to me and utters one word. "Bitch." I smiled and bit my bottom lip. Blew a kiss to them both and put on my Christian Dior sunglasses. I sashayed away. I was probably going to hell for many of the things I was doing. I picked up my cell and I dialed Monet. Neither her or Dynastie could see me. I watched them as they sat a bistro table in the galleria. They looked to be in deep conversation. She sent me to voicemail. I called again. "Hey Piggy. What's up?" "I don't know. You tell me. Where are you? I mean not a hour ago you were stumbling drunk and I get back to the hotel and you're gone." "Well you know, I have things to do. Besides that I can definitely hold my alcohol. I have meetings bright and early in the morning." I didn't believe a word that she was saying. I knew that after today's dining experience, I could no longer trust Shannon Monet. She offed her own niece. I still wondered if Albro knew this. At the restaurant he showed obvious disdain for her too. I don't know. But watching Dynastie and Monet chop it up gave me the creeps. "Monet where are you now?" There was a pregnant pause. "I'm around CC." I hung up. There was no sense playing games with her. My phone then alerted me to a text. "I got that file for you." I responded back. Have it couried to the Sheraton Astrodome. ATTN: Karen Hayes. My captain responded back AFFIRMATIVE. I needed to know all I could about details surrounding Lena's death. I knew that Shannon Monet was a monster but if what she told me was true, I needed to distance myself from her. I got in my car and headed straight to the hotel. When I got to the door, I could sense a human heartbeat right by the door. I pulled my gun out and pushed as hard as I could on the door. "You betta have good effin reason why you're in my hotel room." He looked up and smiled. "Piggy we better than that. Lower your weapon. You oughta be glad to see me." I kept my weapon on him. Chad Blair had been my friend and partner for close to five years. Hadn't seen him since the incident we had. Heard tell that he rolled over on me. Cardinal sin amongst cops so he was railroaded until he moved to work for Fort Bend county. "The Bridge is Over, Courtney." In his hand was the case file I requested. "Put that file down and leave before I kill you where you stand." Chad pulls out a Cohiba cigar. Lights it. How I love the smell of those. "Piggy you got some explaining to do...I ain't going nowhere." He pulled his .44 and we were at standstill. I still loved him like blood is what I'm thinking. I hit the button and my gun's magazine hit the floor. He smiled. "Come give me a hug, bae." God send me a sign. Why is he here?

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