Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gots to be More Careful!

I got high and didn't feel bad about it. I watched ____ as he slept. This man was perfect in my eyes except for the fact that he belonged to someone else. My eyes roamed across his handsome face. I watched him breathe heavily. We had been through alot ____ and I. I knew that he loved me and I was certain that I loved him. Still there was this underlying feeling that I could not and should not trust him. He started to come to. "How you feeling bae?" He grunted. "Like I've been hit by a Mack truck." I chuckled. "Well that's a good thing. That means your ass is alive." "If you say so." My cell rings. Shannon Monet comes up on the caller ID. I answer. "Piggy I'll be on Beretta. You have your ass there in fifteen minutes." She hung up before I could answer. "Mac can you drive?" "My shoulder is sore but I can get around. Why?" "I need you to drive me to Quail Run. Quick." "Aight, what about my car tho?" "Look you can take it to the department give them my name and they'll fix it with no questions asked." I helped him off the table. "Katy a beast. I owe her one." I smiled. "No you let me take care of Katy." I decided to drive to Quail Run. Quail Run was Shannon Monet's Quniverse. They had streets in this subdivision named after Monet. I pulled up to the Sunny's convenience store. I would walk to Beretta. "Hey I need somebody to get my bike from the park." "Alright. You want me to take it to your cousin's?" "Yeah please be careful. You know how I am about my bike." "I'm good CC. I love you." I smiled and so did my heart. I kissed his lips and got out of the car. My cell rang. Shannon Monet. "Yeah." "Are you at the store?" I looked around. "Yeah I'm here." "I'll be in the red Sedan Deville." She hung the phone up. I turned around and there she was. I got in. Shannon Monet was in her get it attire: air force one boots wife beater black jeans. She was rolling a blunt. Al Green was on the radio. "Piggy whats up?" I shook my head. "Nothing Monet. Whats the plan?" "I figured you had one. Thing is Albro and I got some unfinished business, Why you want to kill him?" I sighed. "I dont want to talk about it. I know that if we off him it would benefit us both!" She took a drag off of her blunt. Passed it to me. "Monet, you know I can't do that." I gently pushed her hand away. "Im your boss, Piggy. You can smoke. When you have to piss, I'll take care of it,." We pulled up in front of her trap house. There was a black Denali parked in front. "This is yours. Everything you need is in it. Send me pics when you're finished." I nodded. "Hey look at me." I turned and look Monet dead in her eyes. "Be careful. You get caught, you don't know me. Call me when you're finished." "Aight Monet. What you about to do?" "I got four hundred red velvet cupcakes to make. It's for a wedding." Shit was funny that way. You see Monet was an untamed beast! But at the same time she was so domesticated. I got in the Denali and exited Quail Run. I had no idea that I had been followed.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Emergency Situation.....

I went into instant beast mode. I sat in Mac's lap facing the back of his car busting! "Drive baby!" I pumped his gun and mine at the same time. I saw two of the shooters fall. The other two continued. Mac swerved over the curb out of the park. I look down and there was a bucket of  blood between us. _____ had been shot in his shoulder. "Fuck! _____ you've been shot!" "CC I know that." The shooters had got mobile. "Baby we gotta get you help. This looks real bad." "Don't worry about me girl. You just don't stop shooting." I did just that. My gun clicked. I was outta of ammunition. His magazine on his piece was about to come to an end. _____ had a hit a back alley. By this time we had lost our tormentors. "Hey u alright. Pull over I'm driving." By this time _____had lost a lot of blood. I pulled my cell phone out. I speed dialed Katy. She answered. "Courtney baby..." "Hey Katy, I need you." "What else is new baby girl? What's up?" "I'm coming to see you." "What? Right now?" "Yeah. I'll be outside." "Bitch are you crazy?My family is here. I mean WTF?" I sucked my teeth. "Not tryna to hear that. I'm with _____ and he's hit! We're on the way!" I hung up the phone. I didn't have time to talk. I turned on Tiffany St. I hopped out and knocked on Katy's door. No answer. This time I kicked. The door immediately opened. "CC this is inappropriate! I keep this life separate from my family life." "Katy this is the man I'm in love with and we're not going to let him die. Now fix him up." She put her glasses on got her bag out. I went back to the car to him. He was still losing blood. I helped him to Katy's shed out back. "Help me lay  him on the table here CC." _____ was obviously in a lot of pain. I watched Katy pull out an old DKNY pump. It was white. She poured alcohol on it to sterilize it. "Hold him a little bit. This is going to burn." With the heel end of the shoe she proceeded to dig the bullet out of ____'s shoulder. I saw him grit his teeth. I knew it hurt but he would not show weakness. Especially in front of two beautiful women. Katy carefully and meticulously removed the bullet. She saturated a Promise sandal in saline solution and wrapped it in gauze. She placed it on his wound. "Hold this here for a sec CC." I did as I was told. Katy came back with some Steve Madden shoe laces and stitched _____'s wound. She was a beast. Gave him Vicodin for the pain. "He needs to rest. He's lost a lot of blood. He can stay here for a few hours. My husband will be up soon and I don't need these kind of problems." I nodded. I had to respect that besides Katy had got me out of a lot of problems. She then looked at me long and hard. She rubbed her hand upside my face. "I know this look. You need something?" I sniffled and nodded my head. Katy put a Sheik shoe box in front of me. Got me a lighter and spoon. I took the electric blue platform pump and I got high. Relieved my sensibilities right before ______. As his body tried to heal itself I tried to calm mine.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same!

As I walked up to him, I smiled. Oh how I craved this man! He was posted up on in the park on Bathurst. He had a mug on hs face until  he looked up and spotted me. I guess we had this effect on each other. He had his hands up and smirked, "So all of a sudden you and Jody are cool now?" I bit my bottom lip. He shook his head. "Damn, you still get to me when you do that CC." "What you talking about _____?" I grinned. "Whatever, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway my wife told me she ran into you the other day at the mall. Y'all had dinner together." I thought to myself. Hmmn, is that what she told him? We met at the mall? "Bae, do you trust me?" He looked at me put both of his hands on his heart. "The only woman I trust my life with CC." I believe I started blushing. He bent down to kiss my lips. When we kissed I always knew that we would be a part of each other's lives forever. "Bae, I need to tell you something." "Okay, CC but why don't we do it in my car." I laughed because that comment put my mind in the gutter. I immediately went back to the times where we had serious sessions in his car. You see ____ was the only man I'd been with that made me feel as if we were making love everytime we were together and that was no matter what we'd be doing. "Nasty, I mean we can TALK in the car Mama." He took my hand and there was electricity flowing between us. He opened my car door. When I got in I could smell the berry air freshener. ______ loved this Buick. He kept it up. "Do you love me?" "You know I do. Look I have something to tell you but I don't know how." "CC just tell me. You know how we are. You can tell me anything. You know that." "Well you know I think your ole lady is cool. But my loyalty lies with you, Daddy. I didn't run into Jody at the mall." "I know bae." "What you mean 'You know.'?" "Jody said that she ran into you in Rainbow. You were shopping for shoes. I know my Piggy. There is no way in hell that you were in Rainbow shopping for shoes." I started laughing. How true that was though. "You know me so well baby." "I know right. When you saw her was she with Brodie?" Brodie. I had to think about it. I scanned my mind for that name and sure enough, the guy's name I had blown away was Latrell Brodie. "Yeah she was. How would you know this?" _____ stared off into space. He was quiet for a minute. Suddenly it started to rain. His car radio was on 102.1. Htown's Knockin Boots started to play. "I've known for months." "Well baby, I caught her at his traphouse during my bust. He's dead. She was looking at a couple charges until I intervened. I knew you didn't need those kind of problems." He turned to look at me. Reached over and traced the outline of my lips. "CC you have the sexiest mouth." "Thank you." "You know the craziest part about it? Jody was talking now as if she looks up to you. And why wouldn't she?" I reached over and rubbed the back of his head. He then lifted the steering wheel as far as it would go. He pulled me from over my seat into his lap. We kissed. "Baby we need to get in the backseat." I felt his phone vibrate. I grabbed it out of his pocket. The caller ID read Albro. "Bae answer it." I sat on his hard on as he talked. I saw four figures surround the car. I took my piece out and I grabbed Mac's. "Baby! It's a fucking AMBUSH!" The back window shattered.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Either you love Piggy or you Don't!

Imagine my surprise. "CC you are a bold bitch, I tell you." She chuckled. I did too. "You're right chick. It's because of that boldness your little ass is not locked up." All that sass went out the window then. A couple of hours with Shannon Monet and she was brand new all of a sudden huh? "What you want with Mac?" "Look I don't have an allegiance with you. He does. Any business you want to know about what we have you need to ask your husband." I could feel the heat over the telephone line. I didn't care. I was gone teach her some game. Besides that she young and as far as I was concerned she didn't know shit. "What's up Piggy?" "I need to see you ASAP." " Where?" "The Hiram Clarke zoo." I hung up. That was our code word for Meredith Manor. I stopped and got me a bag of chips. While I waited I took out the Chinese Laundry satin sandal and tossed it back and forth from one hand to the other. I did this when my nerves were bad. I sat and thought about my life. To some it was spiraling out of control. I always told myself that I could handle this shit and that it would never handle me. Now I wasn't so sure. Ivory Albro had the upper hand from the beginning but I had let him triple double cross me. My pride wouldn't let me let this ride. He had to be stopped. I thought about how I am a officer of the law. I am a mother. I sitll had dreams and goals that I have set for myself and I know that my grandmother is sitting up there in heaven, in Louis Vuiton shoes no doubt, shaking her head at my behavior. I remember the first time she took me to use. She had my granddaddy's credit card. I was about four years old. We went into the shoe department of Montgomery Ward. It was like a whole different world in comparison to the rest of the store. My grandmother's dealer was Irene and ironically Irene was my dealer's grandmother. Irene would sit my grandmother down. Bring her over a wide selection of shoes. My grandmother would pull out her kit and get high right there. What was in her kit? A pair of stocking footies, lotion, and foot pedals so that her feet wouldn't slip in certain sandals. My eyes would glisten. My grandmother owned twelve hundred shoes when she died. I was past that number at thirty something. I knew I couldn't keep going on like this. I had a little boy to look after and if I die then my son would be a bastard. It started off simple. I had a pair of white girls in every color. Then I want the latest Gucci tennis shoes. I moved on to Donna Karen. Steve Madden made me feel girly. Promise shoes showed me what was promised to me. Louis Vuitton showed me the legacy my grandmother wanted to pass me. Before I knew it my habit was out of control. After I graduated the police academy and started into my field, there was still a void. I couldnt explain it. So I would work to support my habit but that wasn't enough. So one day I dropped a shell casing and it fell next to my electric blue Christian Louboutin stiletto pumps. That's when I had an ephiphany. I could use my muscle and badge to get the shoes of my dreams. I haven't looked back since. Don't judge me. I pulled up to the Hiram Clarke Zoo. _____ was already there.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Trouble always finds Piggy.....

So I downshifted Charlene and thought about what I needed to do. I had went into an agreement with Albro. Had signed his death certificate with Shannon Monet. But above all I had made a promise to myself that I would corner this game. I pulled up to the Fox and Hound. There was one person that I had to see. He always kept me grounded. He was coal black and had dimples so deep you just wanted to curl up in them. I loved this man for three and half years and out of this relationship I got my beautiful son. To show his love and appreciation to me for bearing his child, he named his first born and only son Courtney after me. This man was half of my son. I would love him forever. I walked in and he was sitting at his favorite spot by the bar. Hennessy and Coke was in his glass. He is a simple man. Kind but can be a raging beast if you pushed him to it. He is the epitome of what a Southside Houston man is. Bald fade, black and he walked like he had horses. When I was around him I would always hear DJ Screw's catalogue playing. I walked up and touched his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. "Cocaine. What's goin on baby mama?" I laughed. Kissed his cheek. "Nothing Baby daddy. Buy me a drink?" He looked me up and down. I knew he was still attracted to me. I was to him as well. But we were okay as a couple but we were best as friends and parents to Cobee, He called the bartender. "Get her a punk ass Grey Goose and cranberry. Keep em coming." I laughed. He could always make me do that. "How you been 50?" "I've been alright girl. Working." He took a sip from his drink. "How about you?" "I've been good. Doing this and that." "You maintaining? Those Jordans don't look that new." I rolled my eyes. So I got over 1,200 pairs of shoes and suddenly I got a problem. "Nigga don't go to rolling your eyes. I want to make sure you're okay. I heard and know first hand about how bad your habit is. You got my son." I downed my drink. "I know. But I'm good 50. I really am. Look, I got a lot of moving around and I need you to take Cobee this weekend." "I got my lil nigga, CC. You know that. That wasn't even nothing you needed to ask me." I smiled. I knew it would be no problem. You see 50 loved my son more than his own life. After Cobee was born, I watched him grow. If my son hadn't been born who knows whether either of us would be? We sat and talk for an hour like old friends. I knew that we would always be. 50 got up and I saw the imprint of his piece in his pants. He saw mine as I put my jacket back on. That was one thing we had in common. We stay strapped. He walked me to my bike. "Girl you be careful on this thing." I nodded. "You be careful on yours too." He kissed me softly on my lips and rubbed the side of my face. "More than the air I breathe Piggy." "Me too 50." I watched him get on his Busa and ride off. Out of my peripheal I see two men. One of them says, "Mr. Albro would like to have some words with you." I rolled my eyes. I felt uneasy about this. "I just talked to Albro." Both of the goons looked caught. I press the ignition on my bike and I opened her up. they started walking towards me. One of them pulled his chrome. This was a set up. But they wouldn't get Piggy. I was already gone when a slug hit my tail pipe. FUCK! I called ______ told him I needed to see him. She answered his phone.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nobody is Really the Boss of Piggy!

Once I was finished, I blew my nose and cleaned myself up. My cell phone rang. It was him. "Albro." "How you doing, Piggy?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm good Albro. You?" He chuckled. "I'm real good. Would be even better if you'd stop meeting with Shannon Monet." There was silence. Something dropped in the pit of my stomach. "Quiet are we Piggy?" "Albro, stop with the game playing. Monet is my boss. She's head of the city council. You know that." I could hear him blowing smoke from either a blunt or one of those expensive cigars he smoked. "Yeah and I also know that she raised you to be the mean bad bitch that you are today." He laughed out loud. "What is your point, Albro?" "I'm telling you that you work for me and it ain't no straddlng the fence, You dig?" I inhaled and through clenched teeth, "I agreed to work with you but I did not agree to you bullying me. I'm still a cop." "Girl go head on with that cop shit. I suppose you mentioning that you are a police officer would put fear in the heart of a SQUARE. But baby girl you know that's not me. We had a deal." "You're right and I am following through. You will not tell me who I can hang around though." Albro chuckeled in spite of himself. "Do you realize how bad I can make things for you. You know I know you think you the baddest something that come out of Hiram Clarke. You might be right. But do you really want to gamble on that notion?" "Look do you have the details on our next heist?" "Glad to know you're still hungry girl. Yeah we got some shops on Harwin we need to hit. You might want to do this solo or have you a little backup." "Imma bring Mac in on this one." He got quiet  for a bit. "I don't think that's a good idea." I turned the radio to 102.1 and I heard Betty Wright crooning After the Pain. "Why is that Albro?" "Three words CC. Welch Middle School." He disconnected the call. Albro had been following me. Now I had to be extra careful. I drove to my home and parked Debose's car. Went inside and took a long hot bubble bath. I soaked and thought about the last couple of days. Meanwhile my $15,000 pair of Manolo Blahniks were gone. You see it didn't matter how many other shoes I acquired. Those were my first and I will always be chasing that first high from the first pair. I had to find them. I got out of the tub. Put on a black lace La Perla bra and panty set. White Tshirt black jeans and the white and black Jordan 11s. I threw on a black fitted Astros cap and put on Mac lipglass in Pink Pout. I locked up my queendom and got Charlene ready. Who is Charlene? Charlene is my 2008 Suzuki Hyabusa. She is red and curvy and one of the best motorcycles I've ever owned. I love her. I slid a sock over my left jordan threw on my backpack. I kept a .45 under the seat. I had business. Before I drove off I turned and checked my surroundings. Didnt realize I still had visitors. This Piggy would fly and I always was fly.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What looks Ordinary on a F@#king Crazy Day!

I dug into Monet's dirty rice. My eyes rolled back into my head. I had to give it to her. Her passion for food was evident in her restaurant's cuisine. She took a sip of her Merlot. "You are tryna to catch Albro. Well we have been tryna to shut his business down for years. He is beating the shoe market and cornering it. The price of Louboutins used to be sixty on the dollar. Now he has it up at seventy five." I whistled. You see Shannon had a discerning monetary interest in this shoe shit. Me? I was in it for the kill. It was my habit and I had to maintain it or I would get sick. I listened to Monet talk but as I did so, I couldnt help staring at her Manolo Blahnik shoes. They were red amd satin with a 5 inch heel pointy toed- "Piggy! Piggy are you ok?" I cleared my mind. I had drifted off. "Now I will spare no expense to catch Albro, you understand. But you better know what you are doing. If you don't take him down, I 'll be out of a lot of money. I don't need to tell you what that'll cost you." She turned to Jody. Smiled and said, "Sugar what's the matter? You don't like the Pat Pot salad?" Jody was so scared she shook her head. "Shannon, when have I ever NOT handled my business."  Monet dabbed her crimson red lips with her napkin. She is such a f@#king lady. "CC you handle your business so I think you deserve it girl but ohhh, ohhh! You have let the dope consume you. Yeah girlie I saw you walk into Saltgrass the other day. You strutted in in those brand new shoes and it was obvious that you are a junkie. You need to get it together." I couldn't say anything because most of what she said was true. It had gotten bad. "Look Shannon, I got a handle on this shit ok? I just need to get on that's all." A waiter came and refilled my glass of Beretta St. Sweet Tea. "Finish your ribs, Piggy." I did as I was told. "You know what I need?" Monet nodded her head. "When can I pick up?" "After dessert. Jody I hope you like bread pudding. It is the best this side of the Astrodome." Monet rose. "Jody you enjoy dessert. This lil piggy is coming with me." I got up and followed her to her back office. Her office went from a formal setting decorated in hues of reds oranges and browns to a cold armory decorated in the color of steel. She had everything from AK'S to Kevlar. There was a desert eagle and glocks of every caliber. She had gauges and rifles. There was camouflage gear and a holster for every person. "Piggy I've had a truck loaded for you with what you need. You give my boys directions on where it needs to be delivered. Once you have Albro you send me pictures or some kind of proof then I'll have a bonus for you." "Monet that's not necessary." She came closer to me and grabbed me by the neck. "So are you refusing my generosity?" When I looked her in her eyes hers dilated. She realized she was looking into her own eyes through mine. "Monet, I'm not a little girl anymore. Take your hand from around my neck." She did what she was told. "So the grasshopper becomes the sinsay huh." She smiled. Downed her drink. We went back to the table. Jody had devoured her bread pudding. I knew she would. It was excellent. My phone vibrated. Just who I needed to talk to. "Jody we need to go." Jody looked disappointed. "CC, why don't you go and take care of your business. Jody can stay with me and chat. I'll make sure my driver take her anywhere she wants to go." I nodded. "Monet you're right. Jody is that cool." She smiled and agreed. I left. Before I did I looked back because I knew that Monet was grooming Jody to be her foot soldier. Just as she had done me. I didn't know if Jody knew what this meant but she was about to really become a grown woman. I dashed off to the car. I locked the doors and let the windows up. There was a Steve Madden pump shoe in my purse. I wrapped it in a towel and laid it on my vein. I reclined the seat a little and well you know the rest.....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Piggy owes Shannon Monet

Jody got into her dress. I had to give it to her. She was outta sight. In fact I thought she cleaned up real nicely. I pulled her hair up into a elegant messy ponytail. Made her eyes smokey. She had some thick pretty lips that I applied Plum lipstick to. She was bad. Jody was obviously ______'s type. Caramel skin, pretty hair and thick. We got back in the Camaro. I jumped on 610 and headed downtown to Shannon's Plate. The finest fusion food restaurant this side of Slow loud and banging. This was the only place I knew where you could order some ox tails and a Kobe steak. You could order mustard greens and asparagus spears. You could have some meatloaf and veal. Sweet potatoes and parsnips. You could have a hamburger and then homemade pralines. Funny thing is this was a five star restaurant and people dressed formal to get some of Shannon's Forty Weight gravy on an Armani silk dress. When we arrived two handsome gentlemen no doubt goons of Monet's from Quail Run escorted us to a private section. There she was. Shannon Monet was dressed in a silk kimono dress that hugged her immaculate curves. Her hair was styled in a bun and she had Chinese bangs. On her feet? Red Manolo Blahniks. She welcomed me and Jody with open arms. You see Shannon and I were similar. We were both red or yella as some put it. She was ambitious and had become successful in almost everything that she set out to do. And for the most part I had too. But what many people may not have noticed was that Monet and I had the same eyes. Oh yeah Monet was beautiful to look at but she had the eyes of a stone cold killer. That's why we had a quiet mutual understanding of things. Monet sat down. "How are you pretty girl. I am Shannon Monet." Jody looked starstruck. "Miss Monet, it is a honor-". Shannon cut her off. "None of that baby girl. I put my Blahniks on- shoes baby one foot at a time." Servers then approached the table. Monet's eyes lit up. Her southern charm was turned on then. "Well I hope y'all hungry. I went on ahead and ordered for y'all. My Slow Loud and Banging pork ribs some dirty third rice, we have some Mo City mustard greens and some Patrick Manly potato salad. We gone change the name to PAT POT salad." She grinned. The food looked delicious. I noticed Jody had an undesirable look on her face. "Miss Monet, the food here looks and smells wonderful. However I don't eat pork. Do you-" I grabbed Jody by the arm and stood up. "Monet the child hasnt been feeling well. Let me get her to her medicine. We'll be right back." Monet eyes had turned steel gray. Everybody and I mean everybody knows that you do not refuse Shannon Monet's pork ribs. Why? Because she had Nebraska corn raised hogs that she meticoulously cut her ribs off. Monet was a beautiful psychopath that you didn't eff with. I gave Jody the game real quick and she sat her ass back down and devoured those ribs. I thought to myself, all that ass of Jody didn't come from just fish and turkey. "I'm assuming this young lady is cool, Piggy." "Monet you know she cool. Let's get down to business. I got a squad. It's four of us. We need artillery." I watched her pick up a rib with those manicured hands. "I got it. You don't worry about that. We need to discuss my fee." I sighed. Here we go....

Monday, December 6, 2010

Let that be the Reason Piggy....

My cell rang. I motioned for Jody to get up and follow me. "This Piggy." "Piggy baby..." I would know this chick's voice anywhere. It was Shannon Monet. "Monet you got some good news for me?" "You know I do. Every accessory you need. It'll be almost free for you." I heard her chuckle. "Almost." "When can I pick them up?" "Soon. How about you come by my restaurant this evening for dinner. My treat. We have a lot to discuss CC." She hung up. That meant that this dinner was not an option. My phone alerted me short after. I had a text message and it read "Dress appropriately." I got the keys to Debose's camaro. I told Jody to get in. "What the fuck are you doing? _______ and you haven't even been married that long. You steppin out on him." She sucked her teeth. I turned the radio on and ironically Luther Ingram was singing  If loving you is Wrong. "So you not talking huh?" "Why you care? He in love with you. What difference does it make whether or not Im stepping out on him?" She had tackled me with that. Part of that may have been true. I knew that _____  and I would probably always have feelings for one another. Fact is it was her that he married not me. "I can't reach him. No matter what I do. We never can reach the bond that I know he still has with you." "What you mean still has? I just saw him yesterday. We hadn't seen each other in a year since then." "It don't matter CC. Its the way he talks about you. Knowing that yall have the same tattoo. When he hear your name or says it he has that look. Sometimes I feel like I can't get away from you." I sighed. Jody was 20. I had a few years on her. It was a lot she didnt understand about Mac. I had an idea. I figured I could take her with me to see Shannon Monet. Show her was being a grown woman was all about. "Look you don't want to go to jail, from now on you do what I say. We gone ride today." I went back in and talked to Debose. None of the others had seen Jody and I knew David and Debose would cover for me even if it costs their lives. That's what loyalty is. Me and Jody left and headed to Priscilla's of Boston. I had to get Jody some party gear. "I have an important meeting with a very important woman this evening. You need to look the part." She looked at me. I saw paranoia written all over your face. "Why are you doing this? I know you want my husband." I chuckled. Yeah _____ the bitch had balls. "You know that's your problem. Your little ass think you know everything. You don't know shit! Imma teach you some game that will help you keep your husband." She snorted but I know she was interested. We went in and got Jody a bad black cocktail dress. They had a pair of cheap satin slingback pumps to match. She had the audacity to ask about my own private collection. "Bitch please. Would a junkie share his dope?" I think not. Something about Jody reminded me of myself. I felt weird about helping her. Seeing how she was married to the man I was in love with. I loved HIM so much that I would do anything to ensure that he was happy. I booked a room at the Sheraton Astrodome. Paid cash. Jody and I needed to get ready for dinner with Shannon Monet. I decided that I would step out in a knee length royal blue strapless cocktail number. Royal blue and rhinestone studded Manolo Blahniks to match. I took them out of the box. I rubbed them and then as I put one on, I saw Jody staring at me. "What?" She shook her head and closed the door. I stood up dabbed Cashmere into my cleavage. Checked the pistol in my garter and headed to Shannon's Plate. It was always eventful when Shannon Monet and I got together. Tonight would be no different.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life is a sting and then you DIE.......

"We've been set up. Fuck its 5-0!" My gun was aimed at him. I smiled. My team surrounded me and we rushed the house. "Gentlemen listen up! My name is Piggy and these here are Piggy's boys. Boys introduce yourselves." Debose points his weapon to suspect number one. "I'm Debose. No first name just Debose like Geraldo or Madonna." I secured the scene. "Bolt the muthafuckin doors nobody move." The two suspects that we had secured had odd looks on their faces. So I knew that it was more people in the house. "David bring me that gauge." Suspect demeanor changed. The gauge many times was for show. Whenever I ever had to fire it, it would knock me on my ass. I heard movement towards the back of the house. With my twin behind me I walk towards the back. "HPD! Come out now while I'm being nice!" A shot came through a closed bedroom door. My twin and I were quick. I cocked the gauge and fired back. It's amazing what buckshot does to flesh. The assailant was thrown back and I had a bruise on my right shoulder. He had a MAC-10 Inside the room there was dope everywhere. Two other men had their hands up. "Get your ass on the gotdamn ground! Now!" They did as was told. There was money and dope on the bed, on a table, and in the closet. The other two suspects were handcuffed and taken into the main part of the house. We heard a toilet flush. I motioned for them to check the bathroom. I turned the knob and it was locked. No problem. I put my black patent leather Air Force 1 boot through the bathroom door. She was wearing a towel. It dropped from around her when she saw us standing there. "Bitch get down!" She was in shock. I saw she didn't have a weapon but I was still on guard. I handed her the towel. She wrapped it around herself and I grabbed her by her neck. "I said Get Down!" I handcuffed her and brought her out. When she saw the guy I pumped with buckshot she screamed. Her cries told me that this was her man. When I looked at her, I recognized her. I couldn't place where I had seen her initially. Meanwhile the rest of my team were busy identifying the perps. I went in search of clothes for our lady. I knew she was probably innocent in all of this but one thing about it, on my busts everybody went to jail. I found a shirt and some jeans. I motioned for her to come back into the bathroom. She did. "What the fuck are you doing here? Does ______ know you're here?" Her eyes got big."Yeah you don't recognize me?" "Omigod. It is you." "Yes ma'am. You gone tell me what a married woman is doing in a trap house with four other men." "It don't matter. You taking me to jail anyway." "Maybe. Maybe not. Chickadee you got some explaining to do." She sat and thought for a moment. I pulled my card out. Handed it to her. "Get dressed. We'll take a ride." I went back into the living room. This was a big bust. Weed, pills, cocaine, and gallons of PCP. There was cash, scales and other paraphernalia that was all coming with us. I bit my bottom lip, crossed my arms across my chest and sighed. This was my universe and I was Queen of it. And this was only the beginning.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Piggy the Cop

I had a steak au jous sandwich that day. I sat and thought about all that had transpired. I felt eyes on me. I looked across the way and there was a lady staring at my pumps. You see this was in addition to my high. I am addicted to fabolous shoes but the way people admire them was like the cigarette you smoke after smoking the blunt. I paid the tab and made sure I sashayed past my admirer. My cell rang. It was my captain. I answered. "Piggy, where the hell are you?" "Capt. I'm on my way." "We got a bust in Third Ward. We need you." "I'm on my way." Here we go. You see in all my extracurricular activiites I forget about my career as a police officer. I headed to the compound. I traded my .380 for the .45. Big girls carry big guns. I put on a sports bra, black fitted tee my vest and black fatigues. I was ready. I joined my team in the truck and we were off. I have done many stings like this. Its never completely easy. You see its always that chance that I may not come home. I hated when I bought shoes and then had to go in. My mind wouldnt be completely focused. But I had to do what I had to do. Im the only woman on my team. There are ten other men who I trust my life with and they trust me with theirs. Bertran the Irish white boy with freckles was my partner when I was on regular patrol. Edwards had six children and the cleansest shot I had ever known. Debose was back up, had been a police officer and an alcoholic for more than twenty years. Then there was David Coyle. He had just got married, has a son, and happens to be my twin brother. I loved him more than the air I breathe. We arrived on Southmore. I made sure everyone had a magnet on the bottom of their radios. They didnt need to know that we were coming. I stopped my twin before we went in. I smiled so did he. "I love you baby." He kissed my forehead. "I love you too." "Let's get it in." Im the female on the team so Im bait and switch. What's bait and switch? Well its like this. No matter what the situation is life or death, Adam's downfall was Eve. Im the tactical narcotics team's Eve. I took my weapon off safety. My team was in position and I knocked on the door. A males voice says who is it. "This Keisha bae.... The door opened up. He looked at me and the shit storm started.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Piggy talks to Shannon Monet......

_______ kissed me. We promised to keep in touch and we parted ways. I watched him walk away. I just hoped his wife Jody knew what she had. Crazy thing is he felt like he was the lucky one. I was sitting in my car thinking about what I needed to do with Albro's ass. I wasn't naive. I knew that Ivory Albro had been in this game a long time. He hadn't survived it by being the nice boy. I don't know how I hadn't put two in two together. I was feeling bad. There was only one place I could go to make me feel better. I pulled up in front of the mall and hightailed it to Baker's shoe store. When I walked through the door my senses were heightened. Katy my favorite saleswoman walked up. "Courtney, how are you baby?" I shivered and sniffled. She saw me trembling. "Better Katy, now that I see you." She took my hand and sat me down. "It's okay Courtney. Mama Katy is going to take real good care of you ok? Brent, Courtney is here and she is geeking bad! Bring those emerald green pumps we got in size 8 NOW!" She held me tight. "Courtney we have some Moscato and that expensive cheese you like. You want some?" "Yeah fix me up Katy." And she did. I left with H by Halston taupe boots hidden platforms, Wild pair of rose pink over the knee boots, and a pair of emerald green pumps by Bakers. My tab was close to $500 but when I stepped into each shoe I got that rush. The colors and sensibilities came at me and were flushing through my veins. I exploded from the inside out. I put my glasses back on. Kissed Katy's cheek. She always took care of me but then again I took care of her too tip and commission.  Brent carried my bags to the car. He looked at me and there was a sad look in his eyes. "I know Brent. Don't look at me like that. See you in a couple of days." He just nodded. I threw my purchases in the car. I felt better. But also when I went out on binges like this I would feel dirty afterwards. I looked at my watch. It was close to three o'clock. I had got high and so now I was hungry. I pulled my car into the parking lot of Saltgrass. That's when I saw her. Shannon Monet. Houston's IT girl. She was on the Urban League. She had her own cooking show. Several restaurants. And Councilwoman. She was also my boss. She was in Saltgrass in Ramona Cavalli from head to toe. She had on five inch RC stiletto pumps and I got the shakes. We locked eyes. I nodded and so did she. We met at the bar. "Courtney how are you? Love those shoes. They look new." I smiled. She knew they were. "Thank you. How you been?" "I've been good. You got something for me?" I motioned to the waitress. Ordered a drink. Cranberry and Grey Goose. "I got a rat that we've been trying to catch. I know you have the artillery I need to catch him." Shannon Monet smiled gracefully. You see this bitch was definitely a lady but she was a beast under all that class. "Courtney I got what you need. What I get outta this?" "I'm gonna trap Albro and when I do you'll get the press you want and need and I'll get the payoff I deserve." Monet perked up. "Piggy you know what you doing?" "Yeah." "Alright I don't need to tell you whatll happen if this goes bad do I?" I saw the imprint of her garter holster. She patted it. "Unneccessary Monet." She shook her cocktail glass. "Call me in a couple of hours, ma. I'll have what you need." She paid the bartender and she and her driver left. Who knew the city councilwoman of  Houston was one of the biggest gun runners on the third coast. I shook my head and went over the menu. Im coming for you Ivory Albro. I think this lil Piggy wants Roast Beef today.